Happy Thanksgiving

.gratitude-girlGratitude is not only a virtue but it also is part of a practical philosophy of daily life.  There is no wiser way of living than to remember every morning what Life has given us, and to lift up our thought in thankfulness for every bounty we possess.
-Ernest Holmes.


November 24, 2015
At this time, when so many  unhappy, sad and shocking events are happening around the world, let us take time every day and many times during the day to give thanks to our Creator for our life, our freedom and our creative minds which can see a world full of love, joy and peace. Let us move past the barriers of appearances and continue to ALWAYS Know the TRUTH of our being and every ones. We are children of the most HIGH GOD. We are all created from the Divine Source. We all have God’s DNA in us. What is true for one is true for all.  When we know the truth, see the truth, feel the truth, the vibrational energy widely spreads across time and space, countries, continents and every person, animal, thing on earth.   YES, what we feel and think is that important in the universe!  LOVE is the healing , vibrational energy of  The ONE.
All there is, is GOD, therefore, ALL there is is LOVE. All there is, is ONE.
Let us know our ONENESS as God, Life and All there is.


Pray for Everyone


Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Francis of Assisi

Dear Friends,

We were all saddened and shocked by the events in Paris this past week. I hope you all had a chance to read Imam Taha Hassane’s (Islamic Center of San Diego) interview from the Union Trib. The violent act is a tragedy and we know in our hearts all religions have LOVE as the core foundation in each. We were at a Pax Christi (Catholic) prayer vigil last week. The Ahmadiya Muslims were there and shared the basic beliefs of Islam. The Word Islam means “Peace.” It was interesting to hear that the Pax Christi movement began with a priest and a nun who decided to “Pray for the enemy” during WW2.   Jesus in the Beatitudes said, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those which despitefully use you, and persecute you….”   (Matthew 5:44, )
Let us :
PRAY for All people to embody the consciousness of love & peace on earth today.
PRAY and stand up for our Muslim (and Sikh) friends who get targeted after attacks like this one. Have your congregation call them to see if there is anyway to be in solidarity with them.
PRAY for the terrorists, pray for the children being kidnapped and brainwashed, pray for  those who suffered loss, pray for those who are now on the other side, pray for our leaders to find a higher conscious way for solutions.
REMEMBER: Every person who hates, kills, & terrorizes was a pure innocent  spiritual being when born. Let us see them in that Truth of their being.  Let us know the pure soul, the God essence of who they are.  This LOVE energy will be felt  all over the world!

Baby Boy

Our message for you this week is to
“PRAY for  Everyone”.

Daily Gratitude


Dear Friends,
I was given a gift by my friend Rev. Ahmondra McClendon. It was a Gratitude booklet called, “Transformation Through Thanksgiving, a 40 day Journey.”  I have been using it daily and have noticed how my 10 daily things to be grateful for have expanded.
The first day or so I was focused and very grateful for my family, friends and “things” in my life.  Now I notice my gratitude is also including,
Sitting in a chair in meditation
The sun rising and setting
The view of hills behind my house
The immensity and awesomeness of God
Everyday my gratitude  is expanding.  One day after meditation, prayer and writing in my gratitude booklet, morning walk and labyrinth walk, I experienced the day filled with a constant God flow. Everything I did was easy and effortless. Everything I needed to buy at several stores I was able to get.  The image came into my mine, and then it was there.  This simple, yet profound and transforming practice of Gratitude I believe changed the vibration and energy wherever I went and with everyone I met.
One saleslady told me,  “You are very kind.”  Another lady went out of her way to help me receive  a discount on my purchase.  The gratitude energy I was feeling inside was felt on the outside as well.   I noticed, what could be small irritations, did not irritate me.  I seemed to be in a peaceful state of grace all day. I even found money wherever I walked.  I just looked down and  a penny or nickel would appear. It was truly an amazing day!

God Realization

“Do not try to reform the outer picture. When you meet with any form of degradation, do not look at it, but through it.  Close your eyes, or turn away. Look through the individual, beholding through your spiritual sense the reality of his being. See the Christ in him.  You will then bring about what the world calls healing.”
-Joel GoldsmithConscious Union  With God.

