Your GOOD is Yours!

Did you know God does not withhold your good?
What is yours by Divine Right is yours exclusively.
Sometimes I forget this truth especially when I am expecting a call, something in the mail or even when I “lose” something.  Nothing is lost, misplaced, or held back from us. Spirit does not operate that way.
The other day I was expecting a check in the mail.  It did not come.  I did my little hissy fit until I realized that the more  upset I became, the less likely the check would arrive. When we are upset about an expected good not manifesting we actually push it away, by our fear of NOT having it.  As soon as we KNOW all our good is naturally ours, the fear goes away and the flow is able to stream forth with even more unexpected good. I sat quietly in meditation and “realized” all my blessings, and all the abundant good that is already mine.  I appreciated everything and blessed the sender of the check.  I released the idea of receiving it on my time and let God handle this detail.
I also know when something appears to be withheld, that may be the time when I need to Give.  I sat down and wrote out some tithe checks that were late in sending. After I did that, I really felt a sense of peace and calm.
Later that day I got a call from the person sending the check  saying the
check was mailed.
This is called the Law of Circulation.  We are givers and receivers
“As you give, so shall you receive.”
The next time you are waiting for your good  do this;
Bless it, Love it. Bless the person, Love the person.
Ask “Where is it I need to give right now?”
Align with the Power and Presence, Love and Joy within you.  Love and Bless what appears to upset you, and you will continue to be in the God flow of great blessings
and abundance.
God Blesses & Prospers You Always.”

I Declare Spiritual Authority


Spiritual Authority
Who has Spiritual Authority?  Well, we know the Avatars, and Spiritual Masters did. What is it and how do we get it?  The answer is simple, YOU already have it!  Spiritual Authority has always been with you. You are an eternal being created by the Creator.  All the Essence of the ONE Source, On Power, One Divine Intelligence, One Love and One Wisdom is within you.
Our journey as spiritual beings having an earthly experience is to discover this truth within us and USE IT!  When  the Master Jesus said, “You are Healed!”, He was declaring with powerful words, his Spiritual Authority, the direct link to God within. Master Jesus also said,
What I do you can do also and even greater things….” 
These are vital words to BELIEVE in and LIVE by.
Going through a challenge?
Declare for yourself, the truth within you.
 God within me is my Spiritual Authority!
• I surrender to the Spiritual Authority within me to guide me, direct me, move me, and be me!
• I speak with Spiritual Authority now!
Surrendering to your Spiritual Authority, only brings forth the Highest Good in your life. Nothing less!
Listening , declaring and acting with your Spiritual Authority relieves stress, strain and anxiety in all your endeavors.  Today make a commitment to partner with the Greatest Authority there is, GOD within you, all around you, because God IS YOU!
May God Bless You Always.

Heart of Love is Within You



Dear Friends,
We had a wonderful Equinox Celebration with Georgette Coffey and Rich Maestas. We called in the 7 directions, North, South, East, West, Above, Below and Within as part of the Medicine Wheel Ceremony.
We drummed together in beautiful rhythm and yet each created our own song of  life and healing. We talked about how important being our-self is, and how challenging it is to let go of the masks we wear.  We created sweet, sacred meaningful, touchstones that represent who we are and who we wish to be. We walked the labyrinth with our touchstones and received Divine messages.
The energy was joyful, healing, sacred and blessed.
Please view the photos on the left side of this newsletter.
Georgette shared a writing called, “LISTEN, Please Hear What I’m Not Saying.” Part of it read….
“Don’t be fooled by me. don’t be fooled by the mask I wear. For I wear a mask…I wear a thousand masks… masks that I’m afraid to take off and none of them are me…..”
After wearing the transformer masks it was an interesting feeling to take them off.  One person said he/she felt more comfortable behind the mask.
Do you feel that way?
When you are out and about meeting people daily, what face/mask do you wear? Can you be authentic with your friends, family, co-workers, strangers or do you feel the need to please people, make them like you, and/or put up a front saying ‘everything is OK.’
Time to take the masks off and reveal who you really are.
• You are created in the image and likeness of God.
• You have the Divine within you.
• You have the potential to BE who God has created you to be.
• No one has to approve of you, God already has!


