Dear Friends,
I know prayers are circling the earth for many reasons, the pandemic, racial and social justice, government leaders integrity, as well as prayers for our immediate family, friends and faith communities. I don’t know about you, but there are times when prayers do not seem to be answered, and then all of a sudden the answer appears in ways we would least expect.
Truth: Once the words of prayer are released they go into the Universal Law of Mind and are IMMEDIATELY acted upon and answered in Spirit. Spirit time is always in the NOW, and human time can seem like forever. In the Science of Mind text, Ernest Holmes says, “The Truth is instantaneous in its demonstration, taking only such time in Its unfoldment as is inherent in the law of a logical and sequential evolution… We must come to trust, although we do not see the way, we must believe the way IS OPERATIVE.
We must trust the Invisible, for It is the sole cause of that which is visible.” page 57
All prayers are answered. For example, my daughter has wanted a secure and loving relationship and children for at least 10 years. It wasn’t until January of this year she and her beloved moved in together and she became pregnant in February. Was this fast or slow? It was neither. It was in Divine Timing! I began praying for her Divine Soulmate years ago and never heard anything until WOW it happened. God’s Timing is perfect and we need to remember that principle in our lives today.
Since God’s Time is always in the NOW moment, our prayers must be affirmative and always in the now as well. Stop praying for what you don’t want and pray for what you DO want. The negative thoughts go out and return as well, so let us send our prayers out as positive and purposeful!
Our Science of Mind 5 step prayer treatment works. Here is the outline.
1. God is.….(what is God to you?) Intelligence, Wise, All Present, Loving, Active, Abundant, Joyful, Compassionate, Caring, Creator, Source…..
2. I AM (state your ONENESS with God) the essence of God in human form. God’s qualities are my qualities. God in me, as me, is me. I am created out of the essence of God. The DNA of God is also in me.
3. I speak my word…. I ask, I accept, I declare all this NOW!
What ever you are praying for, say it as if it has already happened. This is also a good time to IMAGINE it happening. Stay with the vision until if feels complete. A picture is worth a thousand words.
4. I give thanks to God and am grateful for the Divine Timing and Outcome.
I accept this and/or something greater/better.
5. I release and let go and let God’s Will be done.

And So It Is, Amen, Amen, Amen
Praying, Knowing, Trusting,
Abigail and Steve