February 27, 2024

Since we are still in the month of LOVE, I want to share a spiritual practice that is doable and works! Years ago I had a friend who called and asked me to come over. She had a situation she needed to talk about, so I went. When I got there she said, “Before you knocked on the door, I saw a flash of light, and I knew it was you.” I was surprised at first, and then realized it was God going before me as I stepped through the door.

Today my practice is saying, ” I AM LOVE entering….” a house, a store, a car wherever I am to step across a threshold. It is a spoken reminder, I AM all of God entering. Some people say we are sparks of God which infer there is only a tiny part of God within us. That is not so. GOD is ALL OF US.  When you use the words I AM you are speaking as God, for God is the Mighty  I AM in, through and as all people, places and things. ‘I AM…..’ sets the tone to “establish a quality, feeling and attitude” (Webster) Wherever I go the tone I want to establish is LOVE.

Last week Steve and I were invited to some people’s home. They had a guest who we knew and he wanted to say hi before he left to travel home. This guest was a person from our past and I was not looking forward to seeing him. I told Steve as we got into our car to make the drive, let us pray, “I AM, WE ARE LOVE entering the house. I AM, WE ARE LOVE in the house. I AM WE ARE LOVE leaving the house.” Needless to say our whole stay was pleasant and even had some laughs in spite of this guest taking us down “memory lane.” As we left, hugs went around to and from everyone. We were surprised and yet, I realized we had already established LOVE as the only action and reaction in the house.

Wherever you are, wherever you go, remind yourself, you are GOD – LOVE in this human form. All God, All human. Speak your word of power to create good, happiness, joy and LOVE before you step through the door. The person opening the door may see you as a flash of Divine Light.

We are LOVE entering…,

Abigail and Steve












Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is Valentines Day, a day devoted to Love and Joy with partners, spouses, families and friends. We love the special gifts we give and receive, the candy,
the flowers and the special attention from and for our loved ones.
However there are those who do not have a special someone in their lives and perhaps their families are far away. Valentines Day for them can be lonely and

Divine LOVE is the Love of God which never fails, falls or is withheld. Divine Love manifests every day the year. If you are someone who feels isolated on this day
remember, GOD Within is always loving you unconditionally. Take a moment, by placing your hand over your heart and knowing the love of God is expressing as you.
When you give love, love comes back to you. Who and how can you express love today?

I suggest everyone take a moment and visualize a WAVE of LOVE flowing in and through you to everyone you know, family, friends, co-workers, people in stores, on
the streets and then flowing out as a WAVE to everyone in the city, state, country and then world. Picture this WAVE of LOVE, of JOY, of PEACE of GRACE permeating
everyone and every thing. Watch it, FEEL it circle the globe embracing our sweet mother earth. What a gift to ALL the people, animals and nature. Our thoughts and
feelings are energetic and DO go out into the ethers and felt by all on a subconscious level. The Law of Circulation is in place and all that you give returns

Listen to this beautiful YouTube of Rickie Byars singing
“We Let it Be.”
Here are the words.
“We Let the LOVE Wash over us, We let, We let it be.
We Let the JOY Wash over us, We let, We let it be.
We Let the PEACE Wash over us, We let, We let it be.
We Let the GRACE Wash over us, We let, We let it be.”

YouTube “We Let It Be” by Rickie Byars

Create your Valentines Day with a WAVE of LOVE flowing over yourself, others and the world.

With LOVE,
Abigail and Steve

“The Glory of God is Within You” Marianne Williamson



Dear Friends,

I was reading “The Daily Word” and there were so many wonderful thoughts, messages and verses, I wanted to share some with you. We each go through the day with challenges. Perhaps one of these inspiring affirmations and thoughts will speak to you, and bring you comfort.


“In all circumstances, I trust in God. I greet each day with confidence, trusting in the absolute goodness of God.”


“My spiritual life progresses in accordance with divine order. Like the seed that begins as a tiny sprout, I am growing toward the fullness of my potential. Just as the seed does not bypass stages of growth as it progreses to fully matured grain, my orderly growth happens over time.”


