January 15th Birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King

Dear Friends,
HAPPY January 15th  BIRTHDAY       Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
We admire what you stood for, peace; justice, equality,
and non-violence. Martin Luther King Day is January 21st. There will be marches and celebrations  all over the United States.


This also begins the AGNT
Season of Peace and Non-Violence

January to April.
Here are three great men whose shoulders we stand on. Let us reflect on what made them great. Was it success, money, many cars, big houses, property developments???? NO, it was their High Consciousness, Character, and Purposeful Ideals. Let us continue to hold these values and ideals in our hearts and minds for ourselves, all humanity and for all governments around the world. As the story goes, one little boy put his finger in the hole of the dam, to keep it from breaking. Each one of us is that little boy today. Each good thought, kind word, sense of moral integrity, purposeful action is the finger that is keeping this world together. The more people who keep their consciousness high, with actions of integrity, the stronger and more just the world will be.

“Martin Luther King often spoke of the need for unconditional love. In 1955 he told Black America, “We want to love our enemies – be good to them. This is what we must live by; we must meet hate with love. We must love our white brothers no matter what they do to us.” https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/369005-martin-luther-king-stood-up-for-more-than-love
“Gandhi used religious symbols to unite India’s diverse communities, reading from the Bible, the Koran and the Gita in his prayer meetings.
Above all, the Mahatma believed in the power of dialogue.”
The Dalai Lama continues to reject violence as unethical and counterproductive…”

Holy Man: What Does the Dalai Lama Actually Stand For?

The core of every religion teaches, Peace, Love, Justice, Integrity, Forgiveness and Charity. Let us hold these values high and remain true to them. We have great leaders who have shown us the way.
It is up to us to plug that hole with the content of high character, consciousness and speaking up for what is right. As Ernest Holmes said, “Treat and move your feet.” Prayer is the first step. Speaking out and being an active participant in social and moral justice is our second responsibility and call to action.
Acting Consciously,
Abigail and Steve