Category Archives: Interfaith
Happiness is a Choice

Our hearts and prayers go out to the family and friends of those who lost friends and family due to unnecessary and cruel treatment by a police officer.
We need a bottom up change in our inherent racist culture, structure and systems.
White people must bear the lions share of systemic change and bring an end of
the prejudice and bias in all areas of life; law enforcement, education, government
and more. Please read: ‘105 Things White People Can Do to Bring Racial Justice’
under “Discussion.”
Bring in a new consciousness of LOVING ONE ANOTHER.
We must also eliminate unnecessary hatred of “the other.” All people are loved unconditionally by God. All faiths are valued and valuable. God has no favorites. “There are no stepchildren of God.” (Jeff Olsen)
IAW 2024 will have all these Programs Recorded. We are waiting for each presenter to send us their videos. Keep checking and click on the Interfaith Awareness Week button.
Sunday August 11, 2024
2:00-3:30pm—IAW Opening – “Living From Our Essential Goodness” – Poway Interfaith Team (POINT)
To view Program, go to: Passcode: POINT
4-:00-5:30 “Interfaith Escondido” – “Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats” – Escondido Together, Verna Sunquest
To view Program, go to:
6-:00-7:30 “From Protest to Policy: Youth Voices in Peacebuilding” – Bangladesh Interfaith” – Global Law Thinkers, Roaman Smita
To view Program, go to:
Monday August 12, 2024
8:00– 9:30am – “Spiritual Diversity in Education” – Deborah Robin Mech
To view Program, go to:
10:00– 11:30 – “The Science of Compassion, and Compassion-Centered Art Exhibitions” – Jon Kolkin, M.D., President, The Shades of Compassion Foundation –
To view Program, go to:
12:00-1:30 “Interfaith” Alison Van Dyke, Temple of Understanding, New York
To view Program, go to:
2:00-3:30 “Community Resilience” – United Religions Initiative – Samira Barucija,
To view Program, go to:
4:00-5:30″Connecting the Rising Generation Through Service” – Elder Michael Christensen, Elizabeth Christensen
To view Program, go to:
6:00-7:30 “Can Western Women Heal The World?” – The Global Women’s Village – Sande Hart
To view Program, go to:
Tuesday August 13, 2024
8:00– 9:30am “Spiritual Playdate Respect Challenge 2024 – “Making Respect Cool Again” – Edwina Cowell
To view Program, go to:
10:00– 11:30 ______________________
To view Program, go to:
12:00-1:30 “Arizona Faith Network” – Vasu Bandhu
To view Program, go to:
2:00-3:30 ________________________
4:00-5:30 “Sin, Suffering, and Redemption” – Catholic-Buddhist Dialogue – Interfaith Circle, Toronto Canada, Vivian Kwok
To view Program, go to:
6:00-7:30 “ICI World Pilgrims—Pilgrimage to Vietnam” – Angela Rice
To view Program, go to:
Wednesday August 14, 2024
8:00– 9:30am “Bridging Faiths for a Greener Future: Interfaith Peacebuilding through Environmental Conservation”- Greshma Raju
To view Program, go to:
10:00– 11:30 _____________________
12:00-1:30 ________________________
2:00-3:30 _________________________
4:00-5:30 “We Rise” – Sandra Campbell, Kansas City
6:00-7:30 “Baha’i Devotional” – Baha’is of Poway California
Thursday August 15,2024
8:00– 9:30am “Connecting Interfaith Thru Media & Events” – Jacqueline Fuller
To view Program, go to:
10:00– 11:30 “How Food Can Increase Social Interaction” – Kate Sookhoo, Char Nolan, —Interfaith Philadelphia
To view Program, go to:
12:00-1:30 “ Faith Inspired Social Justice by Interfaith Worker Justice of San Diego County” – Rev. Cheri Metier
To view Program, go to:
2:00-3:30 – “What Color are Your Thoughts?’ A Divine Perspective” – Dr. Rev. Ahmondra McClendon, NY
To view Program, go to:
4:00-5:30 “Reclaiming Joy through Nature’s Diversity: Indigenous and Interfaith Wisdom” – Rev. Rebecca Suzik, Indigenous Elders
To view Program, go to:
6:00–7:30 ______________________
To view Program, go to:
Friday August 16, 2024
8:00– 9:30am _______________________
To view Program, go to:
10:00– 11:30 “United Religions Initiative” – Issac S Thomas
To view Program, go to:
12:00-1:30 – “Soul’s Evolution for Tomorrow” – Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert, Poway, CA
To view Program, go to: Passcode: POINT
2:00-3:30 __________________________
To view Program, go to:
4:00-5:30 __________________________
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6:00–7:30 _________________________
To view Program, go to:
Saturday August 17,2024
8:00– 9:30am _____________________
To view Program, go to:
10:00– 11:30 “Nigeria Interfaith” – Usman Inuwa
To view Program, go to:
12:00-1:30 _________________________
To view Program, go to:
2:00-3:30 “We Are The Hands and Feet of God” – Yolanda Nava, Los Angeles, CA
To view Program, go to: Passcode: POINT
4:00-5:30 “Interfaith Music: Sounds that Appeals & Heals” – Ruth Broyde Sharone, CA
To view Program, go to: Passcode: POINT
6:00-7:30—“Teaching Interfaith Today” – IAW Closing Celebration & Party –
Revs. Drs. Abigail & Stephen Albert, World Interfaith Network
To view Program, go to: Passcode: POINT
POINT Interfaith Team created a video of
Inspiration, Encouragement, Humor and Service
YouTube Link
Video Slide Presentation!ArO3sYmleR2agZRYu3EUHI68ZTpQJg?e=JocC2E
Local Online Events
YOGA and Compassion Practice
Are you feeling lonely, anxious, stressed, sad, afraid, or isolated? You are are not alone. The coronavirus outbreak has required us to be physically separated from each other – but thankfully we can still be connected and present in each other’s lives with the help of technology. We want to personally invite you to plug in to our all-online ministries below.
