God Helps Us Push Through






Dear Friends,
Have you ever had a “Push Through” day? There are those days where you wake up, and in spite of a morning spiritual practice, the day looks endless and all you want to do is sit or sleep. I have those days myself. I call them my
“push through” days. Just recently I had one of those. I was sitting in my chair after meditating and reading and I just didn’t want to get up to “get things done.” I said a silent, “Help me God through this day.” So I continued to sit… until all of a sudden I got up and began my first job, boil some eggs. It was if my legs, arms and body knew what to do and when to do it. After that I checked my computer, still feeling like I am pushing through. Then I made the bed, ate breakfast, still feeling like I am pushing through, wrote some letters of reference for friends, scheduled a couple zoom meetings, still feeling like I am pushing through, soothed some hurt feelings from an email, created agendas and updates for scheduled meetings, made some phone calls, bought some birthday gifts. and the day went on. At some point I showered and went out to do errands. Throughout the day, I continued to feel like I was pushing through. I realized by the end of the day, I had accomplished far more than I thought I would. I knew it was the simple prayer, “Help me God through this day.”
No matter what we are doing, where we are, or how we are feeling, God is within us doing the work. There are times we must consciously let God take over and push us through the day. I gave a simple example and I know there are many people going through very tough times right now in life. Pushing through isn’t as simple as I had it. However the simple prayer “Help me God through this day” still works. The more we rely on God to move us through the day, clear our path, open doors of opportunity, block what no longer serves us, and show us different perspectives, we gain energy, time and endurance to handle all types of challenges or inconveniences.

Remember, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us reJOYce in it!”

Letting God Push Me Through,
Abigail and Steve