Dear Friends,
I was reading a wonderful article in the Unity Magazine featuring Bishop John Shelby Spong. Bishop Spong is a retired Episcopal Bishop and still actively writes and speaks. In the article Bishop Spong described prayer as, “…an inner event that moves outward toward the world and humanity. I sit consciously inside the experience of whatever the Other, the Divine, the Holy is, and then I begin to incorporate that into myself, and I’m able to live it out better than I would otherwise. I think that in some sense God cannot be separated from who I am… God works through self-conscious human beings, by calling us to live and to love and to be, and to create a world where others can live and love and be.”
I believe we share that same belief. In New Thought we believe God is all there is, in us, through us, as us. The very essence of God is who we are. When we pray and meditate on GOD as our inner essence, that feeling and knowing continues as we step out into the world to be, and do our work. We do believe in a world that works for everyone.
A couple weeks ago I asked everyone to GOLDEN KEY a problem, challenge
or issue you may be dealing with. Did you? I did. I GOLDEN KEYed a relative who due to his politics said some very nasty and upsetting words to me with his final sentence being “no more communication.” I didn’t want to let this go, and yet if I kept trying to connect, it would make matters worse. So, I GOLDEN KEYed him and began thinking about God. I even wrote down all the words I could think of that describe God to me. I was in the flow and essence of God Presence and I forgot about this person. When I felt complete I began doing other things. The next day, I got a text and a phone call from this person and his apology was accepted.
Immersing one’s self in God clears and clarifies all situations.
Being in the experience of the Divine, the Holy One, God, by whatever name you wish to call IT, is a coming home to our SELF. Our God Self where all is good and right with the world. It is only here in this place of surrender to the ONE that we can change our world. The “outer” always reflects the “inner.”
Spend time with your INNER GOD PRESENCE. Allow the experience to wash over you and flow through you. The blessings will manifest in your life and you will be a blessing for others.
Flowing from the Presence Within,
Abigail and Steve