I AM the Messiah

Dear Friends,
The Prophecy
“Once upon a time there was a small community of people who were not getting along with each other. They would bicker and argue all day long…
Then one night their minister had a vision. The vision was very simple and very short. The vision told him, ‘One of your members is the Messiah.’
The minister shared his vision with the community and from that day on things began to change.
Every day when one member of the community was with another member they would think, ‘Maybe this is the Messiah.’ So they began to treat one another with more love, more care and more respect. Each person began to think,’Maybe I AM the Messiah,’ so they began to treat themselves with more love and respect. The community began to prosper and the members stopped bickering and arguing. The community began to grow and others came from far and wide to join them because it was known for the love, care and respect that flourished there.”
Children Believe Everything You Say, by Jennifer Day
We can all learn a great deal from children’s stories. These stories are for everyone. Adults who read them, remember who they are. For in truth, we are all messiahs. We all have God’s DNA within us. We all come from the same Source as Love. We all have the Christ Consciousness potential. Jesus the Christ said, “What I do, you can do also.” Time to stop bickering with one another and be loving and kind to each other. We may not agree with others, however we can show respect for their opinions and ask, ” How did you come to feel or believe that way.” This opens conversations without push backs or walls in consciousness.
Those who choose to continue acting as if they are not God and Good, will eventually realize all action is karmic and Divine justice is always served. All are on their own evolutionary journey.
Be the messiah today, be good to yourself and good to others. All are here for a purpose, and we can respect God’s intention for everyone.
I AM one of many Messiahs,