The image I got when I was creating my touchstone was one of an artichoke. I felt like I was continually stripping away the jagged edges because who I really am is the HEART on the inside. We are all HEART/LOVE on the inside.
Go out and BE YOU today. Live your life with personal freedom.  What brings you happiness and joy?
Be true to yourself. You are a unique, & one of a kind creation.
Know that for yourself and everyone.
There is much more to every human being on earth then meets the eye. Dig deeper and get to know people on an authentic level. There is that HEART of LOVE in everyone no matter the appearance/ mask/or face they wear in the world.  See the love and it will appear.
Blessings Always,

“Autumn is a Second Spring”





Autumn is a second Spring
when every leaf  is a flower.
-Albert Camus

Dear Friends,
FALL is right around the corner and we will be celebrating it at our Fall Equinox  Celebration this coming Saturday, September 24th from 2-5pm. Please arrive around 1:50 so we can begin promptly at 2pm. We have Georgette Coffey as our facilitator along with Rich Maestas. It will be a wonderful afternoon beginning with a Medicine Wheel, Drum Circle and then Labyrinth Walk . You MUST RSVP 858-487-8885. Go to  EVENTS for more information.
What is an Equinox?
“The earliest humans spent more time outside that we do. They used the sky as both a clock and a calendar.  They could easily see the sun’s path across the sky, the length of daylight and the location of the sunrise and sunset all shift in a  regular way throughout the year. Our ancestors built the first observatories to track the sun’s progress. One example is a Machu Picchu in Peru, where the Intihuatana Stone has been shown to be a precise indicator of the date of the two equinoxes (Spring and Fall) and other significant celestial periods. “Intihuatana,” literally means
“for tying the sun.”
Intihuatana Stone

Equinox  means “equal.” At this time earth’s two hemispheres are receiving the sun’s rays about equally. Night and day are approximately equal in length.

Don’t Quit, Keep Going


Dear Friends,
Have you ever felt obstacles, hitches or impediments on your journey towards a dream, goal or even a vacation?
I think we have all had those experiences and just felt like giving up and “going home.’  Last Friday on our way to beautiful Sedona, AZ, Steve and I had those feelings. We were only going to be in Sedona for two days, Saturday and Sunday.  Our trip started out well and then we were inundated by traffic hold ups and road work.  By the time we got to Yuma, we almost decided to come home.  We could either spend another 3-4 hours coming home (due to road work) or spend another 5-6 hours  and actually arrive in Sedona.  Well, needless to say we continued onward!  There was only  one more bit of road work just outside Yuma and then it was clear sailing the rest of the way. We were SO GLAD we continued on our journey.
We had a wonderful time with another two couples staying in a beautiful time share. We took long spectacular hikes among the beautiful red rock hills and water falls, and watched a magnificent  sunset.  We experienced a Crystal Bowl Meditation, walked a lovely labyrinth, and went to a Tlaquepaque festival in downtown Sedona.  Coincidentally we  actually went to the real Tlaquepaque town in Mexico this past summer!  Steve and I also had a wonderful breakfast with our dear minister friend Rev. Dr.Jami Martin.  Such beauty in this sacred place and to think we almost gave up getting there!
Where ever you are on your journey, regardless of obstacles, rough patches or frustrations towards your goal, your dream or even starting off on a vacation, keep going, don/t quit.
You will never know the magnificence waiting for you around the next corner!

Hiking along trails leading to rivers, water falls  and beautiful rock-hills in the background.

red-rock-river Walking a Lovely Labyrinth in SedonalabyrinthRed Rock Hills just before Sunset red-rock-sunsetSunset in Sedona sunset


Lovin’ the Learnin’


September 6, 2016

Dear Friends,

When September rolls around each year,
I always think about school and how much I loved it, both as a student and as a teacher.  I loved the new classes, the new kids, and the new experiences..  I learned as much or more from my students as they did from me.   I know learning is a continual, constant thing and we benefit when we set out  to learn something new everyday! I read an article in the paper about  a 94 year old man who continues to take classes, and workshops to keep himself up to date mentally and physically. What a fabulous role model!
After our trip to Guadalajara, Mexico this summer I realized how little I remembered my high school Spanish, so I took a leap of faith and  enrolled in a Spanish class and it begins TONIGHT!  I look forward to refreshing my memory, and relearning a beautiful language as well as meeting new people!
There is so much to learn in this world.  BE a  life long learner and do something new, take a class, a seminar, go to a conference.  Our mind, heart and soul wants to continually expand in all areas of life. The only obstacle is our ego saying no, I can’t,  too hard, don’t want to etc.  What do you want to learn or do more of? What would make you happy?
rock climbing
computer work
book study
world religions
Doing and learning something NEW will expand your life. It will be the best thing you can do for yourself!
Enjoy the journey!Lovin’ the Learnin’

