Happiness is a Choice!
It was one of those cool, overcast gloomy days in Southern CA. We call it the May/June gloom. It lasts till late morning/early afternoon until the sun magically appears! I was feeling gloomy too, when I realized my gloominess was really a choice. Whether the sun is out or not, I have a choice to perk up,
or wilt down. CHOICE. We all have choices in every situation. On TV we often hear a perpetrator say, “I had no choice.” Wrong. We all have a choice to do what is right and good, to be cheerful and happy or not. Nothing stands in our way, except ourselves, our thoughts and our mindsets.
GOD as JOY is us. Every aspect of God lives and reigns (when we allow) in us.
Being happy and joyous reminds me of the two children’s songs we all used to sing, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands…” and “I’ve got joy, joy, joy down in my heart….” Happiness and Joy are part of our true essence.
It is always within us, ready to express and emanate.
Even in the midst of trouble or hardship, we can bring it up as a positive, new outlook and perspective. We have the God creating ability to choose a new direction, or outcome. Being of positive mind and heart only brings a positive outcome, regardless of circumstances.
We have a friend who has been a barber for many years. Unfortunately he needed medical attention and was in the hospital for several months. Although he want through a tough time and hardship, he is now out of the hospital and planning a YouTube Food Network program. Years before he became a barber, he owned a restaurant. We never could imagine this drastic change in his life direction, but here it is. When talking with him, he was always upbeat and positive! I believe his attitude was the opening for God to Divinely come through with a new Idea, a new direction and purpose in his life.
So this week when something seems to get you down, start singing some of those children’s songs. They are fun, uplifting and will put a smile on your face bringing you to the feeling of joy and happiness. Who knows what new and creative idea will manifest in your life.
With Happiness and Joy,
Abigail and Steve