Love Consciousness- A Gift to the World

Dear Friends,

This week on December 25th we celebrate the birth of
Jesus, anointed ‘The Christ.’ whose mission was to bring LOVE, Compassion and God Consciousness into the world. His Consciousness spread throughout the world at that time, over 2,000 years ago, and continues to spread throughout our world as well. He was and still is the Master Teacher, the Way Shower to raise our consciousness to one of LOVE.

Every person is God in form. Every individual can be a Way Shower with his and her unique talents, skills and abilities to spread the Love of God, the Love of Christ and to be Christ Conscious. Jesus the Christ told us we are ONE with God and ONE with each other. We are to unfold the GODhood within us and to express such qualities of peace, kindness, reverence, service and love for each other. We are to see the “other” as God and as ourselves. Above all each one is to BE him or herself. Like every drop of rain or snow flake, each one is different, unique and has a tremendous gift to offer the world, just as Jesus the Christ did.

Love God, Love Yourself, Love One Another!

His journey in life was not easy and our life is not always easy either.
What do we have in common with Jesus the Christ?

Life’s journey has challenges to promote our growth spiritually.
The walk is easier with loved ones.
When obstacles and challenges come, turn to God.
Giving birth to a new way of living, a higher consciousness can be painful, yet worth it.
A NEW idea will guide you to a NEW life, purpose, and consciousness.
Staying true to your heart and being authentic will make waves in the world.
People, wise and humble will come into your life with unexpected gifts acknowledging who you truly are.
You will make a difference in the world, leaving it forever changed.

Stars guided the Wise men and Shepherds to the Christ, the New Consciousness. Your Star within will lead you to a New Consciousness and New Outlook in life. Are you willing to raise your consciousness to LOVE and all aspects of LOVE? Are you willing to allow LOVE to be your guiding light whatever you do, and whomever you meet in life? If Yes, you and Jesus the Christ have something in common.

Take 18 minutes and watch this beautiful video “The Christ Child.”
It was created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


The Christ Child