Loving Change

Dear Friends,
I woke up this morning realizing the end of the summer is in sight. I felt a bit sad.  I love summer. I love going barefoot and taking walks without a sweater, doing some gardening and leaving all the windows open.  It is all about change and transitioning from one season to another.
It is really all about CHANGE period!
We are always in some kind of change in our lives and we can either be in the flow and welcome it, or resist and feel unhappy in it.  The quote above from Wayne Dyer are words to live by.
Perspective is everything.  So I choose to see the waning of summer as beautiful and I am grateful for it.  I choose to see the beginning of September and Fall as new windows and doors of opportunity and a road I haven’t traveled yet.
I welcome the newness and the joy in the exploration.
CHANGE is always good because it moves us out of our comfort zone. We must find a new way, new path, new perspective, new idea,  new coping skills,  It all adds to our growth, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
For those who want things to remain the same,
Heraclitus says, “There is nothing permanent except change.”
So today I jump for joy into the change of seasons and all the areas of my life that go with it

Joy jump foLovin’ the Change

I Do Believe in Magic

MAGIC and fairy child
We had two wonderful labyrinth walks this past weekend.
We talked about the magic of the moon, the influence it has on our bodies, our lives and our earth. We also talked about the magic of the fairies and how they help Mother Nature and the environment.
We need to remember we live in two worlds, the visible and invisible. There is much we cannot see, and yet we believe in – God, energy of words and thoughts taking form and so much more.  The teacher and Master Jesus said, “I am in this world but not of it.”  Our power and His is in the invisible, the spirit world, where we come from.  There is so much more than the eye can see, so let us all BELIEVE in the absolute knowing of God and all Gods creation.
Funny story.  I sent in a press release about both Labyrinth walks to our local paper.  I got an email back that said something like “Faries are real?  A cerfified fairyologist?'”
I really think he thought it was such “woo woo” he did not put  the press release in the  two weeks before the walks.
When I did not see the PR I sent him another email asking it to be put in the following week.  Well it finally got in on the Thursday before the Friday Moonwalk and Saturday Fairy walk.
We were not expecting many for the Fairy walk, however people started emailing me to RSVP and just showing up!
YES, people are fascinated with the topic of fairies and the unknown. They have had experiences they are afraid to tell other people.
The All Faith Center always have an open and safe place here to share and discuss.
I do believe, I do believe, I do believe……

We are ONE

Dear Friends,
chief Dan Evehema
“Be well, my children, and think good thoughts of peace and togetherness. Peace for all life on earth ad peace with one another in our homes, families and countries. We are not so different in the Creator’s eyes. The same great Father Sun shines his love on each of us daily just as mother Earth prepares the substance for our table, do they not? We are one after all.”
Chief Dan Evehema
This is a beautiful quote we can take into our hearts knowing its truth. We are all ONE.  Those who say words that separate us, or choose actions that alienate us  are God’s children too.  The more we see ALL people as children of God, the more we can love the unlovable. All the great Masters and Enlightened ones loved those who were hurtful in thought, word and deed.  We know Gandhi loved and forgave the man who shot him as he was dying and transitioning into the next dimension.
I can choose to be angry with hurtful people, or I can choose to love them regardless of their words and actions.
God loves them. God is in them. I love God so I love God within them, within each soul in this human world and beyond.
Keep being the LIGHT. Keep being the PEACEMAKER. Keep being the JOY & LOVE in someone’s life. Keep knowing this truth and say, I am One in, as, of God and
so is everyone!
Namaste ( The God in me sees the God in you.) prayerful woman

Dream BIG

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember you have within you the strength,
the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars
to change the world.
-Harriet Tubman

Dear Friends,
Steve and I love watching the Olympics. We have our favorite sports and tune in especially for them. The personal stories about the athletes and their journeys of how they got where they are, the highs, the lows, and the challenges are truly heartwarming and inspiring.  It shows Olympic quality is not an overnight success.   As the quote above says, “Every dream begins with a dreamer….” What are you dreaming about?  Have you forgotten how easy it was to dream as a child? Children’s imaginations are powerful and so many of our Olympic athletes dreamed of being on the Olympic Team, and winning a Gold medal,

Child Imagination 2
Dreams and Intentions are powerful tools to plant the seeds of greatness in being, doing and serving in this world.
Henry David Thoreau said,
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined!”
Sometimes we need to push past the fear, the feeling of
“I can’t, or I am not worthy.”  These are just mind blocks.
Imagine every time a mind block comes up, you  see a Divine Angel striking the mind block with a bolt of lightning.Lightning bolt

It visually breaks the block and makes the way clear. Can your heart accept the truth that an imaginative idea formed in your mind was a seed planted by  GOD, and is uniquely yours to do?!  Because of this, you already  have within you all the skills, talents, abilities and learning opportunities to fulfill your dream.

Dream big
DREAM BIG!  Step forward today with  confidence, joy and a willingness to go, be and do  where God’s idea takes you! Enjoy the journey and the Divine Outcome.
Dreaming BIG and Loving It!