This coming Sunday is FATHER’S DAY! It is a day we celebrate our earth fathers, grandfathers, and all the men and women in the role of “father.”
We look to fathers for guidance, strength, love, encouragement, ideas and balance. It is a time to honor our dads. For without them, we would not be here. Last month we honored our mothers and all the women and men who are in that role. Mothers and Fathers give a child direction, values to live by, and balance in life.
On this day, and every day, we acknowledge our Heavenly Father-Mother God. The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine together, bring all the aspects of God in balance. We know that we are all emanations of God and we acknowledge our human fathers are emanations of God as well. Many of us are/were blessed to have a father/dad who treated us kindly, taught us well, encouraged us to follow our dreams and always said we have a place at home when we need comfort, support and understanding.
I was fortunate to remember my adoptive dad teaching me how to swim,
to ice skate, to drive a car. He encouraged me to play piano and clarinet
and my childhood dream to be a teacher. He helped me with my high school English papers so all my grammar was correct. He was an example of kindness and compassion. I have many great memories from the road trips I took with my father and mother. He has passed and I will still honor him on his day.
For those who had a difficult relationship with your fathers, here is a lovely quote from Carol Clemans,
“If your natural father was absent in your life physically or emotionally,
you need to know that God who is your Heavenly Father wants to bring healing to the brokenness of your heart.”
I never knew my birth dad. However I am grateful to him, for I would not be here today. I know there is a Divine Plan in my life and everyone’s life.
I believe it was my soul’s choice to come in and experience being adopted.
We know with ‘God All Things Are Possible.’ With God, as our Divine Father, our hearts are healed, our burdens lightened and our pain lifted. We know those who are hurting inside, often lash out to those they love. We know too,
at this time we have the consciousness to realize that truth and to forgive.
Today, we can be grateful and know God’s DNA is in us. We know we are God’s perfect child, totally loved and cared for.
On Father’s Day let us honor our fathers (who are here, and who have made their transitions) with blessings, gratitude, memories, forgiveness and love.
It is a day to celebrate our eternal Oneness with God, both Father and Mother, and ALL there is.