
“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.”   Aesop

November is the month of Gratitude!

We stop and take time to be grateful for All the Good present in our lives  right now. Our Divine Good begins in our heart and mind first before it manifests in the visible realm.  We all can be thankful for the Good times and we must learn to be thankful for the “not so good times.”

The “not so good” times can be turned around to our benefit when we thank God for the experience and thank God for guiding us through it and to use it for a beneficial purpose.  We learn from those times. We learn more patience, kindness, love, appreciation and ways in which we can help others going through similar experiences.

All is meant to Bless us. When we focus on the blessings, beautiful good comes bursting forth from the experience. Ways to experience more gratitude:

*Start a Gratitude Journal and write down all the good and not so good experiences for the day. Look at each and say “Thank you God for the blessings and Thank you God for turning this situation around.” Look back at your life and find the miracles that happened when you felt loss or hurt. You are never alone and God is always moving within you to create a better and more wonderful life in, through and as you!

*Print the word “Gratitude” on River Rocks and set them among your flowers and patio area. Give them out to friends and neighbors.

* Create a Gratitude bracelet for a friend who helped you in your time of need..

*Write ” I AM Grateful” in the sand.

* Write a Letter of Gratitude to someone who really made a difference in your life this year!

Write more than one!