Women’s Day 2018 Messages

Women’s Day 2018 Messages
Dear Friends,
This Saturday on our Labyrinth Walk we will explore how or whether we implement Self Love into our daily lives.
Marianne Williamson says;
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
Each one of us, women and men, must take a good look at who we are, what we can do, and explore our latent talents, skills and abilities. What is holding us back from sharing these abilities or letting others know we have them? Having the courage to say, “I can do that!” is what our world needs right now. This is all part of Self Love.
We must also understand we are already good enough because we are children of God.
No one has the right to put us down or make fun of us or tell us we can’t pursue a dream. Self Love is standing up for oneself.
See you at the Labyrinth Walk!!!
Dear Friends,We know before we love anyone else we must first
1. Love God
2. Love Ourselves ( respect, honor, care for, appreciate, know our Divinity), then
3. Love Others
Let us take the time to really appreciate who we are today. Have another personal burning bowl ceremony and let go of any “old tapes” or “negative nasties,” such as
• not feeling good enough,
• guilt for past mistakes
• the old, too tall, too fat, too thin, too whatever….
• not smart enough
• can’t do it because…
You know your own “monkey mind.” It chatters away so loudly it cannot hear the TRUTH about ourselves. Remember:
You are Blessed, Beautiful Children of the Most High God.
Your DNA is God’s DNA.
You are Divine
You are Spiritual Beings, having a human experience.
You are Loved by God
Since you are God in form and manifestation, how can you NOT love yourselves.
Not loving yourselves, means not loving the living God within!
Start blowing KISSES to yourself today and begin your I AM ….list.
I AM wonderful
I AM beautiful
I AM accomplished
I AM intelligent
I AM Loving and Loved
Continue your list and know “I AM” are two words for GOD. So you are speaking the truth about God and about YOU!
Dear Friends,
I love the quote by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. WE can ALL Serve in some way.
Being in Service, to me, means being aware of someone else’s needs and being willing to support and help in some way. This could be with a co-worker, a friend, a family member and/or a favorite charity, or a cause that is dear to you.
We are all here on earth to learn, not only how to be in service to God, and others, but also to be in service to ourselves We do this by loving, caring and being compassionate with ourselves when we make a mistake, or misspeak. We have heard the phrase, “Peace Begins With Me.” Service begins with ourselves and perhaps that can be a new years resolution and/or intention. We must be kind to ourselves, respect ourselves and find the joy for ourselves and follow it. When we are kind and joyful, we have the heart and mind to help others be kind to themselves and find their joy. This would cause a ripple affect spreading out to everyone, and as the Law of Cause and Effect applies, would come back to us multiplied! We would be living in a sea of kindness, compassion, caring , respect and love for each other, ourselves and God.
Be in Service and let it begin with You!
Dear Friends,
JANUARY seems to be the month for setting intentions for the coming year.
How often have you set an intention or a goal to have it disintegrate within a day, month or sometime during the year?
Are you tired of “trying to lose weight,” exercise more, work harder, etc……?
I will raise my hand for all of those.
This year I plan to follow a cherished value or virtue and decide when I am making a choice or decision, to ask the question, “Is this in alignment with my most cherished virtue/value? I know I can follow that intention. It will also make my decision easier.
What do you value? What is a cherished virtue? The Virtues Project offers a list you can find on the internet.
When faced with a decision or choice, what virtue/value will lead you through the process to a conclusion? Here are a few to think about. Make your intention into an affirmation. For example:
Caring – I am caring and respectful.
Commitment – I am committed to this project and will see it through.
Compassion – I am compassionate with others who may be hurting and/or saying
unkind words to me.
Confidence – I am confident, even in my fearfulness.
Creativity – I am creative. I always can see another way.
Flexibility – I am flexible and give others a chance to soar with their talents.
Forgiveness – I am forgiving in the midst of hurt and turmoil.
Honesty – I am honest with myself . I am honest with others without being
Careful – I am careful with my words /actions knowing I have the power to harm
or help.
Integrity – I am in integrity with all aspects of my life, even behind closed doors.
Kindness – I am kind to people. I associate with those who are also kind.
Orderliness – I am orderly in mind, at home, at work, in my car and
wherever I go.
Patience – I am patient with those who do not understand or disagree with me
What are your words/values/virtues to live by? How will you use them to guide you in the decision making process this coming year?
Dear Friends,
Many have heard the term, “Keeping the High Watch.” There are often Religious Science practitioners trained to keep a High Watch by seeing God and the Highest Good in All during a service. They also know God as Divine Good is in each person when praying for them.. Everyone has the ability to SEE the GOOD-GOD in all, through all and as all. We always have a choice, to See the Good, or to see the appearance of not Good.
What you choose to see is what you experience. God is Good on this dimension and in all dimensions.
Keeping the High Watch also means being aware of God’s messages to you to help you stay in the Divine flow of life. What does God’s message look like? It can be a telephone call, a sign you notice on the freeway, a thought, an image in your mind, a bird, a song, just about anything to capture your attention for the moment to listen and be watchful. Practicing the High Watch on a daily basis will prepare you for challenges in the future.
For example, last Sunday I knew I had to go to church. I felt a bit tired after the busy Thanksgiving week, however there was this “urging” to go.
“Urging” was God’s message for me to go. Steve and I went and we had a very meaningful conversation with one of the board members about ANTN and CSL, met a person who had attended the NAIN Conference and had wanted to meet us. I saw an old friend who I had suggested several weeks ago to attend this church. These were three connections I recognized as why I was urged to go to church.
One day I was feeling a bit sad about the loss of a beloved brother in law and a beloved friend all in the same month. The day had been quite dismal. As I had this feeling, all of a sudden the sun broke through the clouds and I felt the rays of God’s loving sun shine on me. I knew both Larry and John were in God’s loving arms and the sadness disappeared.
The SUN was God’s message to me of Divine love everywhere. All is well.
One day last week I decided to go holiday shopping and somehow I just could not bring myself to go. It felt like my feet and whole body were dragging. Now, the “old” me would have barreled through that feeling. The “new” me stopped and reconsidered. If I really feel this way, then it was not time for me to go. So I didn’t. The next day I felt energized and ready to shop. The roads were clear, the stores were practically empty and I got everything I needed in record time.
The physical draginess was my signal from God to NOT leave the house.
I was on my way home with just one more stop at CVS. It just seemed like it was so far out of my way, I decided not to go there. Then a thought and an image appeared in my mind. I “saw” another CVS on my way home. I would not have to go out of my way.
The CVS image was God’s way of saying, here is another option.
How does GOD appear to you? God is appearing and speaking to us all the time.
It is up to us to heed the messages, pay attention to the signals and keep the High Watch!
God Blesses us with Good everyday. Let us accept it!
Peace and Blessings,