Plant a Peace Garden

Dear  Friends,
We are back from our vacation to the Big Island of Hawaii, the Kona side. It was a  time of rest, renewal and relaxation. We noticed the laid back feeling and atmosphere.  It felt like we were in a constant “alpha state.”
I did not expect to see so much black lava on this side especially from Kona north to Kawaihae. This is a very dry side of the island.  We also traveled to Hilo, the wet, more lush side of the island and saw the steamy volcanoes.
So much to love…..
I loved watching the sun go down over the ocean.  It was a magnificent reminder of God’s Highest Glory.  I also loved being on the beach at night and seeing the wondrous brilliantly lit stars in the sky.
I loved hearing the soothing ocean waves put us to sleep every night. Ahhhhh….peace.
One of our favorite sights was visiting the Botanical Peace Gardens about 40 minutes south of Kona.  Not easy to find, but amazing to see. There were gardens, a peace pole and shrines honoring many faith traditions. One man created a huge beautiful garden replicating the Galaxy. Each flower and bush represented stars, planets in our galaxy.
I loved the idea of a peace garden.  Perhaps the next time you plant flowers consider it “Planting for Peace.”
We know every seed planted in soil is like a thought, planted in mind.
Seeds and thoughts will grow according to how they are nourished. We are coming into our Spring season so I ask you to think about how many seeds of peace are you planting today?
Plant your peace garden first in mind. Plant the flowers and vegetables in your soil next. Let every breath you take be one of peace, kindness and compassion. Allow every breath you release be one of love for self, human and animal kind.
Let us renew ourselves and the world with our personal peace and love.
Peace Be With You.   ALOHA
Galaxy Garden, Ariel view
Abigail inside Galaxy Garden
Volcano Lava flow (photo of picture)
Lava rock on side of road with wild grass growing.

A Higher Love

Hearts are the strongest 
when they beat in response to noble ideals.
Ralph Bunche
Dear Friends,
is Valentine’s Day where chocolate, flowers and gifts are bountiful and given to ones we love.  This day is supposed to be all about love.  We know love is more that showing up with a gift.  There are times when love is broken, unhappy or none at all.  That is love with a small ‘l.”  Love is much more. Love is the Reality of Life. Love is another word for God. Below is a beautiful quote by Ernest Holmes who taps into Real Love. When we can raise our consciousness and embrace Real Love, it does not matter who we are with or what we are doing, we are being LOVE in form. Today read the quote below and reflect on each idea. Where are you in the sea of Love? Are you immersed in it, being it, or are you on top of the wave, trying to hang on.
BE Love today. Embrace and BE your true Essence.
“I believe that Love is the center of everything, and I accept Love is the healing power of Life. I permit Love to reach out from me to every person I meet. I believe Love is returned to me from every person I meet. I trust the guidance of Love because I believe it is the power of good in the universe. I feel that Love is flowing through me to heal every situation I meet, to help every person I contact. Love opens the way before me and makes it perfect, straight and glad. Love forgives everything unlike itself; it purifies everything. Love converts everything that seems common place into that which is wonderful. Love converts weakness into strength,  fear into faith.    Love.”
365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Today, I will cause a ripple effect of good by an act of kindness toward another.
Today, I will tell at least one person they are special and important.
Today, I will make a conscious effort to smile at someone whom I have held a grudge against in the past.

