In the morning we very often hear the beautiful songs of the Mockingbird. It is as if it is trying to sing out to the world, in as many bird (insect, amphibian) songs as possible to all who will listen and hear.
God calls us too, in many different ways, in many different cultures, languages and in many different faith traditions. One of our minister friends, Hal Lingerman, says there are over 7 billion faiths in the world because each person resonates uniquely in their faith. Even those sharing the same religion don’t see eye to eye on various tenets, dogmas and/or creeds. It is all Consciousness and we take in what we need to hear and believe.
God is ALL GOOD and created ALL from Its God-Self, so in essence we are all made GOOD! As the mockingbird sings for joy to the other birds and animals, God’s Goodness speaks with love and joy to all people everywhere from all cultures, languages and faith traditions in ways each person can understand.
Only man can twist and turn the message of Good out of context from our Creator’s original intent.
Today, let us honor all faith paths, honor all religions, and all the Masters, Teachers, Saviors, and Avatars that came singing God’s song to the people, culture and consciousness of the time.
Category Archives: Inspiration
A Kinship Prayer
Steve and I celebrated the International Day of Peace in Escondido on Sunday, September 21st . It was a lovely celebration with many faiths and children participating. We had beautiful cool weather with a light breeze and we all were seated in the shade. About 50 people were in attendance. As part of the program Steve and I lit candles representing 12 faiths while saying the Kinship Prayer as a responsive reading with the audience. I would like to share this prayer with you.
A Kinship Prayer
In striving to recognize the primacy of Fire and Light, I feel kinship with my Zoroastrian brothers and sisters.
In striving to obey the Ten Commandments, I feel kinship with my Jewish brothers and sisters.
In striving to be kind to neighbors and the needy, I feel kinship with my Christian brothers and sisters.
In striving to surrender myself completely to God almighty, I feel kinship with my Muslim brothers and sisters.
In the recognition that wisdom flows from enlightened masters, I feel kinship with my Sikh brothers and sisters.
In remembering that serving people should be the goal of religion, I feel kinship with my Baha’i brothers and sisters.
In knowing the power of our mind and heart to create our life, I feel kinship with my New Thought brothers and sisters.
In my respect and reverence fro Nature that sustains us, I feel kinship with my Native American brothers and sisters.
In feeling that these and more are all paths to the same Divinity, I feel kinship with my Hindu brothers and sisters.
In my love and laughter, joy and pain, I feel kinship with all my fellow humans.
In my need for nourishment and instinct to live on, I feel kinship with all beings on the planet.
In my spiritual ecstasy with this wondrous world, I feel kinship with the Cosmic Whole.
*** Inspired by the Parliament of World Religions , South Africa in 1999 Composed by Dr. V.V. Raman. New Thought Kinship addition composed by Rev. Dr. Abigail & Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert after the 2009 Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, Australia.
No Mistakes Made
There are no mistakes; none have ever been made and none ever will be made. Nothing ever happened in the past to hinder or hurt. There is no past, and I know, and can see, that there is no belief in any past to rise against me. I live in the Now, free from any yesterdays or to-morrows.* Now, I am Happy, Free and Complete. My Word erases any and all beliefs in mistakes and sets me free. I Am Free! I am free from any beliefs in the past.
– Ernest Holmes
In New Thought we generally say, “There are no mistakes made.” And yet, there are times we truly feel we made a mistake! I had that feeling after purchasing a new Apple Iphone! I originally upgraded to a new Droid, when a friend said, “Oh no, you really need to get an Apple.” So I returned the Droid for the Apple. Then the annoying journey began…. With my new iPhone, my emails were DISAPPEARING faster than a speeding bullet (actually after an hour or so.) One minute they were there and the next minute they were gone. I watched it happen over and over again. I felt like Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) when she said, “Things come and go so quickly around here.” We have poor cell phone reception in our house anyway and to add this disappearing act on top of it was disconcerting and frustrating. So I called the store where I purchased the iPhone and explained my dilemma. They told me to go to the Apple Store. After 3 visits to the Apple Store and their techies restoring the cell phone system twice, the phone would still NOT KEEP the emails that came in. The lady at the Apple Store said she couldn’t do anymore and suggested I call Time Warner, our internet provider. I called TW 3 X and was disconnected twice before I finally connected to a TW techie. He couldn’t figure out why my phone was not keeping my emails so he handed me off to his supervisor. At this point I was about ready to throw my phone against the wall!
Throughout this entire scenario I was praying for the right direction and was about to pay the price and return the Apple and re-purchase the Droid!!!
