Lovin’ the Learnin’


September 6, 2016

Dear Friends,

When September rolls around each year,
I always think about school and how much I loved it, both as a student and as a teacher.  I loved the new classes, the new kids, and the new experiences..  I learned as much or more from my students as they did from me.   I know learning is a continual, constant thing and we benefit when we set out  to learn something new everyday! I read an article in the paper about  a 94 year old man who continues to take classes, and workshops to keep himself up to date mentally and physically. What a fabulous role model!
After our trip to Guadalajara, Mexico this summer I realized how little I remembered my high school Spanish, so I took a leap of faith and  enrolled in a Spanish class and it begins TONIGHT!  I look forward to refreshing my memory, and relearning a beautiful language as well as meeting new people!
There is so much to learn in this world.  BE a  life long learner and do something new, take a class, a seminar, go to a conference.  Our mind, heart and soul wants to continually expand in all areas of life. The only obstacle is our ego saying no, I can’t,  too hard, don’t want to etc.  What do you want to learn or do more of? What would make you happy?
rock climbing
computer work
book study
world religions
Doing and learning something NEW will expand your life. It will be the best thing you can do for yourself!
Enjoy the journey!Lovin’ the Learnin’

Loving Change

Dear Friends,
I woke up this morning realizing the end of the summer is in sight. I felt a bit sad.  I love summer. I love going barefoot and taking walks without a sweater, doing some gardening and leaving all the windows open.  It is all about change and transitioning from one season to another.
It is really all about CHANGE period!
We are always in some kind of change in our lives and we can either be in the flow and welcome it, or resist and feel unhappy in it.  The quote above from Wayne Dyer are words to live by.
Perspective is everything.  So I choose to see the waning of summer as beautiful and I am grateful for it.  I choose to see the beginning of September and Fall as new windows and doors of opportunity and a road I haven’t traveled yet.
I welcome the newness and the joy in the exploration.
CHANGE is always good because it moves us out of our comfort zone. We must find a new way, new path, new perspective, new idea,  new coping skills,  It all adds to our growth, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
For those who want things to remain the same,
Heraclitus says, “There is nothing permanent except change.”
So today I jump for joy into the change of seasons and all the areas of my life that go with it

Joy jump foLovin’ the Change

I Do Believe in Magic

MAGIC and fairy child
We had two wonderful labyrinth walks this past weekend.
We talked about the magic of the moon, the influence it has on our bodies, our lives and our earth. We also talked about the magic of the fairies and how they help Mother Nature and the environment.
We need to remember we live in two worlds, the visible and invisible. There is much we cannot see, and yet we believe in – God, energy of words and thoughts taking form and so much more.  The teacher and Master Jesus said, “I am in this world but not of it.”  Our power and His is in the invisible, the spirit world, where we come from.  There is so much more than the eye can see, so let us all BELIEVE in the absolute knowing of God and all Gods creation.
Funny story.  I sent in a press release about both Labyrinth walks to our local paper.  I got an email back that said something like “Faries are real?  A cerfified fairyologist?'”
I really think he thought it was such “woo woo” he did not put  the press release in the  two weeks before the walks.
When I did not see the PR I sent him another email asking it to be put in the following week.  Well it finally got in on the Thursday before the Friday Moonwalk and Saturday Fairy walk.
We were not expecting many for the Fairy walk, however people started emailing me to RSVP and just showing up!
YES, people are fascinated with the topic of fairies and the unknown. They have had experiences they are afraid to tell other people.
The All Faith Center always have an open and safe place here to share and discuss.
I do believe, I do believe, I do believe……

