Dear Friends,
A word kept coming to me this week as I read spiritual materials and took walks in my neighborhood. It is the word REVERENCE. When I am walking I have great reverence for the beauty of the trees, hills flowers and the beautiful gardens I pass. I feel at peace and am quiet. I also feel reverence when I pray to God, Spirit, Divine Source. There is that feeling of goodness, joy, peace, awe when in the Presence of the ONE. I know the ONE is in each one of us, all beings, and in all of nature.

It is easy to feel reverence for a spiritual leader and those who do outstanding work for human kind. It may not be so easy to feel reverence for someone you dislike, or have had ‘words’ with and cannot see eye to eye. It is at these times, we need to remember the reverence we feel for God is within each being. This is the place to connect even if we cannot share words.

I remember years ago when I was first studying to be a practitioner, a seasoned practitioner told me about a person in her real estate office who continually picked on people or took clients away. This practitioner, before going into the office, daily affirmed, the God within her is the same God within the other realtor. She saw her as God sees her, a loving emissary for good in this world. In time she noticed the realtor stopped being edgy with her and did not take any clients away. Those who are the least likeable, need to feel revered the most. Ultimate Truth of everyone and everything in the world/universe is God is who they are

Again, when we see the Good, the God in people and feel reverence for them, the energy changes. We do create our world by our hearts, thoughts and words.
Who ever you have an “issue” with, family, friend, government leader, begin to see the God within each person.

One of our New Thought Principles, written by Ernest Holmes states:
” We believe in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling presence.”

Today, feel reverence for all creation, from the smallest to the largest.
How Great Thou Art is in each one. Think it silently to all you meet and all you talk to.
All is Holy, All is Sacred, All is Revered.

With Reverence,
Abigail and Steve