Love is at the Center

LOVE rock in center

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,  while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
– Lao Tzu

I love to walk the labyrinth in the mornings. It is a beautiful time for peaceful contemplation and meditation.
One morning I walked it and noticed a new rock in the center I had never seen  there before.  I picked it up and saw  the word “LOVE” on it. I was so touched, and realized someone placed it there at the Renewal of Vows ceremony on Valentine’s Day.  I do not know who this person is, and I am grateful for the love within them that made the choice to place it there.
What a beautiful reminder that LOVE is the center of ALL people, places, things, nature, animals, sentient and non sentient beings.  We know GOD is the center of All and God is Love so it reasons that LOVE is at the center and there is no circumference.
• Love/God is the center of your neighbor who hasn’t spoken to you in years.
• Love/God is the center of the person in the car who cuts you off on the freeway.
• Love/God is the center of the family member who tries your patience at family reunions.
• Love/God is the center of the co-worker who takes your creative idea and uses it for his or her own.
• Love/God is the center of the person you love who has hurt you.
Love/God is ALWAYS the center, just like the heart of the artichoke.  In order to get to the heart, you have to peel away the spiky ends. It may take awhile, but the more you peel, the softer the artichoke gets and finally you will arrive at the center where the taste is supreme.
How do we get to the LOVE center of people.  By treating each one with kindness, respect,  understanding, patience, encouragement, and acceptance for who they are right now and  KNOWING the good is always within.  When we can see the good, we draw it out.  The heart is exposed and love appears.
Thank you to the person who walked the labyrinth and reminded me, LOVE is the center of All there is.

February is Black History Month

Black AmericansWe would like to honor our African American brothers and sisters during the Black History month of February.   We have all been blessed by the many talented, skilled, intelligent  athletes, authors, civil rights leaders, activists, entertainers, inventors, scientists, educators, politicians, lawyers, government leaders, singers and musicians. It was a mile stone in High Consciousness U.S. history for us to elect an African American President, Barrack Obama.  Walls and barriers are coming down!

The whole idea of anyone being biased or prejudiced against any person whose skin color is a shade different seems ludicrous.  We all came from the ONE GOD so we are all connected at the CORE of our being. Science has proven skin color in the genes is only different by a minimal .1 percent. Different shades only increase the beauty in diversity as the colors in a flower garden.

Amazing Grace
“At Carnegie Hall, gospel singer, Wintley Phipps delivers perhaps the most powerful rendition of “Amazing Grace” ever recorded.  He says, “A lot of people don’t realize that just about all Negro spirituals are written on the black notes of the piano. Probably the most famous on this slave scale was written by John Newton, who used to be the captain of a slave ship, and many believe he heard this melody that sounds very much like  a West African sorrow chant.  And it has a haunting, plaintive quality to it that reaches past your arrogance, past your pride, and it speaks to that part of you that’s in bondage.  We feel it. It’s just one of the most amazing melodies in all of human history.”  After sharing the noteworthy history of the song Mr. Phipps delivers a stirring performance that bring the audience to its feet!”
Watch and enjoy this amazing video

Love, Joy, Delight

two-pink-hearts-clip-artSaturday, February 14th  is the Day
of Love, Joy and Delight.
It is Valentines Day.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13   

It’s More Than Saying I Love You
We give on this day candy and flowers,
But we never stop to say thank you for the many hours.
You have stood by my side and gave a smile,
As if to tell our hearts it has been worth every mile.
No need to buy a teddy bear or even a card.
It’s pretty simple and not at all hard.
Just put your arms around me and hold me tight,
And say without words that in your heart all is right.
You may say I Love You throughout the year,
But on this day you need to make sure.
The words so sweet and straight from your heart,
That your life would be lonely without my part.
So put forth the effort and take the time,
Look me in the eye and say I’m glad you’re mine.
– by Angel Watchin

