Daily JOY








Dear Friends,

In the mornings I love to read my spiritual magazines/books to help me start off the day in the highest possible way. Today I was reading some inspirational quotes and I would like to share a few with you.
In these troubling times I believe we could all use a purposeful word, joyfilled phrase or thoughtful reminder as our guide while we move through our day.

From the August Science of Mind magazine here are are few favorites:

Today is a fresh beginning, a new start and a joyous adventure on the pathway of eternal progress. Today is bright with hope and happy with fulfillment.
-Ernest Holmes

Thoughts are like arrows: once released, they strike their mark. Guard them well or one day you may be your own victim.
-Navajo Proverb

God speaks to us in the Qur’an saying that He will not change our condition until we change what is in our hearts and souls.
-Saleemah Abdu-Chafur

The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us, and the light
goes out.
-James Baldwin

We must continue to be aware of our thoughts. Are they are stinging or kind?
Are our hearts filled with contempt or compassion? Are we embracing all others, alike and different than ourselves? Only when we do, we can then truly find hope and joy in our daily lives.
Holding onto anger or irritation does not keep us safe, healthy or change the world. If we want to change the world, let us begin to change ourselves.
Go Deep:
Why do I dislike people different than me?
Why am I angry with those whose philosophies are different than me?
FEAR of listening to a view different than your own…
FEAR due to an old tape from childhood…
FEAR of the unknown and change….

Let today be a different day, a new day, a new thought, a new feeling living with a new declaration:
I am happy and fulfilled today. I believe All people have their place in the sea of humanity. All are my brothers and sisters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, love preference, political preference.
I am, and we are all connected in the family of God.

In the world of bodies, we are all separate. In the world of Spirit, we are all one.
-Marianne Williamson

Moving Daily with Joy,
Abigail and Steve