“It’s not confined to one gender but is an essential aspect of the human experience. Divine femininity is about nurturing, understanding, empathy, and connection.
It represents a side of ourselves that fosters emotional intelligence, intuition, and compassion.”

I love being with my two granddaughters, one almost 3 1/2 years and the other 3 months. I whisper gently in their ears how beautiful,
smart, capable, intelligent, courageous, loving and compassionate they are. Every child needs to hear these words and more. During our Honoring the Women Month
we need to be sure every female; baby, child, youth, young adult, age 30 through 100+ years hear this truth about themselves. Women, in the mind and heart of
God have always been uplifted, loved and revered. Our brothers are beginning to realize how immensely important the Divine Feminine is. I believe we are the
WAY to change the world and create the peace we want.
Women do not start wars. Women start circles of companionship. compassion, cooperation, courage, and collective camaraderie.

We need to nurture LOVE and JOY in our girls.
We need to nurture independence, excellence, self-sufficiency and an ability to Be and Do all that is in their hearts.
We need to encourage them to do what they love and pursue their Divine calling here on earth.
We need to encourage our girls to swing high, push boundaries and create a path that no one has taken before.
We need to honor our elder women for their wisdom and intelligence

“I honor and celebrate the Divine Feminine as it expresses in the world. I celebrate the girls and women in my life and throughout the world.
I admire their grace and resilience and feel grateful for their courage, strength, and caring energy.”
(Daily Word, March)