Global Interfaith Awareness Week

August 2, 2022

Dear Friends,
I am looking forward to a beautiful
Interfaith Awareness Week coming up this Sunday, August 7 going through Saturday, August 13th!
Rev. Steve has been the coordinator, planner and spear header for this global event. I invite you all to look at the program schedule below and find the areas of interest, go to the World Interfaith Network Website and click on the link to your favorite program.


I love the quote by Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science
(New Thought).
” The philosophy of Religious Science is nothing new to the world.
It is rather a synthesis of the greatest concepts that have ever come to the mind of humankind.The laws of Moses, the love of Christ,
the ethics of Buddha, the morals of Confucius and the deep spiritual realization of the Hindus all find an exalted place in the philosophy of Religious Science.”     
I know he never meant to exclude any other religion. His purpose was to show how we honor, respect and value all faith traditions for each are unique in their expression of love and gratitude for our Creator.

I want to share some other favorite Interfaith quotes which I received from our friend Paul McKenna from Canada (Golden Rule Curriculum & IAW Program ).
“It seems to me that the world’s religions are like siblings separated at birth. We’ve grown up in different neighborhoods, different household, with different songs, stories, traditions and customs. But now, we’ve been reunited and having found each other after so many years apart, we look into each other’s faces and we can see the family resemblance. We’re back together again and its’ very good!”
-Richard Watts

All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves.          All is really one.
-Black Elk

“The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.

“If you can’t see God in all, you can’t see God at all.”
-Yogi Bhajan

Steve and I have been in the Interfaith Movement since 2006 and still feel excited about meeting other people from different cultures, faiths, ethnicities and perspectives. We have made so many friends and cherish them greatly.
When we work, play and eat together we are bonded as friends.

There is no US. There is only ONE. ONE GOD, ONE HUMANITY

Go to the World Interfaith Network. It will take you to the schedule and all the links to the programs