Time of Trouble, Time of Blessings

Dear Friends,
Time of Trouble – Time of Blessings
One of our beloved friends, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on February 1st. Rev. John has been serving the San Diego area for 30 years as clergy, teacher, pastor, musician, and singer/songwriter. Steve and I have known Rev. John for years and he has always been a dear friend and colleague.  He will begin his chemo and radiation therapy within the next week to ten days.
Rev. John has always taught, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react and meet the challenge. Whatever the challenge may be.
We are saddened to hear the diagnosis of our dear friend, and we know his practitioners and friends are continuing to SEE and KNOW GOD is BIGGER than any diagnosis. In New Thought we believe God is ALL there is, in all, as all through all. As Rev. John loved to say, “We are OF God.”  God, Spirit, Universal Intelligence, Mind, Creator, Source, by whatever  name you wish to call IT, is the essence of all beings everywhere, in all dimensions and universes.    At this time we can know this Truth with and for Rev. John and his wife Dr.Connie. Even if you do not know Rev. John, help us in your prayer time to  see him healthy and whole, preachin’ and singin’ again with his beautiful smile, positive words, and great voice.

We know when someone we love or care about has  health, financial, relationship, family, work, and/or personal challenges there is always a

Blessing embedded within.
Challenges move us forward on our spiritual journey, for ourselves and for those we know going through them. We all have an opportunity to  view the situation from a Higher Consciousness which will keep the energy raised where LIGHT and LOVE come through to bring clarity, wisdom and healing in all areas of life.
When we pray let us know the Truth of our Being – One in, as and of God
When we pray, let us affirm with words, thoughts and feelings only the Highest Good for the person.
When we pray, let us see the Christ Presence, Buddha Presence, Mahavir Presence, Babaji Presence and the essence of all Avatars filling every atom, cell and molecule of the person with LIGHT, LOVE, and WHOLENESS.
When we pray, let us Vision the person well and doing what he or she Loves to do.
When we pray, let us release and surrender the prayer to God, knowing the Divine Outcome is already done.
And so it is, Amen
Season for Non-Violence
 64 Ways in 64 Days Affirmations
Today, I practice nonviolence and respect for Mother Earth  by making good use of her resources.
Today, I take time to appreciate nature.
Today , I plant seeds- plants or constructive ideas.

Visioning for our Country 
I see an America that feels safe where everyone knows they have what they need to be healthy, and have all the opportunities to grow and become the perfect unique expression to be the person they are meant to be. Every person will be equally important but uniquely different. America will offer its’ citizens the best G-D intends for all humanity to become. We will be partners in a global fellowship where every country has equal opportunities for its’ citizens to be free and safe.  All will want the best for their
unique fulfillment.


Interfaith Harmony

Dear Friends,
By the United Nations Declaration this is the:
World Interfaith Harmony Week
and we begin the Season for Non Violence
The Denver Area Task Force created
 “64 Ways in 64 Days: Daily Commitments to Live By.”
I will be featuring many of these daily affirmations during this beautiful season created by AGNT, Arun and Sunanda Gandhi. For more information please go to
Let’s begin with:
Today, I reflect on what peace means to me.
Today, I look at opportunities to be a peacemaker.
Today, I look beyond stereotypes and prejudices.
Today, I will enlarge my capacity to embrace differences and appreciate the value of every human being.
Our world, local and global need us as  peacemakers. The more we seek to reconcile with members of our family, friends and co-workers the energy of quiet contentment resonates out as a ripple affect. Each one of us must do our part at this time in earth history.  Find the commonalities people  can agree on and help them work towards a common goal.
As we seek peace with others, we must also seek peace within ourselves. Peace happens when we are aware of our own stereotypes and prejudices. When a biased thought comes up, look at it, rephrase it and heal it. We are not here to judge, only to love.
We are all made DIFFERENTLY.   I believe we have been created in His Spiritual Image and Likeness, which means created as love, joy, peace, harmony, happiness, abundance, Intelligence and more.  I do not believe it means our physical bodies or personalities.  Without these differences, how can we learn to live with, cooperate and collaborate with people? SAMENESS is boring.  It will not keep us mentally and spiritually alive. Every person is valued by God.  It is within our own Divine nature to value one another regardless how different we may seem.
One of our friends, Lea Segel, gave us this Reading for the Sabbath from the Chautauqua Hebrew Congregation N.Y.
“Where Can Holiness Be Found?
There is holiness when we strive to be true to the best we know.
There is holiness when we are kind to someone who cannot possibly be of service to us.
There is holiness when we promote family harmony.
There is holiness when we forget what divides us and remember what unites us.
There is holiness when we are willing to be laughed at for what we
believe in.
There is holiness when we love-truly and honestly and unselfishly.
There is holiness when we remember the lonely and bring cheer into a dark corner.
There is holiness when we share our bread, our ideas, our enthusiasms.
There is holiness when we gather to pray to him who gave us the power to pray.
Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Host. All of life can be filled with this glory

