BE Light BE Love & Forgive

Dear Friends,
I love to think we are in the season of LIGHT. The Master, our Beloved Jesus the Christ came to earth to spread Light and  Love to ALL people, barring none. This may not be the time in history when Jesus was born, however we have chosen to celebrate his birth, his light, his love and what he stood for at this time of year.  We know Jesus the Christ stood for LOVE.  It was the sole purpose of his teachings. Without love, nothing works.
There are many aspects of Love and one is Forgiveness. Strife, grudges, and disagreements seem to appear more quickly among families who have split apart on some issue of the past.  I hear it and see it within families I know.  I often wonder, how did the rift occur? What happened?   I know from experience, fully loving another person not only makes changes in one’s consciousness, it makes changes in the other person’s consciousness as well.  If there is someone who has hurt me through thought, word or deed, in my morning meditation I see this person  in my heart and mind and I am there with him/her.  I tell him/her  how much I love them and all the good qualities I see in him/her.  I picture a loving LIGHT essence surrounding both  of us.  We are encased in it, feeling it, experiencing it.  When I do this, the healing energy begins and soon God provides a way for us to connect, cry and rekindle a loving, whole relationship.
God’s purpose for our lives is to learn how to LOVE. We cannot truly fulfill our purpose in life when we have unforgiveness in our hearts, for ourselves and others. Forgiving ourselves is first and foremost for any misdeeds we have done in the past. Forgiving others is the second.  It does not matter who is right or wrong. It is time to step up in High Consciousness and close the gap with anyone who is estranged in your life.  When you become vulnerable, ego-less and say, I am sorry, please forgive me, it will be like a boulder has lifted from your shoulders and the glory of the Christ Light shines through.  Welcome the tears that will flow from both you and the other person.
It is time. BE the LIGHT, Be the LOVE as God intended you to be for yourself, your family, your friends and humanity.
In Love, Light and  Forgiveness,

Be at Peace



Dear Friends,
    I have been drawn to the idea of PEACE these past few days. I was reading  about the breath in one of my favorite books, Spiritual Unfoldment.  It talked about breathing in the Breath of God and exhaling Love, Light and Peace  to the world, and to every living being. I also have a  rose on my meditation table that says, “Love is the Answer.” I know when I have a loving heart, I am at peace. And as I was pulling out my Christmas decorations and other decor, I hung up some guest finger towels that said “Peace.”  There are no coincidences. PEACE  was and is on my plate!
     During this time of year, what can be more important than to keep oneself at Peace, in heart, mind, soul and body.  With deep inner peace, there can only be openness and love.  The Beloved Jesus the Christ said,
“Peace I leave with you, Peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
– John 14:27.
Today, as you sit, meditate, pray, and reflect, take in a deep cleansing breath then breathe deeply  bringing in all the Love and Peace of God.  As you exhale, send out the energy of Love, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness to all those who you love and those who you do not.   We must remember the Spark of God is within ALL people, not just a few.  As we see the good, the good emerges. Instead of wasting time on what you do not like, spend precious moments on what you do want, such as peace love, and goodness.
What we see and feel is what we get.  What do you want?  See it, feel it. LOVE it.  Be at Peace.
With Love  and Peace,

Be a Safe Haven

“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something, If we remember those times and places – and there are so many – where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however a small way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-Howard Zinn, historian

Dear Friends,
I was blessed to attend a
“Love Your Neighbor Vigil” last week in Escondido.  It was hosted by the Escondido Clergy held at Maple Square Park.
This was a lovely sacred Vigil, led by Rev. Sharon Wylie from Chalice Unitarian Universalist Congregation with prayers from many faith traditions, candle lighting and singing about love, peace and joy.escondido-safety-pin
We also had the opportunity to pick a SAFETY PIN and wear it.  Wearing a Safety pin signifies, this person is a  SAFE person to be with. This person will stand up and respond to any harmful actions regardless of race, color, creed, religion, or gender.
This person is a SAFE HAVEN for All people.
I found out so many people already knew about this Safety Pin movement.  It has been on Facebook and many at the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service knew about it.  Some plan to creatively decorate their safety pins.  I wore mine to a dinner about the Syrian Refugee emergency.   A nun had a safety pin on and also had extra pins to pass out, which she did. I too am keeping extra pins in my purse to pass out when someone asks, “What is that pin for?”
If you have an extra safety pin, WEAR IT proudly to show your support. It will speak volumes for you!


