Dear Friends,

Thank you to all those who prayed for me these past three weeks. For those who did not know, I was hospitalized for a few days with Colitis, Lactic acidosis and Sepsis. It was a rough and painful two weeks. This past week I finally feel like I am on the mend.

I realized as I was going through this health challenge, how I could not do all the prayers I normally do. My mind and body were working to heal. I had to rely on my dear husband for prayers and all kinds of help. I had to rely on people all over San Diego and the country to know my Truth.
There is only One Life, that life is the life of God, that Life is perfect and that life is my life now.

In times of trial, tribulation, crisis and health challenges we need each other. This is the time we rely on our faith leaders, family and friends. We cannot and do not walk alone on the earth path. A passage from the Daily Word says, “Whether the person for whom I pray is known to me or is a stranger, in the same room or in another part of the world, our shared prayer joins us in Spirit. As I pray, I affirm nothing is impossible for the Divine Presence that is within us all.”

When I could, I pictured a stream of Divine Love, Light and Healing flowing from my crown chakra all through my body and down to my toes. I then pictured a stream of healing light coming up from Mother Earth flowing up through all my body and out through my crown chakra. I knew I was in this healing flow of light and love.

Spirit is ONE living essence in all and through all. The Spirit in one person is the same Spirit in another person, for IT is ONE Spirit. That is why long distance healing works. As one knows the Truth for oneself, he or she knows the Truth for the receiver. Same Spirit Knows All.

Again may you all be blessed with family, friends and prayer partners for all challenges in your life.









Healed, Whole and Healthy,

Abigail and Steve