The Science of Mind magazine’s Daily Guides are written this month by                    Rev. Dr. David Ault, minister and musician. He said, “We may strive for dreams that do not serve our present heart… Ask yourself, ‘Am I pursuing something based on an old version of me?” What a wonderful question! We all have evolved in some way. Just by getting older we have more life experiences and stories to tell. However we know some people are stuck in their lives from years ago and we hear the same stories over and over again. We are meant to create new stories, new goals, new purposes because nothing stays the same, everything grows and changes. Perfect example is the caterpillar to butterfly.

The quote above is one to ponder everyday. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Nothing changes unless we change our minds about things, issues,
people, old patterns, old ways of thinking and doing things. Do you remember the story of a mother cooking a ham? She always cut it in half. One day her son or daughter asked, why do you always cut the ham in half? The mother said, ‘My mother did it this way and my grandmother…” Was it really necessary to cut it in half? If her pot was small that was a good decision. If it was large and could hold the hold ham, was it a
good decision? Is it time for this mother to renew her mind and ways of cooking?

We can look at our lives and see if our old patterns and ways of doing things are really helping us now. What does an old version of you look like? Does it
serve you now? My old version was a person who always let others come first and held back my opinion and thoughts. That did not serve me for long. My life
changed with a divorce, a new faith tradition that upheld the strength and power of women and I found a new purpose in ministry and met people who were uplifting.
I knew as I was shedding my old caterpillar version of me, I was about to fly on my own and be my own person, like the butterfly.

Where are you today? Are you living the life you want to live? Are you tethered in mind to a past that no longer serves you or you it?
Where would you like to be. What would you like to do? As Steve says in his book, “IGNORE the NO.” Nothing is Impossible with God and God is all there is!

Being ME and Loving It
Abigail and Steve