However, God is Good, and his name is Sheldon. Did you know God lives in Sacramento? 🙂 Bless the Time Warner Apple Techie! He walked me through my computer (not phone) and helped me make the account adjustments which were somehow not connecting to the phone. God as Sheldon said, if you still have trouble email or call me. Here is my personal contact information. I love my personal connection with God! Well, with bated breath I kept checking my phone emails every hour. So far so good. The next morning I checked my emails and guess what, THEY WERE STILL ON! Yeah! I think we have COMPLETION here!
So, did I make a mistake? Here is what I believe.
All “Mistakes” are lessons needed to be learned, re-learned, remembered with new opportunities to engage in.
• Even when we listen to people trying to be helpful, we need to listen to ourselves more. Lesson re-learned and remembered.
• Even on a journey that is not where we need/want to be, God is there and can turn everything around for our highest good! Lesson re-learned and remembered!
• Don’t give up. Do all the human footsteps necessary, then surrender to the Highest Good. Lesson re-learned and remembered!
• So I am about to make lemons into lemonade by taking an Apple Class next week so I can learn more about my new phone! New opportunity to engage in.
Follow Your Own Path
It is September! Kids are going back to school, and our centers and churches, and temples are beginning new classes. It is that time of year where we quest and thirst for new learning. We take what we have learned from the past and move forward being open and receptive to new knowledge and understanding of who we are, why we are, and where we are going. We read books, maybe even do the same papers, but eventually we realize we can be creative and not necessarily follow the crowd. We begin to add that something “extra,” a new idea, a new concept, a new way of expression.
The quote above really exemplifies the idea of choosing our own way, our own path. We have a choice to follow the crowd or to be a trailblazer. How do you think NEW inventions became household words and experiences? Someone stepped off the common way of thinking and had a NEW IDEA or a new way of looking at an old idea. It takes courage to step away from the crowd and pursue a calling, a desire, a purpose uniquely your own. And yet, when you do, it is so rewarding, fulfilling and joyful! You are Gods Unique, Creative Expression, unlike any other being on earth or elsewhere. Use it, love it, be it.
Lift Someone Up
Our theme this month of August has been “Lift Someone Up.” It reminds me of all the wonderful compassionate stories we heard throughout the Interfaith Summer Nights. One in particular comes to mind shared by an 8 year girl, who bravely spoke in front of an audience of 80 people. She told us while she and her family were walking to a restaurant for dinner one evening, they passed a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. The little girl asked her mom, “Can we share our leftover food with him after dinner?” Her mom said, “Of course.” When their dinner was finished, they gave this man their food and he was very appreciative. Later her mother revealed to me, not only did they share their leftovers, her little girl chose to eat only 1/2 her food that evening so she could give it to the homeless man. That story not only lifted the homeless man up, it lifted me up as well. When we hear these beautiful considerate, SEVA actions, it ripples out into our world and beyond. One small, kind action is worth a thousand words.
I love the lyrics from Celine Dion’s song “Because of You.”
The chorus says:
“You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ‘cuz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me.”
Today LIFT someone up in your neighborhood, family or workplace. A small act of kindness will not only affect the recipient, it will affect you and everyone around you.
Now go spread some LOVE today!
Just Stay and Sit
The other day, I was headed into Vons grocery store when I noticed a woman sitting on the curb. Several people were with her. As I approached I heard she fell while walking out of the store and now couldn’t move her knee. Times like these are what we are here to do, make decisions about which direction we choose to go in. I chose to stop and talk with the lady. Two men were trying to help her into a chair. She screamed when they tried to lift her. I told the men to stop, let her sit and just get help. The younger man, a courtesy clerk from the store went in to get the manager. The other man stepped back and attended his outside table getting signatures for “something.” I merely sat down on the curb beside her and said I would stay with her. I asked how it happened and she told me she thought she was on the ramp, when she was actually on the curb and fell. I then asked if I could say a prayer with and for her. She said “Yes, I would love that.” I placed my hands on her knee saying a prayer that would be acceptable to her (not knowing her faith) and continuing to treat within my own mind the power and truth of her being. She said her knee seemed to feel better. At that moment the manager came out of the store and again asked what happened. I said he needed to call 911 immediately, since no one has done that. He did. Then he got all the information he needed. I sat there with this lady and did not try to engage in conversation. She needed some quiet and I continued doing my prayer work knowing God in all forms would come to help her. She then called her daughter and soon the paramedics came. I told her to tell the paramedics it was too painful to be moved up to a chair and would probably need a splint first or some kind of protective gear around her knee before moving her.
As they approached, I said goodbye, telling her all would be well. She may or may not have thanked me. I don’t remember and it doesn’t matter. The man at the table called out to me, “May God Bless You.” And I did feel blessed.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you say. What matters is just taking the time to STAY and SIT with a person going through a challenge. Our paths may never cross again, and yet we were both blessed by our one time encounter.
Be a RA INBOW in Someone Else’s Cloud.