We are ONE

Dear Friends,
chief Dan Evehema
“Be well, my children, and think good thoughts of peace and togetherness. Peace for all life on earth ad peace with one another in our homes, families and countries. We are not so different in the Creator’s eyes. The same great Father Sun shines his love on each of us daily just as mother Earth prepares the substance for our table, do they not? We are one after all.”
Chief Dan Evehema
This is a beautiful quote we can take into our hearts knowing its truth. We are all ONE.  Those who say words that separate us, or choose actions that alienate us  are God’s children too.  The more we see ALL people as children of God, the more we can love the unlovable. All the great Masters and Enlightened ones loved those who were hurtful in thought, word and deed.  We know Gandhi loved and forgave the man who shot him as he was dying and transitioning into the next dimension.
I can choose to be angry with hurtful people, or I can choose to love them regardless of their words and actions.
God loves them. God is in them. I love God so I love God within them, within each soul in this human world and beyond.
Keep being the LIGHT. Keep being the PEACEMAKER. Keep being the JOY & LOVE in someone’s life. Keep knowing this truth and say, I am One in, as, of God and
so is everyone!
Namaste ( The God in me sees the God in you.) prayerful woman

Dream BIG

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember you have within you the strength,
the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars
to change the world.
-Harriet Tubman

Dear Friends,
Steve and I love watching the Olympics. We have our favorite sports and tune in especially for them. The personal stories about the athletes and their journeys of how they got where they are, the highs, the lows, and the challenges are truly heartwarming and inspiring.  It shows Olympic quality is not an overnight success.   As the quote above says, “Every dream begins with a dreamer….” What are you dreaming about?  Have you forgotten how easy it was to dream as a child? Children’s imaginations are powerful and so many of our Olympic athletes dreamed of being on the Olympic Team, and winning a Gold medal,

Child Imagination 2
Dreams and Intentions are powerful tools to plant the seeds of greatness in being, doing and serving in this world.
Henry David Thoreau said,
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined!”
Sometimes we need to push past the fear, the feeling of
“I can’t, or I am not worthy.”  These are just mind blocks.
Imagine every time a mind block comes up, you  see a Divine Angel striking the mind block with a bolt of lightning.Lightning bolt

It visually breaks the block and makes the way clear. Can your heart accept the truth that an imaginative idea formed in your mind was a seed planted by  GOD, and is uniquely yours to do?!  Because of this, you already  have within you all the skills, talents, abilities and learning opportunities to fulfill your dream.

Dream big
DREAM BIG!  Step forward today with  confidence, joy and a willingness to go, be and do  where God’s idea takes you! Enjoy the journey and the Divine Outcome.
Dreaming BIG and Loving It!

Open Heart Open Mind

 Mind is Open at the top
Dear Friends,
Our involvement and work with the Interfaith Movement has expanded our awareness of life and ways to live in this world of God/Spirit. We have all heard the phrase,
“We are Spiritual beings, having a human experiences.”
Each human experience is seeking to align with his or her True Spirit, the Divine, the God Self  whole and complete within.   Spirit is forever exposing us to NEW ideas  encouraging us to grow in Spirit and Consciousness.
At the Guadalajara NAIN Connect  I sat in a workshop on”Healing.” which expanded my mind.
I learned from a Sikh teacher, a beautiful Sikh Mantra that helps to keep the body healthy and whole.
The Sikh mantra for healing, health and wholeness is:
Raa, maa, daa, saa, saa, say, so, hung
The Sikh Teacher said there is POWER in the SOUND when we say this mantra.
After returning home, before my meditation, I pulled a book from my library and  found the same mantra in the book Lifting the Veil, Practical Kabbalah.
“This mantra connects you with the pure healing energy of the universe. The healing vibrations help you develop the pattern of Health.”
I also had a book from the Eckankar tradition that explained the HU sound as the sound of God. The Kabbalah book said the “hu” in hung means the “life of God in everything and in every being.” My mind was expanded seeing the connection between these three faith traditions.
I heard from the Indigenous Shaman how important it is to keep the mind and heart pure in thought, word and deed, so the body will remain healthy. He said, “sickness is not born in the physical body. It is generated on the mental plane and cured in the astral. Ancient Mayans did not have sickness. Their bodies and minds were clean.  Sickness is created by our thoughts, and feelings in the subconscious and also influenced by Karma, and our soul destiny” These ideas were familiar to me since it is similar to what New Thought teaches. Another connection between traditions.
The Chinese doctor shared the importance of Jade and its healing affects on the body. Jade is a mystical and spiritual stone and can be placed on the body where there is an ache or pain. You may put a very TINY piece of jade under your tongue. Breath and concentrate on health.
There is so much to learn outside of our faith traditions.
Keep your mind open and be teachable. As Ernest Holmes said, “Be Open at the Top!”
Keep an Open Heart and Open Mind

