It is SPRING. It is hard to believe we are actually in the SPRING Time of our year and actually our life. Many of us look forward to planting new plants and flowers, watch the seeds bloom and grow. listen to the birds sing, see the nests in the tree. Spring is a wonderful reminder we too can plant new seeds in our life. We can let the old and cold go and repurpose ourselves and our lives right here and now in 2025.

Thoughts for SPRING

S – Sit in Sacred Silence and Surrender to your highest good.                                           P – Plant Prayerful Seeds of Good for yourself and others.                                             R – Realize your Oneness with and of God. Repurpose, Reinvent, Renew.                     I – I AM willing to be USED by God for the highest good.                                                N – New Day, New Experience, New Insight, New Wisdom. Claim it! Affirm it!                 G – GOD is your core being. You are GOD, Goodness, Greatness, and a Gift to the world!

Quotes to Spring into Change

USE ME LORD                                                                                                          Show me how to take who I am,                                                                                   Who I want to be                                                                                                         What I can do                                                                                                                And use it for a purpose greater than myself.”                                                                      -Dr. Martin Luther King

“I AM WILLING                                                                                                                  I must be willing to give up what I am                                                                                In order to become what I will be.”                                                                                     -Albert Einstein

“HAVE ME GO                                                                                                                    Have me go where you would have me go.                                                                    Have me do what you would have me do.                                                                          Have me say what you would have me say and to whom.                                                  -Marianne Williamson