Dear Friends,

We have moved out of November, the month we focused on Thanksgiving, and gratitude for all aspects of our life, our family and our friends.

As we move into the month of December, many faiths celebrate their Holy Days. Christians celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son
of God, their Savior, and all the teachings he represents: Light shining through darkness, Love God, Love your neighbor as yourself, Forgive 7×70, and Help your fellow man regardless of birth, culture or religion.

In New Thought we see the birth of Jesus the Christ (Christ meaning the anointed one) as a reminder that each one of us has the Christ Consciousness within and we can birth it at any time. For we are all sons and daughters of God. We are all Divine, Spiritual Beings in a human body. We practice His teachings. Jesus the Christ was the great example, (“What I do, you can do also”) not the great exception.

It is also a sacred time for our Jewish friends as they celebrate Hanukkah the Jewish eight-day, wintertime “Festival of lights,” celebrated with a nightly
menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods. It is the national celebration of the rededication of the Holy Temple by the Jews at the end of the
Maccabean revolt.

It is also the time for Kwanzaa, where our African American brothers and sisters celebrate 7 principles of life, Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity, and Faith.
They light candles for each principle.

Our Buddhist friends celebrate the Awakening of the Buddha. It is described as synonymous with Nirvana, the extinction of the passions whereby suffering is ended and no more rebirths take place. Following his enlightenment, the Buddha was said to have possessed and discussed several supernormal powers attainable through meditation. Such abilities include walking on water, walking through walls, becoming invisible, levitation… (internet exploration)!
In New Thought we often refer to the Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness and God Consciousness as ONE and interchangeable.

This month is a HIGH CONSCIOUSNESS time as people celebrate their Holy Days. Angels come nearer to earth. December is the month of reflecting on Love, Life, Family, Friends, Traditions and LIVING their faith by being generous, compassionate, and being the best version of themselves they can be.
It is a time for many to give gifts to loved ones, friends and those who are less fortunate. Gift giving comes from the heart. As you thoughtfully reflect on gifts for your families and friends, turn within to the Spirit of God and ask, “What is the highest and best I can give this person?” It may be the gift of love, forgiveness, a smile, your presence and/or one wrapped beautifully with a bow.

Whatever your faith is, Enjoy December. Be joyful each day and be grateful you are here to make a difference in the world.

Awakening to Love,
Abigail and Steve