Labyrinth One walking

The Journey to Our God Realization

 In the most basic sense the labyrinth represents your personal  spiritual journey; that of venturing to the center of your innermost being and then returning to the world with a broader sense of who you are. It is a metaphor for life’s journey. Inherent within the design of the labyrinth is its archetypical power, dating back some 3,000 – 4,000 years. The beauty is, it is not a maze where you might get lost. The Labyrinth path continues to keep you on your spiritual journey, no matter what twists and turns your choices take you. The Divine Design always brings you back to the purpose for which you were created. That is to discover within yourself your GOD Essence, your GOD Magnificence, your GOD Being.  Knowing that Truth is your Center of GOD power, presence, wisdom, knowledge, love and compassion.  From there, you can bring your God Essence back out into the world, to people, places and things. All will feel this God Energy within you and be transformed.
Come walk the labyrinth with us on Wednesday., November 4th at 1:30-3:00. 
(Go to All Faith Center Events for more information)
We will read passages from Pathways to Peace, Inter-religious Readings and Reflections.   For we know when we embrace and behold the truth of our being, we know this truth for ALL and All receives it instantaneously!

Look Up and See the Beauty

Sunrise 1

Look UP and See the Beauty of God,
the Earth, & Mankind!

Dear Friends,
What a glorious morning this was, as I looked up into the sky to watch a magnificent sunrise. It was mystical and I felt the essence of God envelope me.   I watched the colors of gold, coral, pink, yellow, and blue cascade across the hills, clouds and sky. I felt the  Glory of God shinning on me and  all of us saying “All is well, all is good, all is beautiful and so are you!” I felt a profound sense of peace and love coursing through me as if the colors touched the essence of my soul. God was saying in me, “Look UP and bring forth the new day with your magnificence, your beauty, your glorious being.  Be who I created you to be.  Know your ONENESS with and as Me and All there it.”

Sunrise 2

You are the Glorious Child of God.
You are Splendor in Form!

Sunrise 3

Be in tune with your Inner Guidance
Follow your Intuition
God’s Love and Beauty are speaking to you.
You are part of the Creation and Creator!

Parliament of World Religions 2015

Dear Friends,

The Parliament of World Religions was an amazing and indescribable event!  It is something to experience!

Lectures, panels, cultural performances, breakout sessions, experiential activities, cultural exhibits, a FREE Sangar lunch provided by the Sikh Community of Salt Lake and more cannot describe the Diversity of Humanity (10,000 people) and the immense love among people coming together from more than 50 world religions and cultures.  It really demonstrates INTERFAITH is a movement growing by leaps and bounds. We need to be grounded in the love for our own faith and at the same time, expand to experience the global network.

The NEXT Parliament will be in 2 years, not 5.

Where and when has not been decided yet.

Here are a few photos…

Dr. Abigail’s  Presentation was great!


14 year old Indigenous Girl was Eloquent!

14 year old Indigenous Girl 2

Muslim Woman speaking on Women’s Rights and Leadership

Muslim Woman 1

All Gore

Gore Al

Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandala

Buddhist Sand Mandala 4

Barundi Drum Group

Burundi Drum Group 2

Circle Dancing in the Great Hall


Dances from India

Indian dancing young girls 1

International Children’s Choir

Interfaith Childrens Choir 2


Native Indigenous Children

  Native girls Steve Abigail

Jain Temple

Jain Temple 1

Breakout DialogueURI Circle dialoge 2


Salt Table – Kinesthetic Play

Salt Play

Whirling Dervishes

Whirling Dervishes

Women Catholic Priests

Women Priests

( Many Christian, from fundamental traditions  and Mormon Women are seeking ordination as well!)

Overwhelmed and Exhausted was a common experience.



  One World, One Human Family!



Have Fun, Play!