“I use my wisdom to discern my life’s direction. When I turn my attention to my feelings and pay heed to what my intuition is telling me, I am using my divine gift of wisdom”


“When I align my thought with the divine gift of strength and not on the weight I carry or the distance I travel, I am tapping into the power of God expressing as me. Through divine strength, I am renewed and refreshed.”

Remember as you read these quotes and affirmations, when you say “I” or “I AM” you are calling upon GOD within you and affirming the highest and best. As Marianne Williamson says, …

“You were born to manifest the Glory of God that is within YOU.”

Affirming the Best in Life                                                                                                      Abigail and Steve












Dear Friends,

I love the quote above. The most important words to me are ” I AM ENOUGH.” I am of the age where I look back on my life, take stock and go through what many say happens on the other side, I give myself a LIFE REVIEW. Unfortunately I tend to dwell on the experiences, events and happenings that tend to be negative. I go into the “shouda, woulda, coulda” mindset. Sometimes I am heartbroken and realize how I could have chosen differently, which would have changed the results. However I cannot change the past. All I can do is change me in the present. With a heart of love and forgiveness I own the mistakes (like the quote) and make a vow to never repeat them again.

“We are enough. So, when it seems we’re no longer able to change the condition, we know to tap into our wellspring of enough-ness and choose to change ourselves.” ( Stephen Rambo, Science of Mind Magazine Feb.)

My mentor minister told me, “Your Consciousness of the Past is not the Consciousness of the Present.” Life is all about learning from mistakes, making changes and realizing Unconditional Love/God is within you.

The thought occurred to me, what if my “past mistakes” were not mistakes, but lessons I needed to learn and the only way I could learn them is if another soul volunteered to be in this uncomfortable relationship with me for my spiritual growth and understanding. What I have read and believe is relationships are planned before we come into the earth dimension for each one’s highest good, knowledge and wisdom. Lessons learned bring about forgiveness of others and of self which naturally leads to a higher understanding and unconditional LOVE for all.

I will remember, I am God is Action, God in form, God as Love. Experiences in life to not define my True Being. I am not my job. I am not my role in life, I am not my mistakes. I am a Divine Being, WORTHY and ENOUGH.


Being Enough

Abigail and Steve


Change the Radio Dial


Dear Friends,

It is interesting to think how we are like radio dials, sending out frequencies and vibrations all the time. We have the ability to change our vibrations (thoughts and feelings) about any situation in a split second, just like changing the program on a radio station.

“Each day we tune into a specific frequency that brings back to us an exact match. If we find ourselves in a bad space mentally, the frequency we send out returns back to us multiplied.” (Jeffon Seely, January Science of Mind magazine)

Needless to say, “Be mindful of the frequency of your thoughts.”(Jeffon Seely)

We all have daily challenges. Just the other night Steve and I were sitting, and waiting for a furniture repairman who was supposed to come before 6pm.We put off dinner (generally we eat early) and now it was after 6pm. We were hungry and little cranky. Steve called the furniture repair office and it was closed so we had no way to get ahold of the service man. The man finally called and said he was on his way. We had a choice, we could be irritated when he arrived or “change our frequency.” We changed our attitude dial. I put out some cookies and water knowing this man has already had a long day and may need some goodies to eat. We opened the door with a smile and said “So glad you came. It must be a long day for you.” I offered him the food.Luckily it did not take him long to fix the couch, and we were soon eating dinner. Our attitude is always a choice.

The other day I was having lunch with two good lady friends at our favorite restaurant. We try to get together once a month. Our conversation centered around the changes we have had in our lives this past year. One friend ordered her usual turkey sandwich, dry, no mayo, no cheese, only raw onion, lettuce and tomato on it with a side of mustard and ketchup. After a few minutes the waitress came back and said the turkey sandwich was no longer on the menu, but today there was enough for the sandwich. We thanked her, and kind of laughed thinking about how this is a change. To make a long story short this order was sent back 2 times. My friend is Jewish and is careful about her food combinations. First time the sandwich came with cheese, the next time it came with caramelized onions (not raw) and the third time it came with bacon. The three of us looked at each other and just laughed! We couldn’t believe this sandwich order. My friend just smiled and took off the bacon.She could have, and we could have been angry, talked to the manager, or complained about the waitress. However all we did was laugh. It really was hilarious and we knew it was time for us to CHANGE restaurants. What a funny experience after just discussing all the changes in our lives!

