Happiness Buffet









Steve loves lunch and dinner buffets. It is his favorite type of meal. He loves having the choice to pick out whatever food delights him,
rather than having “side dishes” in a regular meal order, he doesn’t like.

Don’t we all love choices?! In fact we have the opportunity to make choices everyday of our life. The phrase, “I didn’t have a choice” is untruthful
and a copout as an excuse for something you did or didn’t do
I love the quote above talking about a HAPPINESS BUFFET! Everyday we can create a beautiful buffet filled with choices of words, feelings and actions.

In the New Year start your day with a heart and mind choice.
Will you choose …                                                                                                   * *words of kindness to others and to yourself.
*extra hugs for your spouse and/or children.
*wearing a smile to spread your light.
*following through on a project you may have procrastinated.
*loving yourself.
*finding joy in the moment.
*finding fun in the day.
*doing what you are good at and love to do.
*helping someone feel like they belong.
*to be with people who care about you.and more…









What will you choose on your Happiness Buffet Plate today?
Make it delicious!

Choosing Lots of Joy and Fun,
Abigail and Steve