“The playing adult steps sideward into another reality; the playing child advances forward to new stages of mastery.”
-Erik H. Erikson

Dear Friends,

We had a wonderful visit with our niece and her family for two days. My sweet grandnieces kept us entertained and filled with love and joy as they discovered new and wondrous things inside and outside  the house.
They loved walking the labyrinth and finding the little crystals and mini stones placed among the river rocks. They contributed a few small stones to the labyrinth as well.
They loved playing with all the trains, houses, animals, and elves in our North Pole Dept 56 Christmas collection. Our Thomas Train “hat” ended up in the Disneyland of the North Pole and one little moose seemed to “lose” an antler. Watching them play so creatively made us laugh. What a fun romp!
We  took a trip to the Children’s Museum where they could play on swinging ropes, paint, draw, make clay objects,  blow bubbles, build things, pretend in playhouses and sail boats.
When was the last time you played to just have fun, with no agenda?    I have been so pre-occupied with the Parliament, it was a blessing to take a day off, have fun and focus on these little girls and our delightful niece and her husband.  Fabulous parents! My niece and I have teaching in common so we shared many funny stories of our experiences. Laughter always accompanies FUN!


AVA on tires ELLIE climbing curved ladder12118968_615494384265_4401813534017379099_n Ellie Abigail Ava 10.9.15 Ellie Ava in new sleeping bags 10.9.15Sleeping, in their new ladybug sleeping bags,  after a  long day of fun and play.

Our Sacred Gift

The Intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and forgotten the gift.”
-Albert Einstein


Dear Friends,
This wonderful quote by Albert Einstein, math and science genius, reminds me of the New Thought saying,
“Love leads the Way
Law makes the way happen.”
At this period of time in our history, science and spirituality are finding common ground.  Intuitively the Avatars and Mystics have always known our intuition is the guiding light of our being. When it feels right, we speak our word from our heart -mind into Law, and the way opens up for us.
Today, I ask you where is your  intuitive mind guiding you to do, to be, to go, to act?  What is stopping you?
Remember when God calls you, God will open the doors for you, maintain and sustain you in the spirit calling of your heart and mind intuition.  Intuition is God speaking directly to you.
TRUST in it.  Let go of any fear, uncertainty, the ‘what if’s’ you may be thinking.
TRUST in the guidance.  Say YES to It.
SPEAK your word (rational mind) into  the LAW of Mind and the right and true path for you will be made
perfectly clear.
Our intuitive mind and heart are our sacred gifts from our Creator. Our rational mind is our servant and when we speak words with reverence, trust and certainty, we Trust the Source Mind to bring forth the Divine Outcome that is for our highest good.   Intuition is a sacred gift. Words spoken into the Law is a sacred gift.
Use both well.

Let Go, BE God


Dear Friends,

I love looking at all the beautiful trees on my morning walks. Lately I noticed the birch trees were shedding their outer bark and underneath was this new and very smooth white bark.   What a wonderful example of shedding what no longer serves us.  Letting go of any negativity that is layered on top of our true God selves.

The trees looked free and happy swaying in the wind.  We too can be free and happy when we let go of what no longer serves us:




victim attitude

….you add yours.

Underneath it all is our True God Conscious Self, always ready willing and available to emerge through the darkness of our consciousness and BE the light, smooth loving spirit that we are intended to be.

I believe our hearts were blown wide open by Pope Frances’ visit this past week. His words were kind, and yet he made us look at our social and justice system and how we can improve it, by taking care of and respecting others of all faith, cultures, creeds and affiliations.

All people are God’s people. All people are God in Expression. All people are sacred.  Let us truly practice the Golden and the Platinum rule in our lives wherever we go and whomever we are with. The more we do that, the more the unwanted layers peel away and we shed what no longer serves us.  We become and behave as God, in all, as all because God is all.

You Got It! Go For It!

Dear Friends,

We had an excellent workshop on Saturday.   Women empowering themselves and then empowering others as well as men empowering women, are actions which will change the world.  We saw women who broke the “rules” to make change happen. We heard about women who faced challenges and stepped forward to complete the task, take responsibility, use the skills of collaboration and consensus to lead.   We know whatever is pulling at your heart strings, you have the capability to do it.

“God calls the unequipped, then equips the called!”  

As the quote says above, whatever is calling you, go for it, open a new door, make a new path.

Muriel Strode said,

“Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”