Peace and Harmony

Women Rights are Human Rights

Dear Friends,


The Women’s Rights March  was in Washington DC and many major  and local cities in the USA this past Saturday.  Millions of women, men and children marched together sharing the common value of BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.  We must all stand together and protect  our freedom of choice,  freedom to live where we want to, freedom to attend the faith community of our choice,  freedom to ensure equality in work and pay regardless of color, gender, ethnicity, culture and faith. Saying it this way makes me feel like we have stepped back 100’s of years in our human evolution and consciousness.        

I know we have not stepped back in time, because there are so many people here willing to stand up and keep our government on track.   

Last Saturday morning, due to some plumbing challenges we needed to take care of, I was not able to join my sisters in San Diego, however I did have a chance later in the afternoon to walk the neighborhood with my sign.




When spider webs unite,
they can halt even a lion.
~ African Proverb



Let us continue to visualize a country and a world that works for everyone.  Here is one excerpt from a person who came to our 

Visioning for our Country Labyrinth Walk 


“I see all people being taken care of – food, shelter, medical needs. People who have experienced earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc. will be helped by our government. All children will have access to medical attention, schools and food. America will consider all of its citizens to be equal. Americans will show compassion to each other without regard to race or economic status. Americas will respect each other’s religions. Americans will help and honor each other and treat each other with dignity and respect.

Americans will look for the good in each other. Americans will look each other in the eye and honor our differences and what we have in common. We are all connected.”

– by Nancy

Thank you Dr. King and Happy Birthday
(Founded by the Association for Global New Thought
and Arun  & Sunanda Gandhi)
Dear Friends,
The inauguration is coming up and I have to be honest with you, I am struggling with the change in leadership in our country.  I greatly admire President Barack Obama and Michele and their modeling the High Road in thought and action as this change is immanent.
I was reminded one morning while reading “The Daily Word” during my prayer and meditation time,  how we are all ONE FAMILY.  I know you know this truth and now as our country seems divided I must, and we must consciously hold this idea in our hearts and minds.  Here is the excerpt from Saturday, January 14th.
Our Expanded Concept of Family Includes All People.
The people we call family are united by birth, like minds, or spiritual connectivity.  No matter how we define and develop our family unit, we can expand our vision. We are all children of God, linked in spiritual oneness with each other and kindred souls regardless of our cultural or perceived differences.
As with immediate and extended family, we may not always see eye to eye or connect heart to heart. During those times, let’s remember that those who may be the hardest to relate to as family could very well be the people needing our compassion and prayers the most.
Together we are members of a divinely created, universal family.”
As God said, “I will live in them and walk among them,
and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
-Corinthians 6:16″
The sentence I highlighted helped me ponder the upcoming inauguration.
I personally have a hard time relating to and do not see ‘eye to eye’ with the new president, and yet he too is part of my human family and needs prayer.
Jesus the Christ said we must love God, love ourselves, our neighbors and our enemies as well.
Dr. King said, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend”
My affirmative prayer for the new president, vice-president, advisers, staff, government and military leaders is:
*Opening  of heart and mind to be inclusive and protect the human rights of all people of all faiths, color, culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,  women and children.
*Expansion of consciousness to be compassionate and serve the people in the highest and kindest way.
*Putting integrity first and do what is right to help ALL people in all aspects of life (health, education, jobs etc.)
*Building relationships of Trust with countries around the world.
*Choosing the high road in negotiations, working towards a win-win outcome. Choose peace, not war.
*Lastly,  just being  GOOD, being God on earth. Finding their spiritual core within and leading from the wisdom and intelligence of their  hearts.
Consciousness Change and Miracles in Life happen!  All is part of the Divine Plan of Spiritual Transformation and Evolution.  I believe in IT!

