Happy Independence Day!

Dear Friends,
Today is our Independence Day and we celebrate our Freedom!
Whether you watch fireworks on a hill or stay home and watch them on TV,
say a grateful prayer for the principles on which this country was founded.  Every time I meet someone from another culture or country, he or she has a story of not having the same kind of freedom we experience.
This past week, Steve and I went to a United Religions Initiative Conference. “Accelerate Peace: Interfaith Action in Global Peace Building.” at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. We met people from all over the world;
South Africa, Ethiopia, India, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Bosnia, Jordan, Israel, Nigeria just to mention a few besides  Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe and the US.  There were at least 400 in attendance.
These beautiful people, no matter their circumstances,  are devoted to bringing a new world of interfaith peace building, love, justice,and change to their country.
Our topics of discussion were:
Daily Interfaith Cooperation from Dialogue to Action
Voices for  a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
Ending Religiously Motivated Violence
Building a Culture of Peace, Justice and Healing for the Earth
      and All Living Beings
Women’s Empowerment
Environmental Sustainability
We are blessed to live here, in spite of our politics right now.  Let us be thankful and let us pray for the Divine to inspire our leaders to do the right thing, be honest, live in integrity and realize they are in service to the American people and to maintain our rights as people of this nation.
One of our New Thought beliefs is:
“We believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.” 
Let us pray, believe and see this for everyone around the world. Here are some of our new interfaith friends from around the world.