Dear Friends,

The other day I was listening to some favorite CD’s and one was by Eric Hansen, a beloved musician, songwriter and singer. Eric passed away some years ago, however his beautiful songs and lyrics remain filling us with joy and truth. The words below are from his song
“The Holy Man.” It reminds us we are all holy, precious and worthy. In 2021 let us all remember we are created by God so we ALL have God’s DNA, Divine Nature Attributes,
(from Detra Johnson RScP) within us.
Over the holidays we may have been frustrated by mail and delivery people when packages, or mail did not arrive on time. We may have felt irritated when service in stores or restaurants were not quick or correct. However, all people are Holy, created from God’s DNA.
In the New Year, let us make a commitment to see the HOLINESS in all people we come
in contact with and/or over the phone. When we do, our irritation subsides and we can continue to BECOME more of our GOD DNA potential.

Here are the Beautiful Words and the YouTube video link is below.
Enjoy and Remember!


Treat every one you meet
Like a holy man
Know that every step you take
Is on holy land

Do not grow impatient
Do not speak in haste
Do not strike in anger
There’s so little time to waste

We are holy
Anyone you see could be
The Holy Man

It could be a stranger on the street
A lover that you meet
The check out girl in a grocery store
Standing on her feet
It could be that guy you were so rude to
When he was nice to you
A teacher that you hated
When you were back in school

Treat every one you meet
Like a holy man
Know that every step you take
Is on holy land

You are me
And I am you
We are one
Spinning ’round the sun
And when the day is done
We have done our best
To see the Holy Man









Treating All as Holy,
Abigail and Steve