We kept our vibrations high with laughter and never humiliated the waitress (I believe she was new) or left with a negative feeling. Now we have the opportunity to try new restaurants and enjoy new scenery. Challenges, will always arise. We cannot always change the situation, however we can always CHANGE our ATTITUDE about the situation by simply changing the dial on our emotions and thoughts. Keep it High!

The mind is a transmitter and receiver of energy. When we raise our thoughts to the frequency of love and compassion, we transform ourselves and the world.” (Bell Books, January Science of Mind Magazine)

Keeping High Vibrations!








Dear Friends,
I was reading an article by Louisa Rogers in the Unity Magazine and she said, ”
” ‘Footwork’ means if I’m going to ask God to help me solve a problem, I need to step up myself, so I try to remember to offer what I’ll do.
It’s only fair, after all. We’re a team.”

Two words that caught my eye were FOOTWORK and TEAM. I think of all the football games happening now as they get ready for the Super bowl.
Without exceptional footwork and a unified team, the game will be poorly played. Our personal “footwork,” active praying, active doing etc,
in combination with understanding that GOD is our team, will manifest all affirmative prayers.

Have you ever said, “Why can’t God DO something about this!!!???” Well God does and is doing ‘something about this, whatever this is…’
However God is not a pie in the sky God, or looking down on us judging us, or making something happen without our investment in it. The TRUTH is ,
od is in us, as us and works through us. We need to “step up” and be an active participant in team God, in order to receive an answer to prayer.

Sometimes when we pray, we Affirm and expect immediate action or we have our own idea of what should be done. That is the ego speaking.
Affirmations are just a part of prayer. Once our desires are spoken, our part is to LISTEN to the still small voice of God within to do what we need to do next.
The football players can say “I want to win.” However winning happens when each member of the team LISTENS to the coach and the other members of the TEAM.
Listen to God and always ask, “This or something better.”

When you pray, move your feet is also an African proverb often repeated by the late Congressman John Lewis .
Quakers also say, “When you pray, move your feet. This idea is a commonality among cultures and religions.

The word “TREAT” in New Thought refers to Scientific Prayer Treatment, which is a 5 step process acknowledging our ONENESS in and as God.
God, Spirit, Mind, whatever you wish to call IT, is within us as our Only Power. As we speak and affirm our desire through this prayer
process we know it is heard and acted upon quickly in the Spiritual Dimension. As we sit quietly to hear our God voice we receive answers.
Prayer is a process and answers come when the time is Divinely right for all concerned.

Dr. Ebon Alexander said, “There is an interconnection between the soul and the Mind of the Universe.” Let us listen and understand we are always
connected to God, to the Divine Mind of the universe, wherever we are, whatever we do. As New Thought people say, “There is no spot where God
is not.” Whether you are at home, work, faith center, or in nature, you are always connected to GOD Within because God IS YOU.

Know God is the Only Power.
Know your Oneness in, as and of God.
Affirm and declare your desire.
Release your way to a higher way. Let Go Let God.
Be Grateful for the Divine outcome.



Dear Friends,

On January 5th, Steve and I, as part of the Poway Interfaith Team (POINT),with the Palomar Health Hospitals in Escondido and Poway, collaborated and declared January 5th the “GIFT of LOVE DAY.” (See photos below)

We brought 100’s of Teddy Bears and other cute stuffed animals to the patients at these hospitals. We began by blessing and praying over the bears and then walking the halls with other volunteers and distributing the bears among the patients. Looking into the eyes of the people in beds or wheelchairs and seeing the JOY these cute animals brought, was my heart’s delight. We saw eyes, that went from sadness, and despair, to joy, and love. The emotions they were previously feeling, changed by just HOLDING a teddy bear or other stuffie.  One of the Pastors we know, Pastor John Quintana, from Our Father’s Grace Ministries brought in 400 cute bears! What a wonderful way to begin the NEW YEAR. I felt like we were doing “GOOD” one patient at a time.

