March 15, 2022

Dear Friends,

I was reading the article “God’s Ambassador of Love” by Darrell Fusaro
in the March/April Daily Word. He shared how in his life he went from job
to job and kept being disheartened with each, and eventually stopped being productive. A wise friend told him,
“Unless you learn to love the job you currently have, you’ll have the same miserable job for the rest of your life.” Wonderful advice!

Emmet Fox wrote, “What you think upon grows. Whatever you allow to occupy your mind you magnify in your own life.”

Darrell took his friend’s advice and was committed and disciplined to “loving his job.” He looked up the word ‘discipline’ and found it meant , “A disciple of Love.” He decided to express love and BE an Ambassador of love to everyone
in his work and daily life. He was committed to reading spiritual literature in the mornings with his cup of coffee which put him in the mindset of love and blessing. He read, “Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse a thing and it will curse you.” Not only did he love everyone, he blessed everyone. He said his life was transformed.

Being an Ambassador of Love, and Blessing everyone and everything in our daily lives, will help to change the circumstances as well as change ourselves.
If we can’t truly love a fellow worker or associate, or even a family member,
we can surely bless them. That blessing will be felt deeply. I know when I say “bless this person, or bless this situation, I am affirming Divine Good is happening right now.
I bless the firemen and medics as I see them rushing to the fire or medical emergency. I bless those who need assistance. I say God is in charge and taking care of this with compassion, grace and ease. Love and Blessings go hand in hand. The more we bless, the more our heart opens to love. The more we love the more we become a blessing for others.

Jesus the Christ told us to love God, love our neighbors, love ourselves and love our enemies. In other words, LOVE EVERYONE and everything, no exceptions. And again, if we cannot love our enemies yet, we can begin to BLESS them. To bless someone means to ask for God’s favor and protection. To me that is well on the way to loving someone.

Mark Twain said, “Love your enemy, it will scare the hell out of them!”

Love and Blessings works for challenges, crisis’s and events that are not pleasant.
Co-worker who tends to create havoc in the workplace.
A person who shares misinformation about you or others.
A health challenge.
Not only will a situation change, you will change within because every crisis is
an opportunity for knowledge and learning.

Be a Blessing, Give a Blessing
Be Love, Give Love