Dear Friends,

On my morning meditation table, I have a picture of a rose and the words, “LOVE is the Answer.” I believe to every question, every request, every hurt and/or every fear, LOVE is the answer. Who do we pray to? LOVE – GOD.

Our answers come forth as LOVE especially when we embrace the feelings of Love when we pray. I read this beautiful poem in the July Daily Word.

“Love Is the Key” by Mary Berg

“God is a flame, igniting my heart,
fueling my breath from the very start.
The vastness of the world, all that I see,
the splendor of choices living in me.
Embers, coals, sparks lit from within-
electricity, light waves glowing on skin.
Love ever dancing, love is the key.
Love is the answer, love sets me free.”

Reading the last line, I realize I need to add “Love sets me free” to my meditation picture. LOVE Truly does set us free. When we embrace LOVE and allow the feeling of Love to move through us and out into our world, our people, our family, our friends, and those who have hurt us, we are FREE.

We are free of guilt, anger, hostility, sorrow. LOVE cannot exist with those emotions. It may take awhile to bump ourselves up on the emotional scale, however when we do, we are FREE. We feel good, we feel healthy, we feel blessed, we feel God as Love emanating through us and everyone. We begin to change our world.

The Law of Attraction says, we attract who we are. LOVE is the GREAT ATTRACTOR in life. When there is an uncomfortable situation or experience you are going through, take a moment, close your eyes and bless it with love and say:

Love is in charge of this situation, experience.
Love is the answer. Love sets me free.

When we know we are part of the immensity of LIFE, of LOVE, of GOD we realize every thought creates change not only in our life, but in every life. The African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Are we not all someone’s children? Are we not all part of the village of humanity? (Daily Word) When we read the daily paper and see man’s inhumanity to man, very often we make judgements about who is right and who is wrong. Remember there is Divine Justice. There is also Divine LOVE. As humans we love and forgive our children who make mistakes and possibly follow a broken path. GOD Always loves us no matter what we do and what path we take. People around the world are broken, hurting and/or suffering and we as part of the human family can send them LOVE. Wrap them in a blanket of light, love, beauty, compassion and kindness.

Chief Seattle says, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” (Daily Word)                                                                                     “As you give, so shall you receive.” (Jesus the Master Teacher).

We are all connected in this world. The “worst of the worst” is still connected to us. We all have the DNA of GOD within us, which makes us ONE entity. As we begin to make LOVE our priority in EVERY situation and experience, the ripple affect will touch everyone and far exceed what we can imagine.


LOVE is the KEY
LOVE sets me FREE.

Much Love,
Abigail and Steve