Be Present

Be Present

Last week I was on a lovely personal retreat.  It had been raining and the mist felt like God kisses.  I was comfy, warm and loving the little house I rented for a few days on the Questhaven Ministries campus in Escondido.  I give myself this time once a year for self reflection, contemplation, meditation and prayer.  The next morning I was taking my walk on a lovely path in nature, when somehow  my mind seemed to keep returning to situations from the past.  At the same time, I kept hearing hammering up ahead and wondered where that was coming from   Sound in nature carries and it could be from any direction.  Thinking about the past, and looking ahead to discover the noise, made me totally unaware of the PRESENT.   I did not see the deep ruts in the road from all the rain we have had and OOPS I fell down hard on my right side and sprained my left ankle.  Pain and light-headedness almost engulfed me, but I put my hands around my ankle and started to pray.  Soon I was able to stand up and walk back uphill (took 35 minutes) to my little retreat house.  I did what was necessary to bring the swelling down, then stayed quiet the rest of the day and reflected on what just happened.
How many times have we heard, be here now, stay in the present, etc. I was not in the present when I needed to be, so I took a slip of consciousness which resulted in a fall to my body.  It made me “remember” how important it is to keep our minds on God, on good, on love, on peace, on harmony, on blessings right here and now!
Love and forgive your past, but don’t “tary” on it.
Love and prepare for the future,  but don’t dwell on it.
Love and be Present in the NOW always. Be aware, be alert, be AWAKE and be grateful to all the good that is yours in this moment of time.

 The Present Moment is the only moment available to us,
and it is the door to all moments.
-Thich Nhat Hanh


Quiet Beauty Trust Surrender

woman yoga

The picture above says it all for me this week.
Quiet, Beauty, Trust, Surrender, Peace,
Taking time to be by yourself for self reflection,and  contemplation will refresh your  body, mind and soul.  Being quiet touches the very place where God resides within you. This is the place where you can surrender what no longer serves you and be open to new ideas and, a new direction for your life.
There is a quote by Albert Einstein which I love.
“I must be willing to give up what I am
in order to become what I will be.”
January is almost over and many of us have written down our goals, our dreams, our visions, even our bucket list. Are they all really that important?  What if GOD has a greater idea for your life?!  Greater Love, Greater Blessings, Greater Good!             Wouldn’t you want that instead?
Take your lists, bless them, then let them go and say;Thank you God, for this or something even Greater. I accept the Divine Plan for my life  unfolding quickly and in peace with grace and ease. I release the strains and anxieties I create by pushing for what I think I want or should have.
I am quiet in Your beauty God. I trust, I surrender,
I am at Peace.

What Feeds Your Soul?

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
-Marcus Aurelius

Sunrise over hills
What FEEDS your Soul?
I love to get up early in the morning when it is still dark and mystical outside.  Lately I have been at my meditation chair looking out the patio window just as the sun was rising.  It was gorgeous and glorious.  I watched as the clouds went from mystical white pink to increasing glorious hot pink, orange, purple and then simmering back down to pale pink, orange, purple and then white. It was God’s symphony in the morning. The soft beginning, rising to a crescendo and then falling back to a lovely quiet ending.  This FEEDS my soul every morning.
I am always in awe of the wonder of God’s Expression in nature.  The hills reflected the color as they met the new day.  It was so beautiful, so magical, so God being God!
Find the time before you start your day to discover what feeds your soul to carry you through the day in a mind/heart place of gratitude, peace, love, compassion and joy. All you feel reflects who you show up to be everyday.
What feeds your soul?
Love to you all.

Healing in My Heart

coffe with heart“Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

At our labyrinth workshops we often do a “Forgiveness” ceremony. We know until our hearts are healed, and open with love for all, we put up “blocks” in our way that limit our  Divine Blessings and Good.  In our life time, there may have been people we just didn’t like. Some have hurt us or “rubbed” us the wrong way .  Whenever there is an emotion of “not liking” someone, there is a reason to forgive.  We may need to forgive ourselves as well as the other person.
I have found people I do not seem to like are those who need love the most.  When I have put my hand out to offer a gesture of kindness, whether it be a word of encouragement, an offer to buy them a cup of coffee, or just a smile, I notice there is a change in the energy.  This change is an emotional energy in me as well as them.  When I taught elementary school, I would sit in the chair, (before school started), of a child who was a behavior problem and just sent him or her love. It would change how I reacted to the child during the day and how the child behaved in school.  Love and Kindness are the tools to change any situation in human relationships.
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
“But I say to you, love your enemies and bless the one who curses you, and do what is beautiful to the one who hates you, and pray over those who take you by force
and persecute you.”
When we begin to  LOVE those that have hurt us, we realize they are there to bless us and raise our consciousness.  For it is easy to love those who love us. It is by far, more spiritually transforming to love unconditionally those who appear unlovable.  We are all God’s children, expressions of the most High.  When we realize that Truth, we see clearly through the eyes of God, have a healing in our heart, and realize there is nothing left to forgive!

