Looking Through a NEW LENS







Dear Friends,

Last Wednesday, Rev. Dr. Deborah Johnson was the guest minister on the AGNT series, and one of her statements stayed with me. She said,
“You may not be able to change the circumstances, however you always have a choice to change the LENS in which you perceive
the circumstances.”
This is such a simple, yet true statement and one we often forget. Circumstances, situations, challenges are all part of our LIFE experience.
We may not be able to avoid them, however we always have a choice as to HOW we look at them.

Recently, in our day to day life, the roads around the Poway, and San Diego area have been torn up for repair and repaving. Our own street has flags at every house and the road crews have been moving up and down our street for weeks. Some intersections have been blocked completely. Once I needed to make a U turn to find another way home. The round-about-way took me 30 minutes when the original way, without road work, would have taken me 5-10 minutes. I could not change the circumstances of road repair, however I could find a different and new way home, or stay and complain in the traffic.
During these road repair weeks we have found multiple ways to get where we want to go and have become more familiar with other neighborhoods in Poway and San Diego. We just broadened our horizons.

I also began to look at the road construction workers and appreciated how they are serving the community. These men and women are working long hours in the sun or even at midnight to make the repairs necessary for US, and for our benefit. Instead of complaining we need to be sending a thank you and a prayer for their safety as they work so diligently all day. Each one of these workers have a family to go home to, and I am sure their loved ones want them to come home safe and secure after working in the streets.

On a world note, we can either see horrible things happening in the world,
(yes there are crisis’s,) and/or we can see the world going through birth pangs to bring in a better, more beautiful, more secure, more compassionate world. What our intentions and visions are, is what happens. The Universe brings forth our thoughts into form. SEE the Good and it will manifest.

Wherever you are and what ever you are doing, you have a choice to view every situation as a positive opportunity to learn, grow, try something new and/or
be more compassionate.

Be open at the top, see through a NEW LENS, and give thanks.

Seeing through a new lens,
Abigail and Steve