Dear Friends,
We pray you are all taking the human footsteps in keeping safe and healthy during this Coronavirus time in our history.
Many of our offices, events, theaters, public buildings, and schools have shut down.
Many of our offices, events, theaters, public buildings, and schools have shut down.
Health Footsteps

We do not have to shut down. We need to keep our faith in the All Good -All God.
Faith Footsteps
Remember Faith, not fear will move us forward. Keep knowing the Truth of your being, Spirit, God, Divine Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Wholeness in body, mind and soul. See your family, your friends, house and your car surrounded with Divine Love and Light as a beautiful shield. Know only Good can enter in this Love and Light and only Good can move forward from this Love and Light.
Remember Faith, not fear will move us forward. Keep knowing the Truth of your being, Spirit, God, Divine Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Wholeness in body, mind and soul. See your family, your friends, house and your car surrounded with Divine Love and Light as a beautiful shield. Know only Good can enter in this Love and Light and only Good can move forward from this Love and Light.
Friend Footsteps
Find a way to stay connected with loved ones, friends, family, co-workers etc.
Call, write, text, email. Everyone is a sacred human being needing to be acknowledged, seen, thought of, and communicated with. Send joy, laughter, funny jokes, good news. The more we stay in touch and laugh, the better our immune system will be.
Find a way to stay connected with loved ones, friends, family, co-workers etc.
Call, write, text, email. Everyone is a sacred human being needing to be acknowledged, seen, thought of, and communicated with. Send joy, laughter, funny jokes, good news. The more we stay in touch and laugh, the better our immune system will be.
TWO Beautiful prayer meditations written by Dr. Ernest Holmes from the
Science of Mind text book are:
Science of Mind text book are:
Love Dissolves All Fear
Greater than fear is Love,
Love dissolves all fear, casts out all doubt and sets the captive free.
Love, like the river of Life, flows through me and refreshes me
with its eternal blessings.
Love cannot be afraid; it is fearless and strong, and is mighty in its works.
It can accomplish all things through the Inner Light of that faith in the All Good.
Which fills my very Being with a Powerful Presence.
Greater than fear is Love,
Love dissolves all fear, casts out all doubt and sets the captive free.
Love, like the river of Life, flows through me and refreshes me
with its eternal blessings.
Love cannot be afraid; it is fearless and strong, and is mighty in its works.
It can accomplish all things through the Inner Light of that faith in the All Good.
Which fills my very Being with a Powerful Presence.
Love casts out all fear.
As Love Enters, Fear Departs
As Love enters, fear vanishes
I am so filled with Love that no fear can enter my thought.
I am not afraid, for I know that a perfect Intelligence guards
and governs my every act.
Perfect Love casteth out all fear.
I am unafraid, and strong in my faith in that inner Presence
that keeps me from all harm.
Perfect Love casteth out all fear.
As Love enters, fear vanishes
I am so filled with Love that no fear can enter my thought.
I am not afraid, for I know that a perfect Intelligence guards
and governs my every act.
Perfect Love casteth out all fear.
I am unafraid, and strong in my faith in that inner Presence
that keeps me from all harm.
Perfect Love casteth out all fear.
Keep the Faith, Family, Friends, and Love.
Abigail and Steve
Abigail and Steve