Humanity is Divinity Made Visible



Humanity is Divinity Made Visible
-Dr. Ernest Holmes




March 7, 2023

Dear Friends,
I love the quote above by Ernest Holmes because it brought me back to the truth of my being, who I really am.
The Mighty I AM, The Divine, God, Spirit is showing up as me in this lifetime.

“Realize that the Divine Presence is ever with you, that there is no place where you leave off and God Begins.”
-Ernest Holmes (March Science of Mind Magazine)
My human body is completely fused with my Divine body. The Divine within knows everything about me, and loves me
completely and unconditionally.

People in the Eckankar faith tradition chant the word HU.
“HU is an ancient name for God. It has been used for thousands of years as a prayer, mantra, and sacred chant to attune oneself
to the presence of God.
In many spiritual traditions, sound plays an important part in uplifting the individual. HU is a key to open your heart to God’s
loving presence in your life.” (Google)

Interesting. in our English language we call ourselves HUMAN.
HU – Name for God from Eckankar
Man – Name for our species.
We are GOD Man (generic for man, woman, child.) This is another way of realizing who we truly are.

Dr. Michael Gott said in the SoM magazine, “While we are spiritually perfect, our human lifetime contains a spectrum of experiences –
joy, sorrow, freedom and bondage, success and failure, sickness and health. We are not meant to live a perfect life, we are meant
to view our life through spiritual eyes and live our life authentically. ”

When we do go through the tough times in life, we can remember who we really are, GODman/Human, and begin to access our Divinity
or the deeper meaning of our life experience.

Jesus the Christ said “Seek First the Kingdom of God.” That Kingdom is
within you and me and everyone. Seek first your God selves for answers, and to bring comfort, peace, love, joy and happiness in your life.
When you do, Your Divinity is made Visible.

Abigail and Steve