Never Too Late

Dear Friends,

It’s Never Too Late!

I am reminded of this wonderful idea every once in awhile. Maybe you, like me have thought we missed an opportunity, or have guilt-ed ourselves with the
I woulda’, coulda’ shoulda’ done that mind set. I am here to remind all of us,
no good idea is ever lost, no opportunity is missed and we do what we can with the consciousness we have at the time. That is what life is all about, learning, growing, making choices, making mistakes and expanding in consciousness.

Every day is a blessing and an opportunity to BE who you are and Serve the Divine within and all around you. In my early morning meditations I like to say, “Show me what is mine to do today, and give me the courage to follow through.”Sometimes intuitively we know what we are supposed to do. Our intuition tells us, but we ignore it for a variety of reasons. Listening to that
quiet inner voice is never too late. The beauty is we can always begin again, everyday. We have eternity to learn.

What is yours to do today?
Start that new project you have procrastinated. Take one step forward.
Visit or bring food to a sick friend or family member.
Call and reconcile with a person you have differences with.
Acknowledge the stranger and homeless person on the street.
Get involved with a cause you feel passionate about.
Forgive those who seem unforgivable. There is a Divine Spark in everyone.
Love yourself enough to allow time for rest, reflection and fun.

Most importantly, look deep into your heart space and ask It, what is my passion, my desire? What have I always wanted to do? Listen and take the first step. It is never too late to take the first step towards anyone, anything, or any new idea that is roaming around in your heart and mind. It may be simple or complex. With God it is all the same – no difficulty, no easy, just a de-sire
(of the Father) being completed in its own Divine time and way.

You and God are ONE. It is never too late for God, and it is never too late for you. You and God are the majority. Affirm it, believe it, do it.
Remember Yoda said, “There is no try, just do.”

It is never too late to blossom into the Divine Being you were meant to be.

Never Too Late to Be Me,
Abigail and Steve