October 10, 2023
Dear Friends,
Steve and I were at the ANTN (Affiliated New Thought Network) conference (virtually) last week. It was an amazing conference with fabulous speakers
who spoke and sang from their heart to each person there. One spiritual thread that flowed through the week was KINDNESS. We all talk about bringing
PEACE into the world and some feel it is unattainable. I believe it is our inherent destiny. And first before Peace we need to create a “Culture of Kindness.”
I believe KINDNESS is the frontrunner to Peace.
One of the speakers and musicians was Daniel Nahmod, who many of you know from his concerts, as a guest musician in New Thought churches’ and his CD’s.
Every song is based on his life and is heartfelt. Daniel, after singing beautiful songs, shared a story about his son. There was a child in his son’s
elementary class who was picked on, and harassed. His son took it upon himself to befriend him, stick up for him and remind the teacher out loud in the
classroom what a good job this other child was doing. Needless to say Daniel got a call from his son’s teacher. She said, “I want you to know what a
wonderful and KIND child you have.” She went on to share some of the stories of how Daniel’s son treated other children. This teacher was KIND to let the
family know the good news about their son. So often parents only get a call from a teacher when there are behavior problems. At the conference Daniel said,
“Nurture Empathy, Nurture Caring and Model Kindness, .”

Being Kind and Modeling Kindness is our work in the world. I would love to see a Super Hero with a cape saying “KINDNESS is my Super Power.”
An act of Kindness generates a pay it forward mentality. When one receives a kindness from someone else, his or her heart opens like a lotus,
and the love and goodness that may be bottled up in there begins to flow out to others.
Kindness ramps down an intense argument. A smile and word acknowledging someone else’s opinion changes the energy and vibration.
People only want to be heard, seen and feel valued. You do not have to agree with them just See them, Hear them and Be Kind in your response to them,
Kindness is a choice. If someone spreads untrue rumors about you, you can kindly set the record straight without anger or judgment.
You are not a door mat. It is being KIND to yourself when your Truth comes forth. How you react and respond is your choice. Choose kindness.
Kindness to Mother Earth. On my walk today I picked up two pieces of paper trash on the ground. I brought them back home and tossed them in my garbage bin.
Use a reusable water bottle, coffee mug, grocery bag, conserve energy and recycle.
Kindness to Animals. I pick up snails on the street and take them to a grassy area. I watch out for rabbits and any other critters that may be darting across
the street. Slow down while driving in your neighborhoods. Sometimes dogs get out. I have a spare leash in my car just in case.
Kindness when things don’t go your way. I was at a restaurant last week with my daughter, Tammy, granddaughter, other grandma, Tammy’s best friend and her
little daughter. First the waitress was slow in taking drink orders, then slow in taking our lunch orders. Then when we finally got our food, 5 out of the 7 orders
were incorrect. By that time different waiters and waitresses were going back and forth trying to get every order right, I had to finally chuckle to myself because
I could see this as a comedy routine. What I noticed was, each of us continued our conversation and laughed as this was all happening. No one complained, or
got irritated etc. I was watching all 7 of us making a choice to be KIND.
With Love and Kindness,
Abigail and Steve