IAW One Family One World

Dear Friends,

We have just completed our 8th annual Interfaith Awareness Week. Thank you  Rev. Dr. Steve Albert for coordinating this fabulous event with speakers and participants from all over the world (Nigeria, Bosnia, Austria, Spain, Katar, India, England, USA and more.)

We are so grateful to each and every one of you who contributed your time, expertise and insight. We also thank those who got on the website links to listen and participate in these presentations as well. All presenters not only focused on projects, purposes and visions, they all shared the belief that we are ONE HUMAN FAMILY, ONE WORLD, and each life matters and is valued. Everyone saw the Divinity in each other and that we are all expressions of God. Another recurring idea was what happens in one part of the world, affects the whole world. We are all so interconnected. We do not live in a isolated separated world. We may not experience happenings in another part of the world, however we feel the consciousness and the affects in our bodies and minds. We bless zoom, which allowed us to see and talk to people in many countries. New friendships and connections were formed.

Eugene Holden, PScP (SoM) said, ” We are connected to everyone and everything that comes to our conscious awareness.” I want to add even our unconscious awareness. One of our presenters said how safe she felt in a different country and when she returned to her present country she felt fearful and unsafe. It is the consciousness of the people that we live with and move with. Daily we must make a conscious effort to BE the Consciousness of Peace, Love, Compassion and Understanding, so when someone comes into our physical space, he or she can feel a change for good. We are and they are then, “living and moving and having their being in GOD Consciousness.” What a difference we can make on earth. As I said in a previous weekly message, each one person is the Infinite and makes a difference. Eugene Holden also said, “Practicing oneness is living as if everything is connected”  Can you live as if you are one with the tree outside your window, or your neighbor walking down the street, or the person who cut you off in traffic? Yes you can and I thank you for doing it and being it.

At one of the presentations, this video was played and everyone was deeply moved by it. it brought tears to some people’s eyes. Please celebrate and love our brothers and sisters around the world. Remember to be humble and kind.

(If clicking this link does not work, copy and paste it on your browser and it will take you there.)

Tim McGraw – Humble And Kind (Official Music Video) (youtube.com)