Pray for America

Dear Friends,
At our “Pray for America” Labyrinth Walk we affirmed our:
Collective VISION for America

November 5th 2016


I see America as a place where everyone can flourish and reach their highest level of good health, security, prosperity and JOY! I see everyone being treated as equals no matter what their race, creed, origin, sexual preference etc. I see everyone experiencing peace and safety in their homes, neighborhoods, cities, states and throughout America.


I see America as a more unified, peaceful and prosperous country with a new awareness of caring for all. I see our new president as a person who is sensitive and aware of the needs of our country, and who can do what needs to be done to make the government work and to operate with the highest good in mind. I ask that our leaders be lifted to a higher, finer vibration of powerful insight, compassion, intelligence and love in order to take our country in a direction that will benefit not only the U.S., but the world. I pray that our new president, and our government, will work together peacefully and successfully for the good of all. I pray that whatever happens, all Americans will unite in peace, brotherhood, and that the children of America will inherit a highly functional, renewed government.

I see all people being taken care of – food, shelter, medical needs. People who have experienced earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc. will be helped by our government. All children will have access to medical attention, schools and food. America will consider all of its citizens to be equal. Americans will show compassion to each other without regard to race or economic status. Americas will respect each other’s religions. Americans will help and honor each other and treat each other with dignity and respect.

Americans will look for the good in each other. Americans will look each other in the eye and honor our differences and what we have in common. We are all connected.

Angel Joan

I see America filled with loving people, each having a happy home and family of their choice. Each American feels safe and secure and has enough income for a comfortable life. Each American is peaceful within themselves.


I see an America that feels safe where everyone knows they have what they need to be healthy, and have all the opportunities to grow and become the perfect unique expression to be the person they are meant to be. Every person will be equally important but uniquely different. America will offer its’ citizens the best G-D intends for all humanity to become. We will be partners in a global fellowship where every country has equal opportunities for its’ citizens to be free and safe All will want the best for their unique fulfillment.

I see America as a country with leaders of integrity that want what is best for the highest good of ALL people, regardless of race, culture, creed, faith, gender or sexual orientation. I see America leading the world with programs that help our environment, feed the hungry in the USA and abroad. I see America initiating peace with Divine solutions. I see America’s leaders go past political affiliation, Republican or Democrat, and collaborate on what is the highest good for all. I see America’s leaders and people lead with heart, integrity, purity of intent, fairness, graciousness and kindness.
I see America with leaders and people who respect the views and beingness of women and children, ethnic and poor. All Americans are visible and heard.


What is YOUR Vision for America?
Write it down,
Speak it out,
Feel it in your heart.
Release it with love as a ripple across our 
glorious nation.

Vision Love

“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”
-Anthon St. Maarten,
Dear Friends,
The election is close and it is very important at this time to keep our consciousness high, see the Good, the Best, the Highest Purpose and stay away from the lower conscious drama.  Join us this Saturday as we Vision God’s Highest Ideal for the USA.
We will pray, meditate and walk the mystical labyrinth.  Dr. Ernest Holmes says:
“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.”
As we begin to declare the Vision we have for our United States of America, we think it, say it, vision it, draw it, journal it and embody it as a loving reality. What we put out into the world, does come back to us.
We are living boomerangs so we must continue to keep the High Watch and Be the High Watch.  A collective voice of High Conscious Watchers is more powerful than the  crazy drama  we hear and see in the papers and on TV.
God’s purpose for ALL is good, good and very good. Let us remember Divine Order is perfect and that the Love essence of God is in each and everyone of us.
In my meditations I keep getting the message,
“LOVE is the Answer.” Love has always been the answer to every challenge, every health issue, and any other irritations or anxieties we may have.
Jesus the Christ, was all about Love.  That was His mission. Love God, love yourself, love one another, love your enemies. Gandhi was all about Love. Buddha was all about Love.  All the Masters and Avatars keep telling us it is ALL ABOUT LOVE.
What if we imagined baskets of love and light, like a continual stream of pure Divine essence flowing over and through situations, people, leaders, hot spots in the world and watching the dirt, fear, anger, misery, divisiveness, terror, hurt simply fall away “into the nothingness from which it came.” We have been given the power of mind to create this scenario. What we put out, creates a new reality. It comes back to us as living love and light in our own lives
We are the emanations and  emissaries of God.  Time for us to step up and bring in the transformation of consciousness.  Let us BE who we are meant to be and BE the change we wish to see.
We are the ones we have been waiting for!!!
I am Love
I am Light
I am One and Connected with All
I know this truth for myself
and all beings.