Love Your Unexpected Paths

Image result for unexpected paths

Dear Friends,
In Mark Nepo’s  The Book of Awakening, he says,
“There are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.”
Here we are at the beginning of a new and fabulous 2017.  I know we will all experience both the expected and unexpected paths in the coming year.
During my morning meditation, I visualize my day unfolding with intention and then I surrender it all to God.  I am then ready for the adventure of following unexpected paths, doing unexpected things and meeting unexpected people.
Just recently, I got an email from a 10th grade Humanities teacher from a high school in San Diego who is looking to have people of diverse faiths come and talk with his students about their faith.  To me, that is a Divine Connection. I know Steve and I, as well as members of the Poway Interfaith Team, will love to share our diverse faith traditions with the students.
I also talked with a neighbor who only planned to sit, read his book and have a cup a coffee at Starbucks, when an elderly gentleman asked if he could join him.  After an hour of engaging conversation, they both realized they were connected in so many ways, through work, and past historic events. How on earth could you ever plan that Heavenly connection?
There may be an unexpected path in your life this upcoming year, which you may or may not like.  However, as Mark Nepo said, there are no wrong turns. All happens for a reason. Look at it as an unexpected blessing and the blessing will present itself to you.  We have to ask ourselves, HOW BIG is OUR GOD? Even on the highest mountain , God is there.  In the deepest crevice God is there. In the best times and in the worst of times, God is there guiding you to a higher good.
As you enter this new year of 2017, continue to be open to God’s flow in your life. Don’t fret over the small stuff, the TV news, the political situation, the world events. Pray, knowing GOD is Bigger and Greater than ALL of it.
Journeying Unexpected Paths Together,
Abigail and Steve


Spirit is Calling You

Dear Friends,
Another year around the sun.  Time just flies by in the Cosmos of life.
As every year, 2016 had its highs and lows for each of us, whether it was personal, spiritual, emotional, physical, or political.  However in the Grand Universal Scheme of things we experienced the tiniest part of our eternal lives. And each tiny part is like a part of a grand puzzle where each is needed and important to complete. We are here because we are needed to bring God Consciousness and purpose onto this earth dimension. We are here to answer Spirit’s Call within us for God works in us, through us, as us because God is us!
In 2017,  What is Spirit Calling YOU to Do?
We just celebrated the birth and emerging of Christ Consciousness within us at Christmas time.  We now have an opportunity  in the coming new year to fully develop the urgency of God’s call birthing a NEW and awesome purpose and vision within us.  Rather than “wanting” a new car, new home, new relationship, new job, why not  be “willing” to surrender to a Higher Idea, Higher Purpose, Higher Call in your life from/as God.  Your soul is on a journey upward.  Ride it intentionally.  GOD ALWAYS HAS A BIGGER, BETTER, HIGHER, and more FULFILLING PLAN for your life than you can imagine. It will be new, it may be scary, and it will always be RIGHT for you. When the new idea emerges within you, know it is YOURS to do. God is speaking to you and only you for that particular Divine Idea.  So just relax and give in to IT, to the DIVINE WILL and soar in Spirit, Heart and Mind to new and greater avenues of God’s Good in your lives.  I guarantee  when you do, you will automatically receive much more than you asked for.
The Divine Outcome will surprise and amaze you.
Remember you are a beloved child of  God.
Know your UNION in and of God.
Surrender to the DIVINE Will within You!
Hear IT, Answer IT and say YES to IT.
Step into  2017 by birthing a new purpose and vision for your life.
Be the Christ Consciousness in the world  NOW.
Spirit is Calling you. What is Yours  to do?
Happy New Year, Happy New You.
Abigail and Steve



Keep the twinkle and jingle bells in your heart.

