Dear Friends,
In my morning prayer time I noticed I was beginning my prayers with “Let it be….with whatever I was praying for after the “be.” Let Love flow through me… Let Divine Peace fill my day… Let the Timing unfold in this day…
I caught myself quickly realizing the idea of LET, may only be a doubt or begging type of prayer. I know the Bible says, “Let There Be Light, and there was Light…” However that was an interpretation of what happened. GOD IS LIGHT so there is nothing else. HE/SHE/IT did not have to ask for Light when It was already Light!
An inner voice reminded me, and I resonated with a whole different feeling. Love is always flowing through me because Love is me. Divine Peace is my day because Peace is inherent within me. Divine Timing happens because I call it forth NOW.
Love, Peace, Timing and All there is, is GOD within me . Recognizing GOD Power is always within me eliminates the need to ASK or LET. I just have to ALLOW and DECLARE my Good. God is in me, as me, doing the work through me NOW.
I don’t have to ask for Strength, God is my strength NOW. I don’t have to say LET this situation unfold beautifully. I can affirm and declare this situation is unfolding beautifully NOW. This or something better.
Remember WHO you are in your daily, moment to moment prayer. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing just KNOW God Within is your guidance and power always. Declare Affirm and KNOW it is done NOW.
Blessings, Abigail and Steve