Dear Friends,

I know there are days in all our lives when we feel we just didn’t do that job well, or speak with a person in the best way, or just feel not good enough.
Life can throw us curved balls and sometimes we hit them and sometimes we don’t. The one thing I always try to remember that even in the midst of challenges,
trials and situations, I AM ENOUGH! Sometimes I do go to the “woulda, coulda, shoulda” mentality, and when I do, I think of the things I have done well,
the people I have helped and my internal goodness as an emanation of God.

During my morning meditation one day, I pulled out my basket of “Affirmation Rocks,” which I give freely away at our labyrinth walks. They make me smile
and remind me of my truth, I am a spiritual being living in a human body, here to learn and grow. The one that makes me laugh is “YOU ROCK!”
I decided to carry that with me all day. Every time I see it, I smile.

I also thought it would be fun to create my own “Affirmation Cards.”
I have lots of cards, Tarot, Angel, the Four Agreements, Nature etc. I decided to just create my own. I printed “I AM ____” on slips of paper taped to the
back of a deck of cards. Perhaps that would be a fun activity for you. On days when you feel a bit lost, lonely, sad or not enough, pick one and say the
affirmation to yourself 20x and really FEEL that truth about yourself.

As the quote above by Nathanial Brandon says, Feeling ‘I Am Enough’ still means there are lessons to learn and things to achieve. It also means I accept
and love myself with all my qualities and faults, the light and the shadow.
I look at who I am and know I AM LOVED. I recognize places in myself that need some work or change. It is all good. It is all part of the process and
journey in this earth dimension.

Accept and enjoy the journey and know in ALL of it, YOU ARE ENOUGH!
Always have been and always will be, because you are created out of GOD.
The Divine is internally YOU. Remember your HOLINESS and your GREATNESS. REMEMBER your SPIRITUAL MAGNIFICENCE.

Abigail and Steve