Divine Concensus

“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”
-African Proverb


Dear Friends,

I read the above quote in the August Science of Mind magazine and I immediately resonated with it.  I have and am serving on many boards and committees and have always found when we come together to work on a project or to find a solution, ALL ideas need to be honored at the table.  I believe in consensus and know when we all agree, there is 100% buy-in and cooperation.  It may take some time to get there, but once there, everything and every detail falls into place.

Just recently we finalized the Theme for the 2017 NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) Connect Conference which Dr. Steve is Chair.  We have had other meetings and emails going back and forth and the theme ideas were wide spread and inconclusive.   At this past meeting we knew we needed to really be clear and come to a decision on the theme.  We prayed, and walked the labyrinth asking what God’s Highest Divine Idea is for the conference.  Needless to say, all previous theme ideas were thrown out and a NEW one began to emerge. This was the Theme we could all agree on, and come to consensus with.

HARMONY: The Journey to Interfaith Understanding!

The 4 C’s:  Communication, Collaboration. Cooperation and Consensus is a beautiful process where everyone is heard and appreciated.  There is such JOY when we are all ONE in agreement.

Whatever committee you are on or leading, go for Divine Consensus and you will have a harmonious group of people all working for the highest good of all.

Peace and Blessings Always,

Rev. Dr. Abigail and Rev Dr. Steve