Laboring in Love

Dear Friends,
Labor Day is this weekend and FALL is just around the corner. We are wishing you all a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, whether you choose to go away, spend time with family and friends or just be by yourself.

The website tells us:
“Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”
We truly have come a long ways, and have a long ways to go.
We need to continue working for worker rights to have fair pay and raise the minimum wage so our fellow brothers and sisters can live a comfortable, prosperous life.
We need to continue working for equal pay for all races and ethnicities.
We need to continue working for equal pay for women in all fields.
We know THERE IS ENOUGH for Everyone when we each take time to give to those who are struggling and need a helping hand. The quote says to “Teach a person how to fish.” Let us do both. First feed, then teach. People cannot learn a trade when they hungry and in survival mode.

Let us be grateful for what we have, and for the labor we have done in our past, present and future.
Live well, Love well and Give well.
Answer God’s call.
Be Authentic and true to yourself in what you love to do.
Organize what you really need and let go of the rest. Live an orderly life.
Remember to surrender and give thanks to God everyday.
Laboring in Love,
Abigail and Steve