Dear Friends,
The other day when it was raining and the sun shining, I looked out on our balcony and saw a beautiful, clear, vibrant RA I N B OW.

What a perfect example of HOPE and LOVE in the midst of our crisis.
In spite of the rain, the sun is always shinning.
In spite of the Covid19 crisis, GOD is always here with us,
flowing and moving through us as Divine Intelligence,
Wisdom, Love and Intuition.
An interesting phrase people say when going through a situation,
“Take Heart…”  Yes, let us take heart, take love, take compassion and let this be our new normal, now and when the crisis it over.
When talking with friends who normally go into a work place 5 days a week, they say how nicer it is to be able to work at home.  It is less stress, less interruptions, and they can get more work done.
What if….
the new normal was for business owners and companies to establish a policy for employees to be able to work part time at home.  I can see this helping families with children and keeping people healthy by not having to come to work when a cold symptom presents itself. There would be less cars on the road half the time as well.
What if…
the schools set up a policy for students to be home schooled half the time  and half on campus.  This would be an option for parents who can do this.
What if…
our leaders, both Republican and Democrat finally came together in bipartisan leadership to really address the needs of the poor, the uninsured medically and unemployed. That would be a Miracle and I am a believer in miracles.
From my Spiritual Sister
“My intent prayer and vision for a New World:
-People are awakened to our interconnectedness with all of life, that we are all truly ONE…we interact in the world from that knowingness with compassion, connection and cooperation.
– Each person shifts from the mind to moving into one’s Heart in all
thought and action.
– Heart-to-heart connection from one person to another person, growing
and spreading across the planet.
– Congruency of mind, body and spirit, augmenting physical healing
of the body.
– We open ourselves to Grace and grow in Consciousness, experiencing
and expressing unconditional Love.
Carol D.”

Blessings and Imagining!