Local Online Events


YOGA and Compassion Practice
Are you feeling lonely, anxious, stressed, sad, afraid, or isolated? You are are not alone. The coronavirus outbreak has required us to be physically separated from each other – but thankfully we can still be connected and present in each other’s lives with the help of technology. We want to personally invite you to plug in to our all-online ministries below.
Practice yoga with us from the comfort of your home!
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 PM
Compassion Practice
Tuesdays at 7 PM
Trained facilitators will guide us in practicing open-hearted sharing and nonjudgmental, compassionate listening based on the Compassion Practice developed by Frank Rogers, Jr. Incorporating mindful attention to our internal experience, the Compassion Practice nurtures authentic compassion for others – starting with ourselves.
Two easy ways to be with us virtually for Compassion in the Clubhouse:
1. via videoconferencing – https://zoom.us/j/594402954
2. via phone call (audio only) – dial (669) 900-6833 and enter meeting
ID #594402954
We all could use a little self-compassion in this difficult time
For more information contact Rev. Dale Suggs
[email protected]


Free Online Course – Sufi Stress Relieving Techniques
Hi everyone,
I hope you all are well during this time. I just wanted to share with you a free online course the Sufi Psychology Association has put together with physicians, psychotherapists and psychologists to help people through this difficult time. It may be a good resource for friends, family, clients, etc.
Every couple of days a new “lesson” is uploaded which may include a stress relief technique, psychological skill, journaling exercise, reframing tip, deep breathing practice, activity suggestions, etc.  It’s our way of contributing and trying to help out during this time.
The link is below.
Thank you!
Lynn E. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, CSU, Sacramento
Sufi Psychology Association

Yoga Techniques To Strengthen Immunity
“Dear All,
Padma-Shri Dr. H R Nagendra — ‘Yoga Guru’ to India’s beloved Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi — talks about “The Corona Challenge;
and how Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga techniques help to strengthen immunity”.
Here are the links of videos on prevention of Covid-19, uploaded in Guruji’s YouTube channel — for your information and sharing.
Feel free to share these links widely with all — globally — for Universal well-being …


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– Dr. Anjali Ghanekar