Dear Friends,

“I bless and give thanks for teachers. Teachers change the world by opening the minds of their students, expanding their horizons and creating new paths of possibility and achievement. Teachers sow seeds of creativity that blossom into inspiring thoughts and kindled imaginations.” (August Daily Word)

This week I want to honor all teachers. Children, young adults and adults will be going back to school with many mixed emotions. They may be fearful due to the pandemic, joyful to see their friends, worried they are not up to grade level, and anxious to start a new school year.

I understand these feelings from both points of view, the teacher and the student. As a former Kindergarten and First grade teacher, I loved getting back into the classroom, setting up the bulletin boards, reconnecting with the other teachers, making lesson plans and reading up on all my students. Usually we had a “pre-opening,” where parents and students can come into the classroom, meet me, look around and become familiar with the rest of the children. Today, this is not the case. I have talked with several teachers and the opening of school is definitely not the same. Teachers will be teaching in the classroom again, as well as teaching students online. Some of my retired teacher friends have substituted doing the online teaching. Each one said it was difficult keeping the young children’s attention. Teaching in this manner is more stressful than normal and I know of one teacher in particular who said she may need to take an early retirement mid-year.

So I ask all those who are reading this newsletter to pray for ALL teachers, administrators, aides, custodians, bus drivers, knowing the Divine Wisdom
and Intelligence, Love and Joy of God/Spirit is within them, guiding, and directing their lessons, and interactions with all students, parents and colleagues. Teaching is a “Calling.” So we pray all teachers prepare themselves soulfully and spiritually.

Blessings, Abigail and Steve