Dear Friends,
This week in the LIFT SOMEONE UP Theme I would like to honor Maya Angelou, a dynamic woman who loved who she was and loved her life! Her story is featured in the Essence Magazine. “Her Phenomenal Life & Poetic Journey” is written so profoundly and beautifully.
Maya talks about being a Black Woman. Maya says, “In the past 25 years we have witnessed, as Black women, enormous change, the greatest being an increased awareness and, in many instances, realization of our power. It is, I believe, one of our most significant achievements….”
Maya’s strength and authenticity cross all color lines. Women everywhere can look up to her and her accomplishments and follow her consistent path of integrity, following her heart, taking risks for justice and being tremendously courageous.
I believe a noble, courageous, self assured woman is one wing on the butterfly. A brave, principled, honorable man is the other wing. When in balance the butterfly can soar and knows no limits.
I would like to share some of Maya Angelou’s sayings and quotes from the magazine to uplift and inspire you.
“What seems to be a kind of vibrancy in me is from having called on spirit, having called on God to fill me, and the:
‘I’m enthusiastic! I’m up! I’m doing! I’m believing! I’m trying! I’m failing! I’m losing! I’m finding! It’s all all right.”
“If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?”
“We cannot waste time bemoaning our state.”
“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.”
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest.”
“You use power accordingly to how you acknowledge it inside yourself. Determine your goal of destination and know why you want to go there.”
“I believe that each of us comes from the creator trailing wisps of glory.”
Lift Someone Up Today
Have you ever needed a lift, a kind word, a prayer, a reminder of your True Worth and Spiritual Greatness?
We all need that kind of love and support. When we remind ourselves we are all on the earth plane together, journeying in life, we sense our connectedness with each other. When we forget our God Essence, isn’t it wonderful to get that phone call from a friend that just lifts our spirits or someone in the store tells us we have such a nice smile or a letter comes in the mail from someone expressing gratitude. It changes our life energy and direction in that moment.
I believe we are all here to LIFT each other UP everyday in some way. So today, make that phone call to someone who has been on your mind and LIFT them up. You will know what to say for God is always guiding you, loving you and being you in those precious moments.
Below is the beautiful song by Josh Groban. If you have a moment, go to his YOUTube and listen to the magic of these words. You will be Lifted and Raised Up! Now go out and Lift and Raise up another on their journey in life!
“You Raise Me Up”
Sung by Josh Groban
When I am down and, oh, my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.
There is no life – no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.
Listening Without Judgment
What a beautiful quote from Teal Scott. Listening without judgment is truly an act of compassion. Sometimes we are so ready to hammer in our “point of view,” we forget to listen.
When we don’t listen, we tend to find fault, blame and walk away in a huff. Even if we think someone has a ‘wrong’ point of view, when we listen with an open heart we begin to understand where they are coming from, and why they have a different view, idea or solution than we do.
It is OK to agree to disagree. This softens the energy around the discussion.
Jesus the Christ told us to “Agree with thine adversaries.”
He did not mean for us to ‘give in’ or be a door stop. He meant for us to truly listen and acknowledge another persons view with a kind and open heart. When we do this, the ‘other’ person is more responsive to listening to us. Kindness and compassion are tools for bringing down the walls of bitterness, misunderstandings, and disagreements. Next time you are in a disagreement with someone, just …
Stop, Sit and Listen.
Magnificent Obsession
I freely give in secret.
I freely receive in grateful quietude.
I am gently led in and towards my Magnificent Obsession!
Last week we saw a Turner Classic Movie called
“Magnificent Obsession” with Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman. We had no idea what a spiritual movie it was. Rock Hudson was a “Playboy,” not caring about anyone or anything but himself. Due to his reckless behavior and some sequential events he causes another man to die. In his inept way to make amends, he finds himself falling in love with the widow. In his relentless pursuit of her, he causes her to fall in front of a car resulting in her becoming blind. At his wits end, he meets an artist who tells him the one way he can find his path, is to recognize his Magnificent Obsession. Rock does not know how to do that, so the artist says, ” To find your Magnificent Obsession:
GIVE to others. Give to those who do not have, and ask them never to tell where the help came from. Give without expecting payment or anything in return. As Rock begins to do this he also re-discovers his passion, his love for medicine. As the relationship with Jane goes uphill and then downhill, he realizes the only thing left to do is to complete his doctor program and become a surgeon.
I don’t want to tell you how it ends, but Rock’s Magnificent Obsession with his two loves come together in the most beautiful way. In the end we all realize, everything that happened that appeared “bad” was ultimately meant for good!
Does this sound familiar??? What man intends for evil, God intends for Good!
Lesson: The more you GIVE, the more you are led to your Magnificent Obsession where you make a unique difference in the world. Regardless of appearance, ALL is meant to bless you in your life’s journey.
This movie is based on a true story.