Your GOOD is Yours!

Did you know God does not withhold your good?
What is yours by Divine Right is yours exclusively.
Sometimes I forget this truth especially when I am expecting a call, something in the mail or even when I “lose” something.  Nothing is lost, misplaced, or held back from us. Spirit does not operate that way.
The other day I was expecting a check in the mail.  It did not come.  I did my little hissy fit until I realized that the more  upset I became, the less likely the check would arrive. When we are upset about an expected good not manifesting we actually push it away, by our fear of NOT having it.  As soon as we KNOW all our good is naturally ours, the fear goes away and the flow is able to stream forth with even more unexpected good. I sat quietly in meditation and “realized” all my blessings, and all the abundant good that is already mine.  I appreciated everything and blessed the sender of the check.  I released the idea of receiving it on my time and let God handle this detail.
I also know when something appears to be withheld, that may be the time when I need to Give.  I sat down and wrote out some tithe checks that were late in sending. After I did that, I really felt a sense of peace and calm.
Later that day I got a call from the person sending the check  saying the
check was mailed.
This is called the Law of Circulation.  We are givers and receivers
“As you give, so shall you receive.”
The next time you are waiting for your good  do this;
Bless it, Love it. Bless the person, Love the person.
Ask “Where is it I need to give right now?”
Align with the Power and Presence, Love and Joy within you.  Love and Bless what appears to upset you, and you will continue to be in the God flow of great blessings
and abundance.
God Blesses & Prospers You Always.”

I Declare Spiritual Authority


Spiritual Authority
Who has Spiritual Authority?  Well, we know the Avatars, and Spiritual Masters did. What is it and how do we get it?  The answer is simple, YOU already have it!  Spiritual Authority has always been with you. You are an eternal being created by the Creator.  All the Essence of the ONE Source, On Power, One Divine Intelligence, One Love and One Wisdom is within you.
Our journey as spiritual beings having an earthly experience is to discover this truth within us and USE IT!  When  the Master Jesus said, “You are Healed!”, He was declaring with powerful words, his Spiritual Authority, the direct link to God within. Master Jesus also said,
What I do you can do also and even greater things….” 
These are vital words to BELIEVE in and LIVE by.
Going through a challenge?
Declare for yourself, the truth within you.
 God within me is my Spiritual Authority!
• I surrender to the Spiritual Authority within me to guide me, direct me, move me, and be me!
• I speak with Spiritual Authority now!
Surrendering to your Spiritual Authority, only brings forth the Highest Good in your life. Nothing less!
Listening , declaring and acting with your Spiritual Authority relieves stress, strain and anxiety in all your endeavors.  Today make a commitment to partner with the Greatest Authority there is, GOD within you, all around you, because God IS YOU!
May God Bless You Always.

Heart of Love is Within You



Dear Friends,
We had a wonderful Equinox Celebration with Georgette Coffey and Rich Maestas. We called in the 7 directions, North, South, East, West, Above, Below and Within as part of the Medicine Wheel Ceremony.
We drummed together in beautiful rhythm and yet each created our own song of  life and healing. We talked about how important being our-self is, and how challenging it is to let go of the masks we wear.  We created sweet, sacred meaningful, touchstones that represent who we are and who we wish to be. We walked the labyrinth with our touchstones and received Divine messages.
The energy was joyful, healing, sacred and blessed.
Please view the photos on the left side of this newsletter.
Georgette shared a writing called, “LISTEN, Please Hear What I’m Not Saying.” Part of it read….
“Don’t be fooled by me. don’t be fooled by the mask I wear. For I wear a mask…I wear a thousand masks… masks that I’m afraid to take off and none of them are me…..”
After wearing the transformer masks it was an interesting feeling to take them off.  One person said he/she felt more comfortable behind the mask.
Do you feel that way?
When you are out and about meeting people daily, what face/mask do you wear? Can you be authentic with your friends, family, co-workers, strangers or do you feel the need to please people, make them like you, and/or put up a front saying ‘everything is OK.’
Time to take the masks off and reveal who you really are.
• You are created in the image and likeness of God.
• You have the Divine within you.
• You have the potential to BE who God has created you to be.
• No one has to approve of you, God already has!


