Open the Door into a New Direction








Dear Friends,

I was reading in a local newspaper this past week about a 35 year old man who just became a priest. This young man had always wanted to serve people and previously was a fireman. At age 30 he felt restless, an urge within him to seek something else, and he wasn’t exactly sure what it was. He had a girlfriend and decided he was never going to marry her, so it was time to set her free so she could find the right person for her. He went through what we call in New Thought, “Divine Discontent.” Long story short, he surrendered to the Will of
God and asked that his path be made perfectly clear and eliminate any distractions and open only the God opportunities to him. So priesthood became an option and he followed his heart and his God given path.

We all have those moments, days, and time of Divine Discontent and perhaps we feel it more now that the pandemic is slowly moving out from our lives and experience. Our discontent may be that we don’t want to return to the old normal. We really want to move forward into a NEW way of being, working
and living our lives. Let us appreciate this Divine Discontent for we can anticipate a new soul calling and new spiritual purpose being made ready for us. It is here now, just waiting for us to OPEN the door and surrender to what is on the other side.

Opening the door will definitely be a change, possibly a pull in a direction that is so different than before our first reaction may be NO, can’t do it, don’t want to do it. At that point we need to PAUSE and stop looking at the new direction from a human point of view. Let us ask to look at it from God’s point of view.
It is a Higher Calling which always is meant to move us out of our comfort zone and expand into something greater than before. Life always moves us upward and onward.

Ernest Holmes said: “Nature will not let us stay in any one place for too long. She will let us stay just long enough to gather the experience necessary to the unfolding and advancement of the soul. This is a wise provision, for should
we stay there too long, we would become too set, too rigid, too inflexible. Nature demands change in order that we may advance.”

We have been in our pandemic cocoons for a long time. Now we are ready to come out, be the butterfly, blossom, expand and grow into a new calling and life.

Expanding in Life,
Abigail and Steve