Dear Friends,

“I let go of the life I am living and open myself to experience the LIFE living me.” Rev. Josh Reeves (SoM Magazine)

The past couple weeks have been a challenge for me. I came down with a severe cold, sore throat, and lung pain. I took a trip to Urgent care, called my Dr., got on Antibiotics and will see my Wholistic Dr. this week. It has been a very long time since I felt so ill and weak. This experience really ‘knocked me for a loop.’

In my prayers, meditations and dreams, I asked God, what happened? Why me? Why now? What have I been doing to cause such a severe health challenge? The Answer.. doing too much, trying to be too perfect. Wow.

I do know I strive to do the best I can, in fact I take on other people’s responsibilities when I know a job needs to be done and I will not let it fail or be less than it should be, in my eyes. At a recent event I was in charge of, I thought maybe one of the speakers would not be prepared to I created a talk in case she was not. Who does that??? I guess ME and everyone who wants things to go smoothly and be perfect. The question is, what if she was not prepared? Is that on me? NO, that is on her. It would not have taken away from the rest of the speakers or the event.

Overly Responsible:

In the past few months I tried to be sure everything was “perfect” for company, inside the house ( massive cleaning, paint touch ups, carpet cleaned, new pillows, etc) and outside (windows washed, new rocks, new flowers, new patio furniture etc.).

I also made sure events I was responsible for, went without a hitch. I was also available to attend other events when asked. I always want to show up to support others, even when I don’t feel well. Unfortunately it all caught up with me.

Here are the lessons I learned through an illness experience:

  • STOP, slow down.
  • Listen to your body, care for yourself. Be your own advocate.
  • Give up activities that no longer serve you.
  • Even if you want to go to an event, and feel tired or not quite right, say NO.
  • Let go of the need to be everything to everybody. Have backup. When you are down, who will take your place?
  • Allow others to take responsibility. I have “prided” myself on having my fingers in many pies. Pride goeth before the Fall.
  • Stop rushing and be in GOD’s Time. What’s the hurry? I love the quote above: “I let go of the life I am living and open myself to experience the LIFE living me.” Allow GOD to live through you, instead of pushing your will on God.

I had to stop, rest and let go of activities, I sat on our balcony, hearing the birds chirping, feeling the warmth of the sun and the gentle wind. I was quietly in touch with the Presence and a profound sense of Stillness and PEACE flooded through me and around me.

I listened to Rev. Michelle Ingalls talk on Sunday morning. and Lissa Lazaro  practitioner’s talk on Perfect Imperfection. It hit home for me.

If you need to let go of being “perfect” all the time, go to the link below and watch the Sunday Service.



I Let Go of Perfection                                                                                                   God Loves me just the way I am!                                                                                Abigail and Steve