Reconcile with Kindness

Dear Friends,

I had an interesting lunch meeting with a person from my past, who wanted to apologize to me for his past actions that caused me harm and heartache. I had forgiven him years ago, however he was in need to reconcile his past deeds.
He told me he knew all the things he did wrong and was very sorry. I appreciated his candor and his need to make things right. I know it was not an easy thing to do.

We cannot change the past, nor can we forget it (see quote above). We can learn from our mistakes, gain knowledge and insight and then more forward.
I moved forward years ago, and now I think he can move forward as well.
I am not just talking about actions or deeds. I am talking about consciousness.
I am a better person. He is a better person.
Isn’t that why we came on earth? We are here to right past wrongs, work out our Karma, forgive, reconcile and learn to love unconditionally.

Every action we take, must be one of love, kindness and/or forgiveness.
Every deed must be thought out to possible consequences of our actions.
Every time we seem to fall short, we must forgive ourselves and ask others to forgive us. When we truly see each person through the eyes of Love (God), we move forward in consciousness. This ripples out and affects everyone around us and the world.

Do you want the world to be better? Start at home, with those you know, and/or love.

Remember the Butterfly Affect.