Mother Earth






Dear Friends,
Mother Earth has sent us to our rooms to think about
what we have done.”     Anonymous
There is always a “Silver Lining” in a crisis or tragedy. From what I am reading and hearing, our beautiful Mother Earth is healing and being replenished.  Since the world has been on lock down, cars, planes, and all companies that pollute the air on a daily basis have decreased their harmful emissions.  Read the excerpts from the article below.
China has reported a significant improvement in its air quality.
The skies are blue and sunny these days while they were covered with smoke in normal circumstances.”
“In Venice canals have cleared up. As there is a lock down in the country, boating is banned and there are no tourists around. Swans, dolphins, and fishes are making their way to the waters of Venice.
The water is blue and clear. The apparent cleanliness of the water is not just attributed to a lack of pollution but also to the absence of motorized boats, which normally churns up the muddy canal floor.”
India is also under lock down from the past few days. The reduction in Mumbai Marine Drive has been observed which is due to decreased water traffic. The absence of water transportation has led people to witness a school of dolphins playing in the water.”
“It is the right time to say that our planet would breathe a long sigh of relief if humans were to vanish. But this is not how it should be. We should take the opportunity of this lock down to reflect and see how we can be more organized and live in harmony with nature. ”
“With so many industries shutting down due to the corona pandemic, it is the ideal time for them to brainstorm plans to return more environmentally conscious. If companies would change their plans to consider the environment, this small and reasonably fast, change we are seeing now could continue to change the fate of planet earth.”
Along with our IMAGINING a Higher Consciousness on Earth, let us IMAGINE a  continued CLEAN Earth and our habits of pollution stop. It is truly a time to “clean up our act.”  Mother Earth sent us to our rooms. Let us take this lesson, learn from it, and do and be better.
If not,  Mother Earth may ban us from our earth home in a greater crisis.
Imagining  a Clean Earth,