I love the quote above, “I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do! I feel, as you may, like the world needs a blanket of GOODNESS to reset the Consciousness of all people. Sometimes reading about the wars, the hurt, the prejudice, the criminal actions is overwhelming. As one person, I know I cannot change everyone or the affairs of the world. However as one person, I can choose to DO and to BE GOOD everyday in everyway I can.

The other day I was standing in line at Starbucks and I heard the gentleman before me say to the clerk “I would like to pay for the coffee for these two firemen ahead of me.” After the firemen thanked the man, I was inspired to do the same. This was a reminder and an opportunity to be GOOD and do something nice for someone else without any expectations in return. So I turned to lady behind me in line and said, “I would like to pay for your coffee.” She was both surprised and grateful. Who knows where the energy of that decision went, and how it manifested in someone else’s life. It doesn’t matter. One GOOD intention, one GOOD deed always ripples out to others everywhere. It is not for me to find or figure it out. GOD will and GOD as GOOD does!

In 2024, let us embark on a journey of kindness, compassion, and collective GOODWILL, recognizing that our efforts, no matter how small, contribute to a brighter, more harmonious and peaceful world.



Dear Friends,


As I was preparing for this upcoming Sunday’s Message for One Heart One Mind CSL, the word “SPARKLE.” kept appearing to me. I love that word. Every time I think of it or say it, I smile. What if you thought about that word every day in all that you do? A smile would naturally appear on your shining face and others would see it and start smiling too. We know when someone laughs, we all are inclined to laugh. Same with smiling. When you smile, people automatically smile. When your smile becomes a SPARKLE, people around you feel your glow, joy and love presence.


We all love Santa and what he represents, his goodness, love, and joy of giving. We see his face SPARKLING, and eyes twinkling. In the coming 2024 year I suggest we think about being the SPAKRLE in someone else’s life. BE the one with the kind word. BE the one who pays it forward. BE the one who makes an effort to see a friend in the hospital. BE the one who forgives and calls an estranged friend or relative. The Course in Miracles says, “Would you rather be right or happy?” The more you SPARKLE with the vibrations of Love, Joy, Forgiveness, and Appreciation of Life, the more you SPARKLE as a Divine Being. Bring that joy into your life, and into another person’s life!




S – SERVICE. Be in service to Self (love yourself and know your worth) and be in service to others with a SMILE.


P – PAUSE and listen without distractions to others and what they need.


A – ALWAYS BE your AUTHENTIC self. No more hiding who you truly are.


R – REALIZE your God Given Power to create a life of Joy. No one can take that away from you.


K – KINDNESS is Heart’s Intelligence. Allow Kindness to guide your way.


L – LOVE and be the LIGHT of God.


E – ENERGY and vibration is God’s ESSENCE moving through you. Always keep it high.


SMILE, SHINE and SPARKLE in the New Year!




December 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

For those who celebrate Christmas, the day after is a time to relax and enjoy gifts, and family. The time up until Christmas is hectic with the hustle bustle of gift buying, food and guest preparation, parties and get togethers. One hardly has time to think, unless you are one of those people who plan ahead and can cruise through the holiday period.

Here we are between Christmas and New Years. Some of you may be saying, ‘OK got to get in gear for New Years and do those crazy preparations all over again. ‘The “have to’s” start appearing in mind. I have to do this,

I have to do that. I have to Vision, I have to get a New Years list ready, I have to think about….. and the list goes on.

What if you didn’t!?

What if you gave your brain a rest? We often talk about how to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit and we focus more on the body. What if we focused on our brain? It too needs a rest. Thank God for sleep. We have a few hours a day to stop thinking. However our brains never truly stops, there are dreams that help us decode our day.

I just started reading a book, my daughter gave to me called Bored and Brilliant, by Manuosh Zomorodi, a TV host and editor of “Note to Self, the tech show about being human, from WNYC. She outlines the premise with facts how important it is to give your brain a rest. With all the stimulation from phones, computers, constant planning and going, the brain just stops being creative.

