My ATTITUDE Creates My Experience

Dear Friends,

“My experience of the world depends on the ATTITUDE I bring to it.”                (June Daily Word)

We are in the midst of company this week. The weeks and days before were busy cleaning inside, cleaning the balcony, the chairs, benches tables under the balcony, the labyrinth and all the kids playing equipment in the back yard. We even had new rock/gravel replace the old in the front of the house and planted new flowers and roses. I was just making sure we were ready for 5 people and a weeks worth of activities! My sister and brother in law are staying with us. My niece and her two girls are staying with my daughter and family. Needless to say ALL the cousins are SO EXICITED to meet and be with each other. Monday they all flew in, and today is BEACH Day, Tomorrow is DISNEYLAND and Thursday is ???, hopefully a slower pace day.

My attitude up until last Saturday was one of “frenzy” in preparation. Then I talked with my daughter Tammy and I got a LIGHT BULB moment. I was in a frenzy because I was trying to plan activities each day as well as meals and who eats where and when, all together, different houses, times… etc. Then Tammy said,” I think we need to take one day at a time.” She shared how having two little ones has taught her to be less A type personality, and just ROLL with daily life! I have noticed the change in her as she gradually became softer, and more amiable. I got it!

I realized I do not have to DO it all, THINK it all or PLAN it all. Everyone can have a say so in each day’s events and timing. The only thing locked in is Disneyland because of the tickets.

Getting ready for company is still a good plan, and once everyone is here I will:

  • Pause and enjoy their company.
  • Be with them, not manipulate the day.
  • Laugh and enjoy the chaos.
  • Let go of the details.
  • Surrender each day to the Highest and Best for all!

My daughter taught me a little humility and the idea of letting go. So today, Tuesday, June 4 my ATTITUDE is one of JOY and acceptance of the highest and best for all however that looks.

Having Fun,                                                                                                                      Abigail and Steve