Dear Friends,
My mentor minister, Dr. Juanella Evans always told me, “Consciousness is all there is.” When we are in tune with our consciousness we know who we are and where we stand.  Let us be in touch with our Christ Consciousness during this Holiday Season… and beyond.
At our Labyrinth walk last Saturday I made a commitment to be AWARE of the “INVISIBLE” people. These are the people you might not notice or may dismiss during your daily journey in life.
The other day I dropped a dollar in the Salvation Army can and almost missed the lady sitting in the chair ringing the bell. I stopped, turned around and said to her, “I see you.  I appreciate what you are doing.  I know it is not easy to sit here for hours in service. I just want to thank you.”  This lady got tears in her eyes and said, “You just made my day.”
I love the phrase, “I see you,” from the movie Avatar. There are many ways to SEE people.  A wave or hello to the Latino workers standing on the corner, hoping for a job, or to the gardeners working on front lawns. Send a greeting or thank you to our Sanitary Engineers who faithfully pick up all our garbage every week. Who else needs to be recognized and appreciated?
I walked past a lady beginning to unfold her walker/chair before going into Macys.  I asked her if she needed help.  She smiled and said, no, however she thanked me for the kind offer.   Waiting to hold a door open for someone, not being upset when someone takes your parking spot is a Consciousness of Grace.
Any person in customer service (stores, banks, post office) is in great need of kindness, respect and a smile at this time of year.  BE that person who  SEES them, appreciates and thanks them for their service.  Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Isn’t that what our beloved Jesus did?  He went out of his way to minister to the poor, sick and “unseen” people.
BE the Consciousness of Christ, SEE the people.  It will only crack your heart WIDE open with even greater love and awareness of your fellowman, woman and child this Holy Days Season.
I SEE You, I Appreciate You, I Love You,

BE Light BE Love & Forgive

Dear Friends,
I love to think we are in the season of LIGHT. The Master, our Beloved Jesus the Christ came to earth to spread Light and  Love to ALL people, barring none. This may not be the time in history when Jesus was born, however we have chosen to celebrate his birth, his light, his love and what he stood for at this time of year.  We know Jesus the Christ stood for LOVE.  It was the sole purpose of his teachings. Without love, nothing works.
There are many aspects of Love and one is Forgiveness. Strife, grudges, and disagreements seem to appear more quickly among families who have split apart on some issue of the past.  I hear it and see it within families I know.  I often wonder, how did the rift occur? What happened?   I know from experience, fully loving another person not only makes changes in one’s consciousness, it makes changes in the other person’s consciousness as well.  If there is someone who has hurt me through thought, word or deed, in my morning meditation I see this person  in my heart and mind and I am there with him/her.  I tell him/her  how much I love them and all the good qualities I see in him/her.  I picture a loving LIGHT essence surrounding both  of us.  We are encased in it, feeling it, experiencing it.  When I do this, the healing energy begins and soon God provides a way for us to connect, cry and rekindle a loving, whole relationship.
God’s purpose for our lives is to learn how to LOVE. We cannot truly fulfill our purpose in life when we have unforgiveness in our hearts, for ourselves and others. Forgiving ourselves is first and foremost for any misdeeds we have done in the past. Forgiving others is the second.  It does not matter who is right or wrong. It is time to step up in High Consciousness and close the gap with anyone who is estranged in your life.  When you become vulnerable, ego-less and say, I am sorry, please forgive me, it will be like a boulder has lifted from your shoulders and the glory of the Christ Light shines through.  Welcome the tears that will flow from both you and the other person.
It is time. BE the LIGHT, Be the LOVE as God intended you to be for yourself, your family, your friends and humanity.
In Love, Light and  Forgiveness,