Andromeda Galaxy imaged from 12,500 feet in California’s White Mountains
Dear Friends,
I just finished the book, The Afterlife of Billy Finger: How My Bad-boy Brother Proved to me There’s LIFE after Death. Billy, after leaving this earth dimension, came to his sister to share his experiences in the afterlife. Billy was a drug addict, dealer and had been in jail many times. Reading his journey and seeing life from his perspective made me realize no matter how many mistakes we make in this earth life or which roads we choose to go down, the after life is one of unconditional LOVE, bliss, compassion and joy.
I have read many books about the afterlife, people’s NDEs, and experiences. under hypnosis. I found this book so in line with my personal beliefs.
I would like to share some of Billy’s thoughts and revelations with you.
Read, reflect, and enjoy.
“All beings carry LIGHT from the other side within them. Blue Light, White Light Everywhere in Everything. WE are ONE.
The Light here makes visible what is invisible on earth: the Divine Nature of All Things.
We see our earth life, like a hologram. We see lives we could have lived out, the “what ifs,” the different paths we could have followed. What is surprising is it doesn’t seem like one way is more valuable than any other. We are not on earth to be punished. There is no judgement day.
Don’t be overly concerned with how others see you. Choose the way you want to see yourself.
There is no one to forgive. We signed up to do this dance together.
If there is one thing worth doing on your planet, it is discovering self-love. When you are born you forget your magnificence which is already love.
People are actually vast universes of subatomic particles, and sometime a shift in perspective makes the particles do a different dance, leap into a new reality.
There are many worlds, and the afterlife has many forms. Where you go, who you meet and where you meet them is different for different people.
Life is eternal.
The Supra World is designed for the comfort of the newly arrived soul.
It is also the place where the newly dead play out strong beliefs they had about death while they were alive. As a person gets more familiar with the new atmosphere these ideas lose their grip.
Some souls go back to your planet to reincarnate and others go to places in the afterworlds to develop more and prepare for the ‘Becoming the Universe’ experience. Billy explained his experience of becoming the Universe. He said ‘I Am, We Are the Universe. It is inside us. We truly are made of STAR Stuff.’
There is Universal Intelligence in, through and behind ALL.
Everyone has a BOOK of LIFE. Death gives you a fresh start. There is always another chance and mistakes are OK. Much of your life is planned out and there is a lot of freedom inside that plan. It is as if your life is drawn with a pencil, with options to erase and change.
ALL beings come from the same SOURCE. The Infinite creates diversity, so there are many soul tribes. Each tribe has its special explorations to undertake on earth. On earth when you meet someone from your tribe, you feel you already know that person.
There are other places than earth that are real, full of light and love and bliss.
Every single life is valuable and every life is a gift. Every person is an instrument of the Divine.
The pure JOY of the Divine Presence is our destiny.“