Practice yoga with us from the comfort of your home!
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 PM
Compassion Practice
Tuesdays at 7 PM
Trained facilitators will guide us in practicing open-hearted sharing and nonjudgmental, compassionate listening based on the Compassion Practice developed by Frank Rogers, Jr. Incorporating mindful attention to our internal experience, the Compassion Practice nurtures authentic compassion for others – starting with ourselves.
Two easy ways to be with us virtually for Compassion in the Clubhouse:
1. via videoconferencing –
2. via phone call (audio only) – dial (669) 900-6833 and enter meeting
ID #594402954
We all could use a little self-compassion in this difficult time
For more information contact Rev. Dale Suggs
[email protected]
Free Online Course – Sufi Stress Relieving Techniques
Hi everyone,
I hope you all are well during this time. I just wanted to share with you a free online course the Sufi Psychology Association has put together with physicians, psychotherapists and psychologists to help people through this difficult time. It may be a good resource for friends, family, clients, etc.
Every couple of days a new “lesson” is uploaded which may include a stress relief technique, psychological skill, journaling exercise, reframing tip, deep breathing practice, activity suggestions, etc. It’s our way of contributing and trying to help out during this time.
The link is below.
Thank you!
Lynn E. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, CSU, Sacramento
Sufi Psychology Association
Yoga Techniques To Strengthen Immunity
“Dear All,
Padma-Shri Dr. H R Nagendra — ‘Yoga Guru’ to India’s beloved Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi — talks about “The Corona Challenge;
and how Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga techniques help to strengthen immunity”.
Here are the links of videos on prevention of Covid-19, uploaded in Guruji’s YouTube channel — for your information and sharing.
Feel free to share these links widely with all — globally — for Universal well-being …
Please acknowledge receipt of this communication and the action taken.
– Dr. Anjali Ghanekar
For Everyone
An Open Letter to Everyone
Hi Everyone.
When I look at the name of our network, the word “WORLD” stands out calling me to do or say something about what we are all going through, and I have no idea what else I can do other than PRAY. I sit here each day and receive dozens of newsletters and posts from Interfaith Groups from throughout the world who are each going through the same thing I am. They are informing all their people to: “isolate themselves and practice healthy habits,” “hang tough” and to know that “some good will come out of all of this.”
Perhaps one thing which we can all take from these stressful and uncertain times is that WE ARE ALL GOING THROUGH IT TOGETHER. No one faith, culture, race, sex, religion, etc. is exempt from this coronavirus. As frustrated as you might feel, and I know that I do, this experience may be the element which unites the world to learn better that we need to take care of each other.
I have been telling everyone who I speak with, to remain calm and BELIEVE that upon defeating coronavirus, as we did the Spanish Flu, Black Plague, Polio, Mumps, Measles, Influenza, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, etc., we will emerge stronger and more grateful that we can get up each morning and interact with people in a peaceful way. DEEP BREATH and affirm with me, this too shall pass.
Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert
World Interfaith Network
[email protected]
We VISION a World where people honor and respect one another, where integrity and honesty is the norm.
We VISION a World where people are inclusive, supportive and see the Divine in each other.
The All Faith Center is deeply committed to opening the hearts and minds of all people with a deeper understanding of all faith traditions, cultures, nationalities and personalities.
When knowledge is shared, awareness and understanding become greater, myths and misconceptions are dissipated, and barriers of fear melt away.
We are then ready for the 3 C’s: Connection, Collaboration and Cooperation!”
We do this by offering transformative Labyrinth Walks, Classes, Workshops, Interfaith Events and ways to serve God and each other.,
Foot Washing on Holy Thursday
Washing the Feet of San Diego Women Janitors on Holy Thursday
Christi Bohan, of Pax Christi Catholic Non-violent Peacemakers said, “Hi, peacemakers! On Holy Thursday this week, we participated in the march and foot washing of our San Diego janitors to support an increase wage, and to stop the sexual harassment, exploitation, and rape of female janitors. It was a very powerful and emotional march as one of the janitors carrying a huge wooden cross led us on a walk in downtown San Diego during the lunch time hour as us, the walkers, sang “Here we are Lord” and “Amazing Grace.” The police cleared one side of the road as onlookers stopped to see what was going on as we sang and held signs to support our janitors. We walked a few blocks to the Civic Center Plaza where we heard personal stories of the janitors plight. Various religious leaders shared their thoughts and gave their blessings. Bishop McElroy and two other Bishops from other faiths also were present and talked about their solidarity with the janitors. A major Muslim leader, Imam Taha Hassane, got huge applause when he shared “I want to be caught doing social justice” referring to one of the comments from one of the presidential candidates insinuating Muslims don’t do their part in promoting social justice. Bishop McElroy made a point to acknowledge the tragedy in Belgium to this Muslim leader. One of the signs we held at the march said, “All religions want justice.” To wrap up the talks, the religious leaders and others who wanted to could wash the feet of the janitors and those that wanted their feet wash. It was a great way to see in action what Jesus did for us and how he wants us to serve each other.