Manuosh says, ” There is a connection between a lack of stimulation -boredom- and a flourishing of creativity and drive. When our minds wander, we activate something called the ‘default mode,’ the mental place where we solve problems and generate our best ideas. When we let ourselves space out and our minds wander, we do our most original thinking and problem solving. Creativity no matter how you define or apply it, needs a push and boredom, which allows new and different connections to form in our brain. This is a most effect muse.”

For me, when I start thinking about writing a message for this newsletter, most of the time I have no idea what I am going to write. I say to God, “Ok God what shall I write? What do people need to hear?” That is when I sit in my meditation chair. Sometimes I put my feet up and lay prone quietly. I rest my mind by looking out at the sunrise and the beautiful hills and palm trees. Sometimes I get an idea right away, other times I feel the call to look in a certain book or spiritual writing. Sometimes ideas come while I am walking. The more I turn away “from the question,” and just relax, the faster ideas pour through me.

Allow your GOD MIND time to give you answers. Allow GOD to come in rather than squeezing IT out with a million thoughts. Remember Emmet Fox saying, “Turn Away From the Problem and Think About God.” Thinking about God is that meditative Alpha state where all is calm, quiet with No thought. That is the place where God resides waiting for the mind to have a blank screen so IT can bring forth something NEW and Wonderful.

This week STOP being so concerned with: What am I going to do in 2024?                      What ‘should” I do? (Please stop ‘shoulding’ yourself.)

Give it a rest…


Looking out your window to a tree or hill.
Sitting by a tree.
Smelling a beautiful flower.
Walking without thinking.
No computer for half a day or more.
No phone for half a day or more.
Just BEING You.

Spacing out,

Abigail and Steve


BE the LIGHT in Your World


Dear Friends,
This morning as I opened the blinds in my meditation area, I was in AWE of the brilliant sunrise happening. The LIGHT of day was beginning with the colors of gold, red, pink in a glorious blend. I found myself in a deep meditative state just looking at the sky and taking in the wonder and beauty of God as the sun rose and the day began.

During the months of November and December, many religious traditions honor the idea of LIGHT, celebrate it and are in awe of it.

“Hanukkah is called the “FESTIVAL of LIGHTS.” Hanukkah celebrates events from more than 2,000 years ago. First and foremost, it commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem after a successful revolt of the Jewish people led by Judah Maccabee against their Syrian-Greek oppressors, who had tried to assimilate the Jewish people and, in so doing, had desecrated the Temple. Hanukkah traditions include lighting the candles on a nine-branched menorah.”

“Diwali is the festive time of “Deepavali.” The Festival of Lights marks new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil, and light over darkness. Diwali coincides with harvest and new year celebrations. The word
Diwali comes from the Sanskrit word Deepavali, which means a row of lights. [Deep = light and avali = a row]. It is one of the most prominent festival in India and South-East Asia, celebrated with great warmth, joy, and shining grandeur, like Christmas is celebrated in many parts of the world.”

‘Deepavali’, The Festival of Lights

” Yule will be celebrated by Wiccans and many other Pagans in the Northern Hemisphere on Dec. 21, the day of the winter solstice. For Pagans, the shortest day of the year marks the end of the descent into darkness and the beginning of the return of the light as the days begin to get longer after the solstice.” https://www.mabonhouse.co/yule

We are also in the midst of the Christmas Holydays and we acknowledge Jesus the Christ as “The LIGHT of the World.” Why? Because He brought goodness, love, compassion, healing , a new way of thinking, and perspective of loving our fellow man and forgiving 7×70. In the Bible, John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the LIGHT of LIFE.” Jesus was referring to the Mighty I AM Spirit of God WITHIN himself which is the LIGHT, and can do ALL things. He also said what he did we can do also. WHY? Because the LIGHT of GOD is within us, always has been and always will be. Once we recognize the Truth of our being, we too can heal and do greater things than
he did. We celebrate the birth of a MASTER TEACHER of LIGHTED LIFE on
December 25.

BE the LIGHT in your World. Birth the Christ Consciousness within you.
Love one another. Be good and show compassion to all people. Forgive always, and remember who you are, God in form.

Being the Light,

Abigail and Steve