The image I got when I was creating my touchstone was one of an artichoke. I felt like I was continually stripping away the jagged edges because who I really am is the HEART on the inside. We are all HEART/LOVE on the inside.
Go out and BE YOU today. Live your life with personal freedom.  What brings you happiness and joy?
Be true to yourself. You are a unique, & one of a kind creation.
Know that for yourself and everyone.
There is much more to every human being on earth then meets the eye. Dig deeper and get to know people on an authentic level. There is that HEART of LOVE in everyone no matter the appearance/ mask/or face they wear in the world.  See the love and it will appear.
Blessings Always,

“Autumn is a Second Spring”





Autumn is a second Spring
when every leaf  is a flower.
-Albert Camus

Dear Friends,
FALL is right around the corner and we will be celebrating it at our Fall Equinox  Celebration this coming Saturday, September 24th from 2-5pm. Please arrive around 1:50 so we can begin promptly at 2pm. We have Georgette Coffey as our facilitator along with Rich Maestas. It will be a wonderful afternoon beginning with a Medicine Wheel, Drum Circle and then Labyrinth Walk . You MUST RSVP 858-487-8885. Go to  EVENTS for more information.
What is an Equinox?
“The earliest humans spent more time outside that we do. They used the sky as both a clock and a calendar.  They could easily see the sun’s path across the sky, the length of daylight and the location of the sunrise and sunset all shift in a  regular way throughout the year. Our ancestors built the first observatories to track the sun’s progress. One example is a Machu Picchu in Peru, where the Intihuatana Stone has been shown to be a precise indicator of the date of the two equinoxes (Spring and Fall) and other significant celestial periods. “Intihuatana,” literally means
“for tying the sun.”
Intihuatana Stone

Equinox  means “equal.” At this time earth’s two hemispheres are receiving the sun’s rays about equally. Night and day are approximately equal in length.

Don’t Quit, Keep Going


Dear Friends,
Have you ever felt obstacles, hitches or impediments on your journey towards a dream, goal or even a vacation?
I think we have all had those experiences and just felt like giving up and “going home.’  Last Friday on our way to beautiful Sedona, AZ, Steve and I had those feelings. We were only going to be in Sedona for two days, Saturday and Sunday.  Our trip started out well and then we were inundated by traffic hold ups and road work.  By the time we got to Yuma, we almost decided to come home.  We could either spend another 3-4 hours coming home (due to road work) or spend another 5-6 hours  and actually arrive in Sedona.  Well, needless to say we continued onward!  There was only  one more bit of road work just outside Yuma and then it was clear sailing the rest of the way. We were SO GLAD we continued on our journey.
We had a wonderful time with another two couples staying in a beautiful time share. We took long spectacular hikes among the beautiful red rock hills and water falls, and watched a magnificent  sunset.  We experienced a Crystal Bowl Meditation, walked a lovely labyrinth, and went to a Tlaquepaque festival in downtown Sedona.  Coincidentally we  actually went to the real Tlaquepaque town in Mexico this past summer!  Steve and I also had a wonderful breakfast with our dear minister friend Rev. Dr.Jami Martin.  Such beauty in this sacred place and to think we almost gave up getting there!
Where ever you are on your journey, regardless of obstacles, rough patches or frustrations towards your goal, your dream or even starting off on a vacation, keep going, don/t quit.
You will never know the magnificence waiting for you around the next corner!

Hiking along trails leading to rivers, water falls  and beautiful rock-hills in the background.

red-rock-river Walking a Lovely Labyrinth in SedonalabyrinthRed Rock Hills just before Sunset red-rock-sunsetSunset in Sedona sunset