Right and True Action

“I have come to the earth to serve life,
to serve the grand scheme of the evolution of mankind.”
White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 2
White Eagle
Let us not be distracted by the drama of the political life and the inhumane actions we see and hear on the news. We must continue to stand in Truth, and  Faith,  knowing God is still in charge of our life, the life of others, in this world, other worlds and all dimensions. We are here to serve the ONE with the highest consciousness we possess. White Eagle says, “The Great White Light of Christ is the healer of all conflict and of all ills of man’s soul and body… Evil is the destroyer, but Light is ever the builder, the constructor and you who listen to and read our words are called to serve,
to action by the invisible hosts.”
Do you feel “called to action?”  How would that look?
Action is standing up for what is right and true.
For me, right and true is:
• Loving and supporting those in need, those who are hurting, by others’ thoughts, words and deeds.
• Standing up for those whose intentions are pure regardless of what others of their faith, creed or culture are doing.
• Showing compassion for those who have not had the opportunity I have had and helping them on their journey.
• Knowing all people  have a soul, a spirit and are playing a temporary role in this earth dimension to help us WAKE up to our Divinity and to share that Truth with others.
• What ever appears “bad” is only a blessing in disguise.
What is right and true for YOU?
Know it,  Believe it Live it!
Blessings, Abigail and Steve



“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate,
no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”
-Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

We just celebrated the 4th of July, watching beautiful fireworks at a synagogue resting on the top of a hill. It was a magnificent display of color and brilliance. It is so much fun to see this every year and yet I always want to take moments to count my blessings of freedom.  I live in a country whose constitution states freedom and liberty are inherent rights for all people.  I am grateful I can worship they way I choose to, go where I want to go and do what I feel I am called to do.  For this month, why not try an experiment with me.

*Write down all the FREEDOMS you have  in your life.
Are there any areas you do not feel as free?
*Write those down and then close your eyes and ask Spirit to show you how to bring forth  freedom in those areas for the highest good of all.. 
Allow your MIND to wander, be creative and intuitive.
New and wonderful answers and ideas from Spirit will pop up and surprise you. As you continue to do this, you may feel those “limits’ or non-freedoms begin to melt away.
Always end your writing with:
We are all so fortunate in so many ways. Count your blessings of FREEDOM!

FREEDOM and Gratitude,
Abigail and Steve

The One You Feed

Two Wolves
“An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life.
‘A fight is going on inside me,’ he said to the boy. ‘It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil-he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride superiority and ego.’ He continued, ‘The other is good- he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.’ The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, ‘Which wolf will win?’
The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’ “
Dear Friends,
Last Saturday we had a beautiful Medicine Wheel Ceremony, Drum Circle and Labyrinth Walk.  Our facilitators, Raven, Richard and Georgette brought us deeply into Spirit, connecting with the ONE and each other. We first cleansed with Sage, and kept the space of peace and love, and sacredness in the Circle as we drummed and began the ceremony.  Raven shared the story above to remind us all thoughts are to be held in high consciousness and to let go of the emotions of the dark wolf in side of us.
In this day with all the political turmoil going on, in the United States, the UK and the world, our thoughts are to remain on the internal goodness within us. Focus on kindness, benevolence, empathy, compassion for all people, and animals everywhere.  We know our thoughts and emotions can either stir the water or keep the water calm. Which would you like to swim in?  As the fish are swimming in water, we are swimming in God.  Let us make our atmosphere one of JOY and happiness.  Every enemy, every person we do not like, everyone who is hurtful, has the wolf of goodness in him or her.  FEED the goodness. The more we feed ourselves and others with Goodness the more Goodness will be displayed in the world.
Howling for PEACE and LOVE,
Abigail and Steve