You Are You, Truer Than True!

Dr. SuessDear Friends,

I love this quote by Dr. Seuss.  Every new year many of us begin to think about how we can improve ourselves in the coming year,  and sometimes make false promises and goals we never keep.  Just a reminder to you all, YOU are always NEW.  Every moment of every day is NEW! When I hear someone ask me, “What’s new?” I often say, “I am new, right here, and right now.”  I have a chance to think new ideas, feel new feelings and send the newness out to the Universe knowing the Great Mind of God, hears, listens, and begins to fulfill the thoughts/ feelings from me – for me.   What if you realized you are already a magnificent spiritual being who has the potential to charter any new or existing course you so desire!? WOW!
Before any goal is even imminent, we need to feel good and wonderful about ourselves.
Here are some Daily CARESSES to give yourself.
I love who I AM.
I love my body temple for it holds my precious spirit.
I always have enough and am enough.
I expect and accept greater blessings of good than ever before.
God is my Source and Creator of whom I only rely on, and have complete faith, trust and love.
I am God Expressing here and now.
I am always NEW living a new day, a new idea, a new course.
With love and gratitude, I say thank you God for my life.
Use me for a Higher Purpose and Orchestra the Divine Plan for my life.
I surrender unto YOU.
When we truly CARESS ourselves with words such as the above, a sense of peace, comfort and well being comes over us. We can approach every NEW day as a new beginning walking hand in hand with, of and as God.
THIS is what I want in 2015,, How about you?
What’s new?

Open the Presence

Dear Friends,    Mystical light

In my meditative labyrinth walk this morning I was in awe of the many gifts and blessings in my life right now.

As I walked, I felt the Presence of God so distinctly. There are so many words for God, in so many languages all meaning the same thing, the Presence, our Creator, Source, and The One.   Interesting the word “Presence” and “present” are so similar.

I believe everyday God’s Presence is Its gift/present to us.  All we have to do is OPEN It..  How do we do that, and what is inside?  We open our hearts and minds to the awesomeness of God’s love for All beings regardless of race, creed, color, religion, gender or species.  It is non-judgmental and unconditional. When we open the “Presence/Present” within ourselves, we peel away the wrappers of paper, ribbon, tissue and all things such as prejudices, biases, and misconceptions that may get in the way of our unconditional and nonjudgmental love for All. As we approach Christmas, let us open the Presence of the Christ within, the God Presence within and BE the Divine Being giving peace, love, joy and understanding wherever we go.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa,

Connected at Our Soul

“May the lights of Hanukkah usher in a better world
for all humankind.”
Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Dear Friends,

My friend and colleague
Rev. Dr. Pattie Weber wrote:Soul Connection

“We are all connected at the soul.”  I loved reading her words, for they are so true. The meaning of this concept  is important for us to be aware of and think about every day when we are with our family, friends and people we know and meet. We are all connected at the soul.  There may be times during this holiday season, with all the hustle and bustle in the stores and on the streets, we may be feeling just the opposite. Long lines, rude people, busy traffic, all may contribute to our feelings of disconnect with each other and ultimately God.  When an irritation creeps up, just stop and say to yourself, “I am connected at the soul level with this person.  I am connected to God in this person.”  Thinking those very thoughts will create a shift in consciousness, which will ultimately shift your action and/or reaction in the next  moment.  Anytime we raise our consciousness by knowing the truth of our being and the truth of another person’s being (same truth), it brings the world closer to the ultimate peace we are all striving for. I am connected to you. You are connected to me. We are ONE in, as and of God.  What a beautiful gift to know and be.  Much love from my soul to your soul, the One Soul of God..