God’s Basket

EGGS in Gods Basket
Faith is putting all your eggs in God’s basket,
then  counting your blessings before they hatch.
-Ramona C. Carroll
I came across the quote above while reading Chicken Soup for the Soul, Dreams and Premonitions.   I read it  shortly after talking with  a minister friend who has changed her way of VISIONING for herself.  She is only asking for her Highest and Best and What is Hers To Do. She has let go of Visioning for  church growth and church finances and relying entirely on  God for all her blessings, whatever they may be and whatever role or job she plays.
I am in agreement with her.  When we ask, accept and declare our Highest Good, our Highest Service and surrender to  the Master Mind of the Universe, (who knows how to keep this Universe going…!), we let go and let God take over.  I have had the BEST ideas, guidance, direction and demonstrations when I have just “given up” my way and say, “I’m done God, it is up to you!”
In 1990 I was DONE with church. I gave it up at a stop sign on my way home from a mainstream church. Church, or so I thought, was not a fit for me.  Once I let go and stopped trying to “find” the perfect church by hopping from one to another every Sunday, God was able to swoop in and guide me to my highest and best! The next week I received an invitation to a workshop from a church I had never heard of, a Religious Science church.  I attended and found my “HOME.”  Well the rest is history. Never in a million years did I think I would be a minister, and a minister in a faith tradition I had never heard of in 1990.
So GIVE IT A TRY!  Put ALL your eggs (wants, desires, visions) in God’s basket.  Be done with “trying” and be open to God’s Highest and Best for you in your life. Allow the NEW you to crack wide open and BE who God intended you to be!

We Are Connected

Connection by Oprah

Dear Friends,
I believe it is so important to FIND THE CONNECTION
with everyone you meet. It changes the feeling of being an “acquaintance” to being a new friend.
Discover what you have in common with that person.
Most of the time it is easy with people of your same faith tradition, culture or nationality.  The real discovery comes when you realize you have a lot in common with people of other faith traditions and nationalities. At this time our Muslim brothers and sisters are fasting in the holy month of Ramadan. They pray 5X a day and surrender all activities and daily plans to Allah ( ‘God’ in the Arabic language).  In New Thought we continually share how important it is to “Let Go and Let God” guide us and lead the way.  Our Visioning  practices say,  “What is God’s  highest IDEAL/IDEA for me, for this event, meeting, plan etc.
Not my idea, but God’s idea.
Muslims say, ‘Inshallah’  meaning “God Willing.” Our trust and faith in God’s Way and Will for our life is shared by our Muslim friends.
Do you meditate?  Meditation is common among our Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh friends.
Are you into Contemplative prayer?  This is common among our Catholic and Protestant friends.
Whenever you feel a dis-connect with a person, faith group, culture or nationality, find the CONNECTION, find the commonality.  You will have more friends, fun and bring more peace to yourself as well as humanity.
If you would like to view a video where young adults shared what nationality they thought they were and what nationalities they did not like, the link is below.  Each one took a DNA test and were blown away.  The Englishman who did not like Germans, had German DNA. The young lady who did not like Turkish people found out she was Turkish and found a distant cousin in the room.  This video really  reinforces the fact and KNOWING, we are all connected down to the roots of our being!

(copy paste on your browser).
KNOW YOU ARE CONNECTED in some way with EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET.  Send LOVE out to everyone today!  They are your friends and family.